Sentences with phrase «applicable case»

I don't know of clearly applicable case law on that point.
Same thing with applicable case law — you have to explain why a certain case doesn't apply or should hold relatively little value.
Through clinically applicable case discussions we'll review appropriate diagnostic testing and therapeutic interventions.
The court did a great job reviewing applicable case law addressing loss of future earning capacity at paragraphs 53 - 68 of the reasons for judgement.
There is some case law about this; the ECHR has helpfully compiled a summary of applicable case law in a document.
Reserve Bank of India replied saying that linking Adhaar Card to bank accounts is mandatory in applicable cases under the Prevention of Money - laundering (Maintenance of Records) Second Amendment Rules, 2017.
As the guesswork is removed from finding applicable case law by using natural language searching and better results filtering, how will this convert into the legal writing component of attorneys» work?
other applicable cases involving criminal assault, family violence or child abuse regarding one or both parents;
The PC should review the custody evaluation, other relevant records, interim or final court orders, information from interviews with parents and children and other collateral sources, domestic violence protection orders, and any other applicable cases involving criminal assault, domestic violence or child abuse, educational records, and analyze the impasses and issues as brought forth by the parties.
Transforming Summary Justice follow - up report, discovered that the duty to disclose unused material was complied with fully by prosecutors in only 56.9 % of applicable cases within the file sample.
This table divides and links applicable case law and literature in three uber - sections: patentability, disclosure and patent rights.
Recently, it was announced that ROSS, a legal research artificial intelligence platform powered in part by IBM's Watson technology, was unveiling a new product, EVA, which will not only find applicable cases, but quality check case citations and history.
When evaluating the risks presented by class actions, exposure was still deemed the most important variable, and companies reported a rise in the importance of applicable case law as compared to other risk variables.
Both phones have to be paid through installment plans, but the free one (we suppose the one worth less in value in applicable cases) has to be on a 30 - month plan.
While, of course, a lawyer should be aware of applicable case law about her obligations, and reference secondary sources such as textbooks where helpful, in my view a lawyer could simply follow the rules and precepts of the 1995 code and be confident that his practice was ethically and professionally solid.
duty to act within powers (deriving from the governing document, statute and applicable case law);
As you are legally married, the answer in terms of whether you owe spousal support depends upon the factors noted in the Divorce Act, as applied through the Spousal Support Advisory Guidelines and the applicable case law.
His familiarity and facility with the applicable case law, statutes, rules, and regulations allow him to devise highly creative strategies to meet clients» goals.
All noted commentary has stressed the importance of anti-SLAPP legislation providing a process for the efficient identification and dismissal of applicable cases, while at the same time, providing sufficient judicial discretion to allow for the variety of circumstances under which it will be applied.
The proposed BC Bill M 223 provides the following process for identification and dismissal of applicable cases:
Senior attorneys are not generally going to be turning to Lexis or Westlaw to search for applicable cases or master procedural details.
Thus, after rejecting the alleged infringement of art. 67 LRJCA by the judgment under appeal, the High Court to understand that it gave a succinct but substantial enough to arguments made in response instance, if it considers, however, an infringement of Art. 6.1 b) of Law 17/2001, of Trademarks, and the applicable case law.
The BC Court of Appeal set aside the reduction of support on the basis the trial judge failed to first determine whether there was a material change of circumstances, and also failed to properly interprete the arbitration award without considering the arbitrator's reasons, the application of the Family Law Act and applicable case law.
A catastrophic injury attorney in Springfield will examine the evidence of the accident, study the applicable case law, and draw on their familiarity with the local courts to construct the most effective argument possible.
What: Family law attorney Susan Alexander will speak on the applicable case law when considering whether a...
What: Family law attorney Susan Alexander will speak on the applicable case law when considering whether a prenuptial agreement is enforceable or should be set aside.
«Access Copyright ‟ s tariff seeks to require payment of an unreasonable amount of royalties for the use of works well beyond its previous licenses, beyond the scope of their legitimate remit under the current law and without regard to the rights of education institutions under the Copyright Act and applicable case law.
Speaking to lawyers at Fennemore Craig (an Arizona - based law firm and ROSS partner), Katz reports that «[ROSS] generates clean memos, and while it's no Hemingway, it offers up a functional first draft filled with summaries of applicable case law, some basic analysis, and a straightforward conclusion.
In each case they take on, the firm's attorneys go the extra mile to ensure that they are familiar with every aspect of the applicable case law and procedural rules governing that particular situation.
Although chatting informally with a colleague about your case may help point you in the right direction, a freelance lawyer who is familiar with all of the relevant facts and has read the applicable cases and statutes will be able to analyze the issues more closely.
And under the applicable case law, «bad faith» in connection with a trade secrets claim has both an «objective» and a «subjective» prong.
But a person who is not a professional lawyer typically lacks ready access to Lexis, WestLaw, and other such professional resources for researching recent and applicable case law.
How can a pro se litigant to find applicable case law and bootstrap his way through the judicial process?
the lawyers provide the judge with the applicable cases; 2.
If the payee chooses to pay service tax using anything other than online mode, the due date becomes the fifth day of the month immediately following the quarter or the month (as per the applicable case).
Maintained cleanliness of all equipment's and instruments in the laboratory as per GMP and co-operate with the maintenance engineer in applicable cases.
Looking for a challenging career as a court officer and ensuring that law in protected and is applied within all the applicable cases so that everyone gets justice.
An item is assigned an overall rating of Strength if 90 percent of the applicable cases reviewed were rated as a «Strength».

Phrases with «applicable case»

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