Sentences with phrase «appropriate items»

Giving your pet appropriate items for chewing is also one of the best ways to keep him from making your footwear and other possessions your pup's target of this normal canine activity.
When their chewing goes from a focus on appropriate items like a bone or a chew toy to your furniture, handbags, shoes, and more, you need help!
A more appropriate item will be something that is chewy.
The aesthetic can be a bit girly - girl, but there are a ton of work appropriate items as long as you don't work in a business formal environment.
One of the best parts of the holiday season is decorating the house with seasonally appropriate items.
However, chewing can be directed into appropriate items so your dog is not destroying items you value.
Your job it to teach your dog to chew only appropriate items.
You also need to keep copies of each instructor's license, the performance bond, certificates of insurance, and other appropriate items.
Teaching puppy appropriate items to chew can save a life.
Aside from choosing gift appropriate items, it will also be best if you take time to research and understand the changes that they are undergoing at the age of 13.
A little white dress is the perfect warm weather appropriate item for spring, making it a classic wardrobe essential that you must have in your arsenal.
Therefore, dog and puppy chewing is considered to be a natural behavior and, with training, it can be directed to appropriate items before it becomes a behavior problem.
And, please choose species appropriate items for your bird's enjoyment!
It is also important to provide plenty of healthy chews and treats that help scrape plaque off a dog's teeth — most will willingly chew on appropriate items.
She'd rather not have the sale or end up ringing up a less expensive, but more appropriate item, than having the customer go home with something they don't need.
There are tactics to safely and positively redirect your cat so she avoids furniture and scratches only appropriate items.
Methods: We either developed or identified appropriate items from existing
Maintained a clean department by straightening hangers and placing appropriate items in specific departments for a neat and welcoming customer environment.
The Form 1099 - R that veterans receive from the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) usually has the correct amount to claim on your federal income taxes, with appropriate items included and excluded.
One fine day, I had some but not all of the ingredients to make romesco, as well as a few baba - ganoush appropriate items, and I was craving some kind of powerful...
Emma chose the clothes herself (the website offers a range of age appropriate items, so I was happy to give her this freedom) and really enjoyed modelling them for me (there's more on my Instagram feed), she's such a natural!
Other new items bearing the MARTINI RACING logo are men's and women's jackets, t - shirts, sports bags, belts and assorted summer - appropriate items including board shorts, flip - flop sandals and beach towels.
Chewing can, however, be directed onto appropriate items so your dog isn't destroying items you value.
Methods: We either developed or identified appropriate items from existing... questionnaires for ten scales, which are conceptually based in work stress models and reflected either work - related demands or resources.
Because many pups are still growing until they reach 2 years, the Dogster website recommends purchasing adjustable collars, harnesses, crates and coats that will grow along with your pooch so you're not constantly purchasing and replacing size - appropriate items as he matures.
The colorful, large - scale wall sculptures made of appropriated items — ranging from alcohol caps to tin can lids — and Anatsui's -LSB-...]
Teachers learn how to choose appropriate items from a databank of carefully constructed items, administer them in their classrooms as «exit slips» or quick assessments, and use OGAP learning trajectory frameworks to analyze the underlying student thinking that can guide future instruction to deepen student understanding.
Limiting yourself to 12 or 20 or 33 seasonally appropriate items seems unlikely to be a lasting commitment.
It does not matter whether a pet retailer sells aquatic livestock and supplies, dog food and supplements, or grooming tools and equipment, successful sales and high customer satisfaction are achieved by selling the most appropriate items for a customer's needs.
Give your hamster appropriate items to chew, such as a hay or a wood block, and sit back and enjoy watching him hold it in his little hands as he chomps away.
You can help encourage your dog to be a happy, busy, lifelong chewer who enjoys chewing appropriate items rather than your stuff.
Cheektowaga, NY Sales Associate August 2002 - May 2003 Utilized comprehensive product knowledge and enthusiastic personality to quickly determine customer needs and recommend appropriate items.
• Negotiated prices with factories to develop cost appropriate items and communicated with the owner and costing department.
A comfy mesh sweatshirt sounds like the least office - appropriate item in the world, but Jaime makes it work by wearing a fitted Michael Stars version tucked into a polka - dot skirt (though, obviously, pick one that doesn't say hell for the office) and adding polished accessories including delicate necklaces, a structured bag and pointy - toe booties.
Rabbits can be destructive: Rabbits are natural chewers, and they do not know the difference between chewing on appropriate items or inappropriate ones such as electrical cords, furniture, and books.
Blah, anyways I really like this inspiration image, it's an easy one to replicate even with work appropriate items, I really like how the leopard printed shoes continue the line of the pants.
Identify the seasonally appropriate items from bin 6 and your duplicates and try to work them into three outfits over the next two weeks.
One fine day, I had some but not all of the ingredients to make romesco, as well as a few baba - ganoush appropriate items, and I was craving some kind of powerful dip / spread / sauce.
Provide glue sticks, scraps of colored paper, cloth, yarn, crayons, magazine pictures or any age appropriate item that can be used to decorate their hats.
Providing appropriate items for your puppy to focus on can sometimes be a simple way of solving a mouthing problem.
Whenever your puppy nips or bites, redirect your puppy to use his or her mouth on a more appropriate item.
Fortunately, chewing can be directed onto appropriate items so your dog isn't destroying things you value or jeopardizing their own safety.
Get yourself some extremely yummy treats or even catnip and use it to reward your cat when he scratches his post or other appropriate items.
Additionally, you are in complete control of what objects they have access to in their confinement areas, so they may learn to chew only appropriate items.
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