Sentences with phrase «applications with»

You can also use equipment that doesn't cost a lot: Therapy balls, battle ropes, and scooter boards are very inexpensive and have numerous applications with students.
Using this slot - in PC it allows you to use Office Suite applications, and download all types of applications with no cable connections.
The solution is for the federal government to approach state applications with great skepticism and go to great lengths to ensure that states intend to faithfully carry out their reform promises.
The concept behind LTI is to establish a standard to easily integrate learning applications with the Learning Management System.
AW: How did you personally become interested with UX Design and its applications with e-learning?
They include all of the areas of math concepts and applications with a short breakdown of the skill and example, as well as several practice sheets for every skill.
They are reliable, offer a wide array of installed applications with a basic purchase, and they often are very nice to look at!
- Cybersecurity — demand for applications with Certified Cloud Security Professional status rose 70 %
We modernize the delivery of applications with analytics - driven visibility, performance and security solutions, via hardware or software, on premise or in the.
- Enjoy unlimited video chat with your friends Video chat technology facilitates sharing of ideas, information and applications with others in different locations in real time.
These agents had paper profile questionnaires that the women would fill out and then the agencies would mail a package of these applications with photos attached with paperclips to them of each of the applicants.
About Friendable ( Friendable, Inc. is a mobile technology company that develops, acquires, and invests in mobile applications with a social focus.
About Blog Mac360 is about Apple and Mac applications with reviews and commentary, and a Mac user forum..
At this point you can associate different applications with Disqus for your site but for now click Continue.
Creating concept and designing solutions for enterprise class applications with an eye towards simplicity, reliability, manageability, scalability, extensibility, performance and re-use
As such, be sure to pair your applications with additional sun protection measures such as seeking shade, wearing protective clothing, and avoiding peak sun hours.
What if you want to use it for multiple applications with different recommended mounting heights?
CNL is a recognized world leader in niche catalyst production for nuclear and non-nuclear applications with significant capacity to support tritium - related technology needs and new product development.
However, even among R01 applications with no human subject concerns, median priority scores were less favorable (P =.003) and a smaller percentage were funded (P <.001) than R01 applications not involving human subjects.
In the current analysis, although applications with human subject concerns may have received less favorable priority scores for other reasons, they did not fare as well as clinical applications without these concerns.
Non-rotating fiberglass clam shell design is the cost effective solution to various instrument applications with sizes ranging from the 7 - foot and 12 - foot models to the big 16 - foot and 20 - foot domes and beyond.
Although applications with human subject concerns received poor priority scores, this did not account totally for the overall less favorable reviews and funding percentages of clinical applications.
Considering all applications together, as well as each type of application, median priority scores were less favorable and the percentages of applications funded were lower for applications with human subject concerns than for those without concerns (Table 4).
Moderna has developed a broad intellectual property estate, including more than 144 patent applications with more than 6,910 claims ranging from novel nucleotide chemistries to specific drug compositions.
«The pellet material is stronger and lighter than commercial graphite electrodes and could be promising for electrical storage applications with high energy and power densities,» he said.
«We have shown how to make 3 - D graphene foams from nongraphene starting materials, and the method lends itself to being scaled to graphene foams for additive manufacturing applications with pore - size control.»
Each primary field is associated with a specific panel, and all applications with that primary field designation are assigned to the panel for that field.
Regardless of the impact / priority score, applications with unacceptable plans will not be funded until the applicant provides an acceptable, revised plan.
This policy will take effect with all new and renewal applications submitted on or after January 25, 2010, and for all continuation (Type 5) applications with deadlines on or after January 1, 2011.
«Such a battery is definitely not suitable for use in mobile phones or electric vehicles, but it may target high - end applications with special requirements, such as the power source for implantable cardiac pacemakers.»
«The integrated tool chain will allow service providers to automatically protect the assets in their mobile applications with the best local and network - based protection techniques,» notes Bjorn De Sutter, coordinator of the project, adding that «ASPIRE will make mobile software more trustworthy by leveraging the available network connection and by developing a layered security approach of strong protections.
The modifications offer theoretically safer E. coli strains that could be used in biotechnology applications with less fear that they will be contaminated by viruses, which can be financially disastrous, or cause ecological trouble if they spill.
His group has pioneered the use of transcriptomics and — more recently — metabolomics approaches for stress signaling applications with relevance to molecular toxicology.
«You get sufficiently high NV concentrations that are appropriate for many applications with a simple procedure that can be done in - house.»
One of the closest applications with a reasonable market value was a flexible touch screen.
Now, engineering researchers at the University of Missouri have developed a material that has the ability to control these waves, creating possible medical, military and commercial applications with the potential to greatly benefit society.
This aspect of the law affects all patent applications with a priority date on or after 16 March 2013 — that is, to all patents filed on or after that date.
Pairing ferroelectric and ferrimagnetic materials into one multiferroic film would capture the advantages of both systems, enabling a wider range of memory applications with minimal power requirements.
«Our team is looking forward to developing new applications with stakeholder groups that can benefit from better soil water forecasts or assessments in future fire risk.»
In ongoing work, the researchers are collecting a wealth of data on more elaborate conversations, in the hope of building applications with much more expansive vocabularies.
During the 5 - year period from 1998 to 2003, during which the NIH budget doubled, there was a 43 % increase in first - time R01 applicants with Ph.D. s as principal investigators (PIs) and a 104 % increase in applications with M.D. - Ph.
Our sample is limited to Ph.D. investigators at U.S. institutions and includes 83,188 applications with data available for most of the explanatory variables.
Researchers are now covering a wide range of applications with a new modular system: From sonar systems to medical ultrasound technologies and all the way to the high frequency range — such as for materials testing.
We need some rapid studies on appropriate adjuvant applications with flu vaccines.
There is always going to be some local need for fossil - based fuels, you know, in industrial processing or some things you just can't do with electricity, but by and large, right, if you wanted to try to replace those sorts of applications with biofuels and things like that, then you could be off oil altogether.
So for now, hybrid batteries will be best suited to applications with low overall power demands, such as powering electronic circuitry in smart cards, credit cards with electronic chips that hold more information than magnetic strips do.
IRBs are also included, along with many pages of other information, in drug trial applications with regulatory agencies such as the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in Silver Spring, Maryland.
Many newly minted academics send dozens of applications with the hope of getting just one position, but Edwards's field, mathematics education, isn't like that.
Rogers is an alum of Bell Labs (now Nokia Bell Labs), which in its heyday was renowned for turning scientific research into engineering applications with a broad societal impact.
We demonstrate the potential for applications with two examples, gold and graphite.
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