Sentences with phrase «apportioned equally»

1 (1) When by fault of 2 or more persons damage or loss is caused to one or more of them, the liability to make good the damage or loss is in proportion to the degree in which each person was at fault but if, having regard to all the circumstances of the case, it is not possible to establish different degrees of fault, the liability shall be apportioned equally.
On appeal, the plaintiffs» requested that the judgment dismissing the action against Mr. Vicentini and Ford Credit be set aside and liability be apportioned equally between those two defendants and Mr. Hoang and requested that the amount of damages be increased.
To buttress this argument, there is a growing body of academic literature that makes the point that the atmosphere belongs to everyone on earth, the available carbon space must be apportioned equally, and going by that, India has a lot of its quota left.
As long as the burden is apportioned equally on individuals in all areas it's fair.
-- will fall to be apportioned equally.

Not exact matches

The other portion of the «New 40», says Art, should be roughly equally apportioned among currencies, commodities, specialized equity (REITs and MLPs) and gold.
Ideally, all emissions globally should be taxed / regulated equally and apportioned according to where public costs are realized or to those investing in mitigation efforts, etc; absent that, there could be an agreement to allow countries to put tariffs / subsidies on imports / exports according to associated emissions and differences between national policies.
Do you think crypto assets should be equally apportioned in the event of a divorce?
If the spouses can not agree how to divide property and debts, they will proceed with a contested divorce, and eventually the court apportions these things equally.
Both parents share these additional expenses equally unless this is not reasonable and then they are apportioned based on each person's net spendable income.
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