Sentences with phrase «appropriate running conditions»

Referred to also as the recuperation of power, Brake Energy Regeneration concentrates the development of electric power for the on - board network on appropriate running conditions either with the car in overrun or when applying the brakes.

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To investigate cloud — climate feedbacks in iRAM, the authors ran several global warming scenarios with boundary conditions appropriate for late twenty - first - century conditions (specifically, warming signals based on IPCC AR4 SRES A1B simulations).
«To investigate cloud — climate feedbacks in iRAM, several global warming scenarios were run with boundary conditions appropriate for late twenty - first - century conditions»
The control run uses constant values for the radiative forcing due to heat - trapping gases (greenhouse gases) and human - induced aerosols appropriate to pre-industrial conditions.
They breach that duty, for example, if they do not drive safely for weather conditions, if they run a red light or stop sign, if they fail to yield when appropriate, if they text while driving, or if they drive drunk.
In all such circumstances, municipalities can take appropriate preventative steps to prevent a poor road condition from developing and based on Giuliani v. Halton can not wait until the appropriate accumulation has arisen before the time period within which they must act begins to run.
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