Sentences with phrase «apprehension of bias question»

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The Canadian Judicial Council panel's ruling released Aug. 20, states that questioning by the committee's counsel, George Macintosh, of witnesses Michael Sinclair, former managing partner of Douglas» former law firm, and of her husband Jack King, «created a reasonable apprehension of bias on part of members of the committee.»
Indeed an allegation of reasonable apprehension of bias calls into question not simply the personal integrity of the judge, but the integrity of the entire administration of justice.
For instance, the question whether overlapping functions which would ordinarily create an apprehension of bias are authorized by statute would naturally fall in the deferential home statute category.
The court noted that the third area of proposed questioning was not relevant, since a continuing relationship to the former firm was not part of the allegation of apprehension of bias raised by PowerServe.
The case reached the Supreme Court on the question of whether these comments gave rise to a reasonable apprehension of bias — a divided Court issued four separate sets of reasons.
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