Sentences with phrase «approaches gloss over»

In a series of posts entitled «Better Conversations About Biblical Womanhood,» I argued that this approaches glosses over some important realities about how we actually engage the biblical text:

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His attempts to justify slavery are nonsensical and take the typical dishonest approach of equating slavery with modern day employment or indentured servitude (glossing over verses that permit «owners» to beat their slaves so long as they do not die immediately).
You need to be more methodical in your approach because run - on presentations are glossed over.
Yet Harris seems to have adopted the Hollywood approach to glossing over tragic social problems.
While the respect oozes from Hamilton's former peers (with just a tinge of bitterness and resentment toward his popularizing a once - secret surfing spot), the man himself has more of an it - is - what - it - is approach to his accomplishments — glossing over heavier topics such as child abuse («it was just training») and even downplaying his own innovations («ideas come out of boredom»).
With a script penned by Andy Bellin, the film has approached the complexities of Lovelace's early career and later anti-porn stance by generally glossing over them, relying on camp humor and an overly stylized aesthetic.
So rather than just trot out earnings yield as another tool (for people to gloss over), I'm trying to use / offer up tips & techniques — i.e. specific approach (es) to investing / analysis that help combat my (& hopefully a lot of readers») negative biases & to promote positive biases instead.
, with approaching territory most travel bloggers would rather gloss over, like race (and they do gloss this over).
«Our approach to value is much deeper than that - we focus not just on price, but also on proportionality, resource allocation, communication, predictability, and efficiencies that most firms gloss over,» he explains.
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