Sentences with phrase «appropriate in a sexual relationship»

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Included in Reines» online post was a link to the Times story, in which Gillibrand (D - N.Y.) said it would have been the «appropriate response» for Bill Clinton to resign in response to revelations that he had a sexual relationship with a White House intern, Lewinsky, while he was president.
The Ontario Court of Appeal has stated that «when a manager or other senior employee engages in serious sexual harassment and denies that the misconduct occurred or otherwise refuses to recognize the unacceptable nature of his or her conduct, termination of the employment relationship may be the appropriate employer response».
«Members of the TWU community, therefore, commit themselves to:... observe modesty, purity and appropriate intimacy in all relationships, reserve sexual expressions of intimacy for marriage, and within marriage take every reasonable step to resolve conflict and avoid divorce...»
It equips participants with accurate, age - appropriate information in six subject areas: human development, relationships, personal skills, sexual behavior, sexual health and society and culture.
Parents and educators often discuss the importance of establishing healthy intimate relationships as well as safe sex practices and appropriate sexual activity in these relationships.
Analyze appropriate and inappropriate sexual behaviors in relationships where one member suffers from dementia, and know when and how to assess for ability to consent.
The program delivers factually accurate, age - appropriate information on sexual health and relationships and includes built - in opportunities in each lesson for parents to talk with their children.
The original studies examined the characteristics and contexts of gender - appropriate treatments that help girls improve their supportive and productive relationships and level of functioning in the community, and reduce their criminal activity, drug use, and health - risking sexual behavior.
The study aims to examine the characteristics and contexts of gender appropriate treatments that help girls reduce criminal activity, drug use, and health - risking sexual behavior and improve their supportive and productive relationships and level of functioning in the community.
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