Sentences with phrase «appropritions subcommittee hearing»

The subcommittee heard several witnesses who cast Eritrea's government in profoundly negative light.
Mehmet Oz, the host of the Dr. Oz show, testified in a Senate subcommittee hearing Tuesday and acknowledged that his backing of so - called «miracle» weight loss products have «provided fodder for unscrupulous advertisers,» Consumerist reported.
The health subcommittee hearing will tackle the controversial issue with a range of participants representing hospitals, PBMs, insurers, drugmakers and more.
Lawmakers had pointed questions for Apple chief executive Tim Cook and two other top company executives Tuesday at a Senate subcommittee hearing examining the technology giant's tax practices.
After the event with Bush, Fu headed to the Rayburn House Office Building to appear in front of a subcommittee hearing on human rights to discuss the Chen case.
A few years ago, Representative Dan Burton (R., Ind.) opened a congressional subcommittee hearing on human trafficking by stating, «It is hard to believe in the 21st century that we are even talking about this.»
Erasmus notes the appearance at a congressional subcommittee hearing last week by the Hudson Institute's Nina Shea, who spoke about the suffering of Mideast Christians and America's responsibility to them.
Strong supporting evidence that major league baseball should spread over the country in the 1960s came from Washington, where a Senate subcommittee heard testimony on two bills — S. 616 by Senator Keating and S. 886 by Senator Kefauver — both designed to prevent monopoly and preserve opportunity in professional sport.
In July 1964 a House Armed Services subcommittee heard witnesses regarding the practice of industrial firms, working on cost - plus contracts, to charge off recreation and entertainment expenses to the Government.
Quinn's office distributed her letter in the wake of a star - studded City Council subcommittee hearing held earlier Wednesday on how best to renew Madison Square Garden's permit to operate as a large - scale arena.
Katko said he had to battle with the Obama administration to produce witnesses at the House transportation security subcommittee hearing he chaired Tuesday.
Katko, a member of the House Homeland Security Committee, chaired a subcommittee hearing Tuesday, Feb. 3, 2015, that examined the insider threat to security posed by airport employees who have clearance and access to planes.
Katko, R - Camillus, submitted his legislation only two days after he chaired a House Homeland Security subcommittee hearing that examined recent security breaches at airports, including one that involved an insider scheme to smuggle guns on planes.
Making sure airports are as secure as possible was the focus of a congressional subcommittee hearing held at the federal building in Syracuse Monday.
«My subcommittee hearing earlier this week stemmed from security breaches in which loaded firearms were brought onto commercial airplanes by employees with airport access privileges,» he said.
Rep. John Katko (R - Camillus) chairs a Congressional subcommittee hearing on airport security in Syracuse Monday
The recent Senate subcommittee hearing revealed the divide: Is case - by - case authorization for videos an important privacy protection, or is it an annoyance in today's digital world?
The subcommittee heard from two reform supporters, Hyman from Netflix and privacy law attorney Christopher Wolf.
«If the solar storm of 1921, which has been termed a one - in -100-year event, were to occur today, well over 300 extra-high-voltage transformers could be damaged or destroyed, thereby interrupting power to 130 million people for a period of years,» Joseph McClelland, director of the Office of Electric Reliability at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, said at a May 31 House Energy subcommittee hearing on the issue.
«It's a big black eye if scientists are making false and fraudulent representations,» Republican senator Arlen Specter, of Pennsylvania, told representatives of ACT during a Senate subcommittee hearing.
... But when I present my own research at a meeting, I'm completely humorless, like a Senate subcommittee hearing, or an Adam Sandler movie.
New Jersey's largest utility company, PSE&G, said at the subcommittee hearing that during Sandy they staffed up their Twitter feeds and used them to send word about the daily locations of their giant tents and generators.
At today's health subcommittee hearing, the experts invited to testify echoed many of those suggestions.
«CCS technology is feasible; it is available,» she said at a House Energy and Commerce subcommittee hearing Wednesday.
Given the situation, Senator Dianne Feinstein (D — CA), the chair of the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Energy and Water Development, warned at a 9 April subcommittee hearing that the U.S. program could be in jeopardy.
The unfolding legal dispute over human embryonic stem cells shifted to the political arena today as senators sounded off and prominent scientists pleaded their case before a Senate subcommittee hearing.
Naylor and Finistirre spend most of the movie dimly regarding each other in the media, but they face off at the climax, when the senator calls the spokesman to his subcommittee hearings on regulating tobacco.
But due to remaining ambiguities in the Bush budget plan, advocates for child - nutrition programs said at two House subcommittee hearings last week that they would continue to monitor the fate of Section 4 of the National School Lunch Act.
Sharon P. Robinson, the president of the Washington - based American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, said at a House education subcommittee hearing that teacher education has changed dramatically over the past several years as a result of reforms launched by the states, universities, and the federal government.
During a Senate subcommittee hearing last week on research in vocational education, Marla Peterson, dean for research at the University of Tennessee, claimed that last year's bidding process on the national center's contract was unfairly affected by «the direct political action» of the American...
S 2412, the «Bilingual Education Improvements Act of 1982,» was introduced April 21 by Senator S.I. Hayakawa, Republican of California, and was expected to be the subject of discussions at a Senate subcommittee hearing April 23 and 26.
As CCSA prepared for the education subcommittees to vote on the charter school items, it became clear that these proposals would face an uphill battle in their subcommittee hearings.
Certainly you can expect the likes of Manhattan Institute wonk Max Eden (who, for some reason, was testifying at a House Judiciary subcommittee hearing on school safety convened a month after the Parkland Massacre) to make big hay of the Maryland Republican's complaints.
The subcommittee hearing underscored the importance of federal policy continuing to require minimum standards for entering the teaching profession.
DeVos demurred on that question during a House subcommittee hearing.
NSBA letter «Helping Students Succeed Through the Power of School Choice» asks the U.S. House of Representative subcommittee hearing to review the options provided by public school districts such as local magnet schools and charter schools authorized by local school boards to military academies and those schools offering STEM.
Testifying before a recent House Financial Services subcommittee hearing on initiatives designed to improve government programs assisting challenged homeowners, FHA Commissioner David H Stevens noted that the FHA, «must balance the need to help struggling homeowners with the recognition that we can not and should not help everyone.»
Education Secretary Betsy DeVos is expected to testify next Wednesday at a House Appropriations subcommittee hearing about the then - released budget and may offer some insight into the proposals.
At the US Senate subcommittee hearing on October 19, Eric Noll of the NASDAQ presented an analysis showing that «trading in ETFs varies roughly in proportion with overall trading in the market.
Artists» rights Senate subcommittee hearing, Washington, D.C., 1974.
This print addresses the flow of water from the Midwest to the East, reflecting Rosenquist's own trajectory from Minnesota to New York.18 He attends a Senate subcommittee hearing with fellow artist Robert Rauschenberg to lobby for legislation regarding artists» estate inheritance taxes and resale royalties.
There's a House subcommittee hearing today on that very question: «Energy Development On The Outer Continental Shelf And The Future Of Our Oceans.»
With a likely gap in critical weather satellite coverage beginning in 2016, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has not developed sufficient contingency measures to ensure that weather forecasts remain as reliable as they are today, according to three new federally commissioned reports and lawmakers at a House subcommittee hearing.
Well, just finished watching the final dregs of the Senate subcommittee hearing.
Their bill underwent a contentious subcommittee hearing May 23.
This point was made clear at a recent House Energy and Commerce subcommittee hearing, where witnesses emphasized the enormous value that the changing dynamics in the global energy markets offered for the U.S. economy and America's energy security.
«CCS technology is feasible; it is available,» McCarthy told lawmakers at a House Energy and Commerce subcommittee hearing Wednesday.
This message plays well in the House of Representatives, so it's no surprise that Curry was called to testify at a subcommittee hearing there this spring.
EPA's statutorily prescribed, affirmative duty under the Clean Water Act to protect the natural environment and the public health of citizens played second fiddle to the concerns of coal mining representatives at a July 14 House Oversight subcommittee hearing.
House subcommittee hearing features testimony from people who have received funding from fossil fuel interests and primarily advocate for the continued use of fossil fuels over renewable energy.
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