Sentences with phrase «applies to the labor»

Though the decision does not directly address them, its logic also applies to the labor unions that are often at political odds with big business.
But he said he wants the same rules to apply to labor unions and other organizations that traditionally contribute large amounts of money to Democratic politicians.
What is original is applying it to a labor market that has long lacked efficient connections between scientists wanting work and enterprises needing their skills, whether for the short or long term.
RETAINER: A Retainer Contract is an engagement whereby THE CLIENT has agreed to prepay a sum of money to EVERNET for a specified amount of money to be applied to labor.
Because the laws that apply to the labor and employment relationship are found at all levels — federal, state, county and even city — making sense of these often conflicting requirements is more of a challenge than ever for employers.

Not exact matches

They might not even know what it is but they will still apply, which means you will have to go through their CV, translating into more pointless labor you can avoid by just being clear about what the job is.
Such Constitutional protections have ensured that federal programs such as Medicare, the Veteran Administration's TRICARE system (which provides benefits for active duty members of the military and their families), and the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA) apply the same rules to everyone they cover.
A new fiduciary standard applying to financial advisors of retirement accounts, including individual retirement accounts, is expected to be finalized by the Department of Labor within the next several months.
This fiduciary concept now applies to all advice given on retirement accounts, due to the Department of Labor's fiduciary rule.
«As Secretary of Labor, he will be able to apply his business successes in a way that will benefit all Americans - growing wages and creating opportunity.»
The Department of Labor's proposed rule would only apply to businesses that paid employees at least the federal minimum wage of $ 7.25 an hour.
Too often, local governments apply a bandage to problems that require more far - reaching solutions — including those involving pensions, bonds and labor issues, among others.
His biography contains elements of an epic novel: growing up the son of a jailed Trotskyist labor leader in whose Chicago home he met Rosa Luxembourg's and Karl Liebknecht's colleagues; serving as a young balance of payments analyst for David Rockefeller whose Chase Manhattan Bank was calculating how much interest the bank could extract on loans to South American countries; touring America on Vatican - sponsored economics lectures; turning after a riot at a UN Third World debt meeting in Mexico to the study of ancient debt cancellation practices through Harvard's Babylonian Archeology department; authoring many books about finance from Super Imperialism: The Economic Strategy of American Empire [1972] to J is For Junk Economics: A Guide to Reality in an Age of Deception [2017]; and lately, among many other ventures, commuting from his Queens home to lecture at Peking University in Beijing where he hopes to convince the Chinese to avoid the debt - fuelled economic model off which Western big bankers feast and apply lessons he and his colleagues have learned about the debt relief practices of the ancient civilizations of Mesopotamia.
-- Similarly exploited immigrant labor without labor rights (all temporary and dual purpose immigrants), employer sponsorship being the key to suppressing wages (plus all of David Card's papers and equations are wrong due to DNWR)-- Fair Labor Standards Act generally doesn't apply to office workers and other positions that corporations tag as professionals and / or managers, despite recent Obama hike of minimum applicable labor without labor rights (all temporary and dual purpose immigrants), employer sponsorship being the key to suppressing wages (plus all of David Card's papers and equations are wrong due to DNWR)-- Fair Labor Standards Act generally doesn't apply to office workers and other positions that corporations tag as professionals and / or managers, despite recent Obama hike of minimum applicable labor rights (all temporary and dual purpose immigrants), employer sponsorship being the key to suppressing wages (plus all of David Card's papers and equations are wrong due to DNWR)-- Fair Labor Standards Act generally doesn't apply to office workers and other positions that corporations tag as professionals and / or managers, despite recent Obama hike of minimum applicable Labor Standards Act generally doesn't apply to office workers and other positions that corporations tag as professionals and / or managers, despite recent Obama hike of minimum applicable wage.
This arguably affirms one of the major criticisms of the program, which holds that companies don't always sufficiently attempt to fill open positions using domestic labor before applying for temporary foreign visas.
The proposals have been in the pipeline for a while, and were released amid growing uncertainty that the Department of Labor's (DoL) own rule, the fiduciary standard rule, which applies only to retirement brokers, will be stricken from the records on the May 8.
Plaintiffs in the court case that threw out the Department of Labor's fiduciary rule declared «complete victory» against the rule and said the way is now clear for the Securities and Exchange Commission to create a new standard that would apply across financial disciplines.
Filings with the Labor Department show at least two dozen instances during the last two years in which former IBM (IBM) employees applied for federal aid because the tech giant moved their jobs to other countries.
Later I learned St. Paul applied this law of Moses to workers enjoying the fruits of their labor (1 Timothy 5:18).
Apply this idea to the international scene, to labor disputes, to racial tensions, or to almost any other social problem, and it becomes evident.
The master has an economic rent, as it were, but he does not apply himself to the fundamental human task of shaping the world through his labor.
However, this aristocratic denigration of work applies chiefly to manual labor, for the intellectual tasks of management, of government, of scholarship, and of artistic creation are regarded as quite appropriate for free men.
But «public relations» becomes absurd when we apply the same kind of advertising and promotional techniques alike to the American economic system, to business in general, to labor, to a political party or candidate, to the policies of a government, to a public utility, to a book, to a church.
My chiropractor finally called me back where she adjusted my hips, did a tailbone release, got my pubic bone aligned and in place, did a diaphragm release, and showed my MIL different ways to teach my husband how to apply pressure for when I might need it during labor.
How to deal with this problem: when you adapt yourself to the breastfeeding life, your body may find a relief for the some relaxing skills applied in labor process.
The essence of the course is systematic, intensive training in mindfulness — moment - to - moment, non-judgmental awareness — and then learning how we can apply this skill to our coming labor, delivery and postpartum experience.
«Denise was there the entire time, massaging my back and legs, applying counter pressure during contractions, offering different positions to labor in... She knew exactly where to be... If I ever have a fourth baby, I hope Denise will be there for me again.»
I have subsequently attended additional training on VBAC's and on utilizing a rebozo for labor support (a rebozo is a traditional Mexican shawl that can be used to apply pressure to the hips or support the belly.»
Using my background as a massage therapist, acupuncturist and labor doula, I applied the principles of hydrotherapy, massage and acupressure to find the most effective and fundamental techniques.
Though it only has to apply to 10 percent of its purchases right now, the district is also following a Good Food Purchasing Policy which requires food to meet certain standards for animal welfare, fair labor practices, sustainability and support of the local economy.
What have you learned from the process of labor / birth that you find yourself applying to your own life regularly?
Utilizing and applying direct pressure to specific points on the body during labor, may provide you with phenomenal pain relief.
The fee will not apply during the summer session from mid June to Labor Day, and it will not apply to swimmers older than 55.
Nurse and patient advocate Carolyn Rafferty, RN, BSN, answers:» «Mother - friendly» is a term that has been applied to maternity care in hospitals that reflects the best information from all the research available as to how women and families should be treated during labor and birth.
I wish I had been more mindful of that six months ago; I wish I would have applied the concept of «transition,» that hardest, most intense aspect of laboring in childbirth, and considered how hard all of her systems were working to burst through to six.
While in labor with back pain, some women might have their discomfort relieved by having a hot or cold compress applied to their backs.
In addition, you may reduce your odds of tearing by applying a warm compress to the perineum during the pushing phase of labor, says Dr. Ross.
External cephalic version: The term used by doctors when they apply gentle pressure on your abdomen to coax baby into an inverted, head - down position for labor
I was having back labor so Angela massaged with black pepper oil for pain relief on her hands Angela applied counter pressure to my sacrum.
Now, if I were to take my personal experience and present it as if it applies to all women and babies, as you have done, I would say something like, «With my first I went through labor, ended up with a c - section, and we had a hard time breastfeeding.
She talked to many excellent sources for this piece, such as Bertrand Weber, Karen Le Billon and Chef Ann Cooper — but clearly she went into the exercise laboring under a false premise: she seems to think that our «nutritionism» culture is what's producing subpar school meals and that if we'd just apply more common sense to our diet, we'd suddenly see France's salmon lasagne on American school trays.
Day One Skills Session offers opportunity for obtaining accurate maternal and newborn vital signs, administering medications, better understanding medical documentation including medical terminology, gaining understanding of the sterile field, assisting with fetal heart tone monitoring, and learning to administer sterile water papules for back labor and apply the TENS unit.
Harry Nespoli, chairman of the city's labor coalition, suggested letting New York apply some of the $ 400 million of unused cash from the union health - insurance fund to pay for teachers who would be fired under the mayor's $ 65.7 billion spending plan.
Voters and elected officials in each State — including the States that support [Janus]-- remain free to decide what policies should apply in public - sector labor relations for their communities.»
A labor source confirmed that there has been a push to «tighten up» the language in the legislation, which was introduced March 30, so that it would only apply to elected officials, rather than a «public official who is a member of the pension or retirement system.»
The order does not apply to Civil Service and law enforcement employees who belong to county labor unions.
Backed by their labor unions, firefighters and correction officers also obtained the same shield under 50 - a that applies to police officers.
But, nearly three months later, that key piece of legislation has still not been enacted by the Assembly, and the measure is being revised to reflect concerns by labor unions, who don't want the provision to apply to union officials who might be convicted of crimes.
The blatant hypocrisy of these religious and quasi-religious organizations, that want to impose rules and laws on other industries they don't often want applied to themselves and who benefit from a number of labor law and tax «exclusions» is fully detailed in the excellent 5 part series «In God's Name» by Diana B. Henriques that ran in October of 2006 in the New York Times:
With American labor and minimum wage laws applying to Puerto Rico, it remains difficult for hotel builders to develop in Puerto Rico as opposed to the Dominican Republic where workers earn $ 60 a week as opposed to $ 240 week in PR.
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