Sentences with phrase «appropriate goal weight»

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It is possible to pray for success in achieving such goals as weight reduction without being blasphemous as long as one understands the appropriate context of prayer.
«Finish» the legs with higher reps and lower weight (of course, use an appropriate exercise for this goal).
In many groups, the members decide on an appropriate weight loss goal and keep track of their own weekly losses using charts, graphs or spreadsheets.
Once you know what your ideal weight is you can set weight loss goals that are appropriate and realistic according to your needs.
Counting calories will help determine if your total calorie intake is appropriate for your weight management goals.
Eating 1,800 calories a day may be appropriate for you, depending on your age, gender, activity level and weight - management goals.
During a caloric deficit, both fat and lean mass are lost [4, 5]; however, the goal is to lose body weight an appropriate rate to minimize muscle loss.
Lean Bulk When gaining weight, a combination of fat and lean mass will be gained; however, the goal will be to minimize fat gain by slowly gaining weight at an appropriate rate.
More physical routines may be best if weight loss is your goal, but simple breathing exercises and gentle poses may be more appropriate if you're looking for stress relief.
Learn the appropriate proportions of carbohydrates, fats, and protein, whether your goal is to increase lean muscle mass or gain / lose weight.
My goal for the rest of the year is to lose weight and find treatments to enhance fertility and balance my immune system at the moment I am taking a diet, but not if it is the most appropriate.
Investors construct their portfolios based on investment goals and risk tolerance by assigning appropriate weights to different asset classes and categories (or how much dough should go to each class).
The key is determining what your individual pet's needs are, as well as their ideal weight range, and then taking the appropriate steps to meet those needs and achieve those goals.
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