Sentences with phrase «apply pressure directly»

Apply pressure directly to the bleeding site with a clean cloth or towel for a minimum of three minutes.
You'll use the nodes to apply pressure directly to your trigger points and release muscle tension.
By contrast, Baby Milk Action points to successes achieved by its strategy of applying pressure directly to Nestlé Chairman, Peter Brabeck - Letmathé, and Chief Executive, Paul Bulcke, by mobilising supporters of the Nestlé boycott.
«We want to achieve that same pressurization, but through mechanical counterpressure — applying the pressure directly to the skin, thus avoiding the gas pressure altogether.

Not exact matches

Asking her a question that directly applies pressure, such as «what makes you think you are better for this job than all the other candidates?»
This is because the liver locates on the right side of the human body; sleeping on the left side will make sure that the pressure of the growing uterus will not be applied directly onto the liver, thereby improving the circulation of the heart and to the uterus, fetus, and kidneys as well.
Ridiculitis occurs when pressure is applied directly on the nerves on your skin especially those regulated by sensory fibers of nerve source1.
It can be applied directly to a bleeding area using moderate pressure.
Maintaining the consistency of the brushstrokes while varying the amount of paint and pressure applied, Lee keeps «expression to a minimum in order to achieve the maximum» (L. Ufan, Lee Ufan, Tokyo, 1993, p. 3) The almost hypnotic repetition of marks that comprise From Line is created by the artist pressing a brush loaded with blue paint suspended in viscous glue directly onto the surface of the canvas, then repeating the process until there is barely any pigment left on the filaments of the brush.
This monotype, which is a type of printmaking where ink or paint is directly applied to a flat surface, which is then rolled through a press to transfer the image to a sheet of paper by way of pressure, is a unique, one of kind print.
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