Sentences with phrase «appropriate places remains»

How the appropriate genes are switched on in appropriate places remains a problem.

Not exact matches

The herd has been placed under quarantine and we are working with our public health colleagues to determine the most appropriate next steps to ensure that both public health and animal health remain paramount and protected.
A request for an investigation and appropriate disciplinary action has already been filed with appropriate officials but if any parents are aware of specific instances where children were required to remain in the testing room or have been told that their child will be forced to stay in the testing room, they are asked to send statement that includes when the violation took place, where it took place and any information about which school officials were involved in the breach of the SBAC test protocol.
Your pooch will be peeing in the appropriate place in not time as long as you remain cool, calm and consistent when potty training your puppies or dog.
When endotracheal tubes are used, they should remain in place during recovery from anesthesia until appropriate protective reflexes have returned.
Until biomedical engineers and surgeons come up with elastic material, placed in the appropriate place, it will remain a very imperfect surgery with generally disappointing results.
Andrew has appeared in a number of recent important human rights cases including R (Plantagenet Alliance) v Sec of State and others concerning the appropriate resting place of the recently discovered remains of Richard III.
On receiving the stock I study the expiry dates and temperature requirements very carefully and then store the drugs accordingly in appropriate storage sections, placing the ones with lesser remaining expiry period in the front shelves.
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