Sentences with phrase «apply additional efforts»

You can see and analyze the points where you could apply additional efforts to convert members as you strive for a successful and highly profitable dating site.

Not exact matches

He said increased recycling efforts will include applying for a grant for an additional 80 recycling bins at Buffalo Grove Days and the annual Buffalo Grove Invitational Art Festival, July 13 - 14.
The technique, proposed in the 1990s, saves effort by pre-computing a massive table of equations that apply to all the target numbers, then doing additional computation for each one.
Because «it only takes a little more effort for them to provide you with a number of reference letters,» he advises that you tell your reference providers that «you will be applying for such - and - such grants later in the year» and would like additional copies of letters.
The additional effort applied on this surprisingly modern and luxurious interior will help buyers appreciate the hefty price tag of the G - Class.
Once established, both the logic of applying the DRS to additional assets and the practical implications of such an effort are discussed.
An owner of a dog found dangerous to humans, who has no additional violations after a 36 month period from the date of designation as dangerous to humans, may apply to the Director to remove the animal from the list of dangerous to humans upon proof of the successful completion of at least 8 weeks of formal obedience training, other similar evidence of training, or other rehabilitative efforts designed to mitigate the risk to public safety.
Strengthen their commitment to the free and unrestricted exchange of meteorological and related data and products; Increase the volume of data and products exchanged to meet the needs of WMO Programs; Assist other Members, to the extent possible, and as agreed, by providing additional data and products in support of time - sensitive operations regarding severe weather warnings; Strengthen their commitments to the WMO and ICSU WDCs in their collection and supply of meteorological and related data and products on a free and unrestricted basis; Implement the practice on the international exchange of meteorological and related data and products, as described in Adopts (1) to (3) above; Make known to all Members, through the WMO Secretariat, those meteorological and related data and products which have conditions related to their re-export for commercial purposes outside of the receiving country or group of countries forming a single economic group; Make their best efforts to ensure that the conditions which have been applied by the originator of additional data and products are made known to initial and subsequent recipients; *» Free and unrestricted» means non-discriminatory and without charge.
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