Sentences with phrase «appoint an official representative»

Not exact matches

One of these obligations was being the official appointed student representative of the Humanities faculty by the university.
There are five pension funds in New York City, which, unlike the state pension fund, are run by boards of trustees comprised of elected and appointed officials and union representatives.
Even though both New York and New Jersey elected officials had recently appointed representatives to a bi-state working group to help guide the creation of a new bus terminal to replace the obsolete, little - loved facility, and even though the two delegations had conducted a perfectly cordial meeting in Nadler's office as recently as Oct. 27, all hell broke loose on Tuesday.
In addition to Poloncarz and Whyte, entries were evaluated by a judging pool comprised of representatives from environmental groups, higher education institutions, arts and cultural organizations and elected and appointed officials from various levels of government.
Having these representatives appointed by these various officials really puts this whole process in the sunshine and causes their deliberations to be public.
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