Sentences with phrase «applying light strokes»

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Lightning strokes could stimulate people's brains and cause them to hallucinate bright blobs of light the same way a medical procedure that applies magnetic fields to the brain does, two physicists propose.
When investigators at the Stanford University School of Medicine applied light - driven stimulation to nerve cells in the brains of mice that had suffered strokes several days earlier, the mice showed significantly greater recovery in motor ability than mice that had experienced strokes but whose brains weren't stimulated.
I apply one light stroke on the inner lashes but extra strokes on outer lashes.
Using a brow crayon — they're easier to apply than gel or thin pencils — in a color one shade lighter than your hair, make small strokes that follow through your natural brow shape.
Apply to the center of your face with a light dabbing motion before blending outward with light even strokes.
PRO TIP: For lighter polish colors, you'll need to apply 2 colors to reach full opacity and avoid those pesky, translucent brush - strokes!
After applying primer, I use another bareMinerals product, the stroke of light eye brightener.
Then, with the same two fingers, apply the peach shade to the apples of your cheek with light strokes.
Too - dark brow pencil and a heavy hand have a severe, aging effect; instead, use a pencil one shade lighter than your natural color and apply with soft, short, diagonal strokes that follow the direction of your hair growth.
To further lighten up my undereyes, I apply BareMinerals Stroke of Light Eye Brightener to the same undereye triangle & blend.
Your best bet is to apply with the wand and use lighter strokes to diffuse the edges.
It's a pretty basic input device even though it can detect angles, pressure sensitivity, and force, allowing you to apply dark or light strokes depending on how hard you press.
Using a synthetic bristle paint brush apply the Polyshades in light, even strokes in the direction of the natural wood grain.
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