Sentences with word «apprehended»

Yes, because this is a nature which is immediately apprehended as subject, and it is the subject itself which becomes object in its own act of experience and understanding.
Science always abstracts to some degree from the universe and its significance as it is apprehended in primary perception.
We may now lay it down as certain that in the distinctively religious sphere of experience, many persons (how many we can not tell) possess the objects of their belief, not in the form of mere conceptions which their intellect accepts as true, but rather in the form of quasi-sensible realities directly apprehended.
Or, rather, it has thereby introduced or apprehended a dichotomy at the center of actuality.
Whether by way of the iconoclasm of the prophets of Israel or the logos of Greek thinking, the West has negated the immediate actuality of the world, and subordinated world as such to that which is apprehended as lying beyond or apart from it.
Is it used and apprehended with commensurate sincerity and sobriety?
This is appalling, and it serves to exemplify what I would call the poetic: the presence and activity of inexhaustible, indeterminate enormity apprehended in a discrete space.»
However, only a very small sector of this universe is apprehended with any degree of vividness.
Both the Heideggerian and Whiteheadian views attempt to witness to God's inexhaustible presence, which is apprehended only by an adequate understanding of the world.
But perhaps it parallels that world insofar as it, too, is a religiously apprehended world, and a positively and fully religiously apprehended world.
The CN of God is the cumulative actual being of the cosmos at any given moment, as apprehended by God in his PN.
Necessary existential truth (metaphysical truth) means to be capable, in principle, of being apprehended by any knower.
Now the connections between discrete phenomena can be apprehended only as metaphor — for once they were perceived as immediate realities — and it is the function of the poet to see these connections as immediate realities, and to make others see them, «again» (my italics).
Unless you have glimpsed its holiness and apprehended it for the gift that it is.
The sacramental principle, in which created matter and form can be apprehended in some authentic way as images of God, and as ways towards union with Him, is fundamental to the Catholic and Orthodox attitude to art, whereas the Protestant theological system relies on the priority of the word over the image as the medium through which God communicates Himself to us, and by means of which we apprehend Him.
Ironically, neither can it be regarded as a «noumenal reality» and apprehended under The Critique of Practical Reason, because in his analysis of the antinomies of reason, Kant postulates that the thinking self is an immortal soul.
Is it not the light whose miraculous appearance is quite unaffected by whether the darkness apprehended it or not?
The reader who has been apprehended by the Word in the Bible knows that anyone who quotes the Bible to sanctify the status quo is prostituting the Scripture.
Reading the Bible as Scripture requires allowing ourselves to be apprehended by what the writers have to say.
At no point can the reader prove he has been apprehended by the divine Thou.
So one surely can talk about Abraham, for the great can never do harm when it is apprehended in its greatness; it is like a two - edged sword which slays and saves.
What is apprehended is an Incipient telos.
What you are learning is so precious, thanks for spreading this word and being a portrayal of Micah 6:8 & the wider context of pursuing God to find out what it was that He apprehended us for and set us free to be.
In Jesus Christ, prepared for through the long preceding development of Jewish religion, and His meaning apprehended through the long centuries of subsequent Christian experience, man is given a vivid and striking disclosure of the eternal Reality; and given it not through the retailing of information but through the whole content of a Life.
But the consequence of participating in Jesus» death must be clearly apprehended.
But this is not necessary because the point is clear: the basic purpose of the Bible is not fulfilled when one learns about its outlook and contents, nor is it really fulfilled when one is apprehended by God by reading it.
For it must be in intuitions that two contrary modes of knowing are merged — that is, an immediate focus that «enters into» what is apprehended and at the same time enacts a process that includes some aspect of spatializing thought, distinguishing and somehow distancing.
When the reader risks looking with the Bible and being apprehended by its God, he also risks treating his own religious and social traditions the way the writer treated his.
In other words, having perceived how the divine Thou apprehended them in their own histories, and having grasped certain implications of this, they interpreted their situation (or the history of Israel) in this light.
The tragic hero apprehended a higher expression of duty but not an absolute duty.)
Again, even if what is thus apprehended is of the same kind, the distinction is great enough — has enough breadth — to require consciousness to function by modes that themselves appear as different in kind.
Although God may not be differently comprehended in the New Testament, he is differently apprehended there.
Certainly one of the indisputable offices of theology is to open the mind of the present community to the way in which the primitive Church apprehended the event that became the focus of its self - understanding.
Now such meanings can not be apprehended with the same kind and degree of objectivity as formal facts can be.
Inevitably, as a natural consequence, this awakening must enhance in us, from all sides, a generalized sense of the organic, through which the entire complex of inter-human and inter-cosmic relations will become charged with an immediacy, an intimacy and a realism such as has long been dreamed of and apprehended by certain spirits particularly endowed with the «sense of the universal», but which has never yet been collectively applied.
(2) The resolve by which the gift is apprehended is identical with the abandonment of control of one's own life.
In Christ the hidden God is apprehended «not to sight, but to faith.
The stories and rituals in which they were apprehended were the language of a consciousness enslaved to these unconscious meanings.
He apprehended God in terms of his present activity, as presently under - stood, but also accepted without challenge the authoritative witness to divine activity in the past.
As we have hinted, theories about the mode of that presentness reflect an almost presumptuous human attempt to define and describe what can be apprehended only by faith.
The Christian revelation has always been apprehended as the Word of God, not merely a word about life, but the entry into human history of a new meaning which has become operative in shaping the course of history.
Freedom, however, is always apprehended before such an objective experience as a transcendental experience in which the subject knows himself to be free.
The Christ who is apprehended by faith imputes his righteousness to the penitent self.
He says,»... the entity itself with all the reality of life it ever had, no more and no less, is added to the de facto sum of entities apprehended in the subsequent phrases of the divine life.
Perhaps too it is only a slight overemphasis to claim that all answers are the same answer, and that through the centuries man has merely sublimated and refined the answers which his most remote ancestors first vaguely apprehended.
Even if only implicitly, this is the deepest theological claim of a uniquely modern idealism, and for the first time, the deepest ground of the Bible and of Christianity itself is apprehended as becoming incarnate in a purely conceptual expression.
Last year over 10,000 pre-teenaged boys were processed through the Texas court system as «status offenders» (juveniles apprehended for offenses that would not have been offenses if committed by adults).
They apprehended and carried them to the theater, where the enraged multitude assembled to decide what form of action should be taken.
Because the exaltation of Jesus to be the Lord of men is a conviction which can be apprehended only by faith, it is hard to see how such a conviction could have grown in their minds except in the same way as similar convictions about God had always emerged in the past.
This optimistic approach to man's virtue and the problem of evil expresses itself philosophically as the idea of progress in history.17 The empirical method of modern culture has been successful in understanding nature; but, when applied to an understanding of human nature, it was blind to some obvious facts about human nature that simpler cultures apprehended by the wisdom of common sense.
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