Sentences with phrase «approval as»

Take a mental note that the POA would have to be prepared and provided to the lender for their approval as well.
And depending on the situation, they might increase the chance for mortgage loan approval as well.
It will also introduce new listing accuracy measures designed to maintain high levels of data consistency and integrity on any website to gain CREA's approval as well as commonly used search engines across Canada.
The application process is automated to help borrowers know their financial standing and what else is needed for approval as they input personal details.
Any plans for use of the excess air - rights will be subject to Landmarks Preservation Commission approval as the property lies within the Upper West Side - Central Park West Historic District.
More information about applying for approval as an ISST Certification Training Program can be found here.
4.3 Once the assessment has been completed and the recruiting service informs the foster carer that they intend to seek their approval as a foster carer through the panel and decision maker, the foster carer should give written notice of resignation to their current service.
There is no fee for agencies to seek approval as a providers of clock hours.
Please contact your licensing board to determine your continuing education requirements and for reciprocal approval as approvals vary per board regulations.
If a person does not maintain approval as an approved supervisor under AS 08.63.120 and this section because of noncompliance with the continuing education requirements of (b) of this section, the person may apply to the board for reinstatement of the approval.
Approval as an NBCC Approved Provider was just received in March 2018.
In New York State, the required qualifications for approval as an adoptive family varies depending upon the type of adoption being planned.
Failure to be truthful or fully disclose pertinent information could result in the denial of approval as adoptive parent (s).
Failure to be truthful or fully disclose pertinent information could result in the approval as adoptive parent (s) being revoked.
Important Note: Pursuant to New York State adoption law, United States Citizenship and Immigration Services requirements, the Hague Convention on the Protection of Children and Cooperation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption and the federal Intercountry Adoption Act of 2000, applicants who wish to become adoptive parents and all adult household members (older than 18 years) in a prospective adoptive home must agree to disclose with candor and honesty all information pertinent to their adoption and personal history as required for their approval as adoptive parents.
Meanwhile, ST for forensic patients has become the first treatment to receive the official Netherlands Erkenningscommissie approval as an evidence - based approach.
Nikkie has completed the requirements for, and is awaiting approval as a, Registered Play Therapist; is a certified AutPlay Therapy provider; and is a registered parent educator for Circle of Security International.
for preparing asset sale analysis for Executive Management approval as well as operational supervision and... planning and organization.
Review vendor invoices for authenticity, accuracy, and terms, gaining departmental approval as needed.
• Prepare reports, records, and outgoing communications, obtaining official signatures and approval as necessary.
To help expedite your review and approval as an affiliate, you should go ahead an email us at [email protected] with brief information about your business and the product (s) / service (s) you plan to promote.
The company is currently looking for the official stamp of approval as reported by
The bill would require congressional approval as well, so don't get your hopes up.
This legislation takes a major step forward in curbing the worst abuses of patent trolls, and CPF supports efforts to move the bill promptly through the House Judiciary Committee and toward full House approval as quickly as possible.
Have no more than six points on your driving record for moving violations during the 12 months before applying for approval as a RiderCoach.
The Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (the «Assessment») determined the option of using Wild Turkey Road in the Approval as receiving the best overall score.
The man nodded, not so much in approval as in acknowledgment of what was expected.
Response: The minimum necessary requirements in the final rule have been revised to permit covered entities to rely on the documentation of IRB or privacy board approval as meeting the minimum necessary requirements of § 164.514.
He recently acted for the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales in relation to its successful application for approval as a regulator and alternative business structure licensing authority in the field of probate services, and its implementation.
So it would be prudent to actually read your cloud vendor «s report instead of just looking at a Webtrust seal of approval as a symbol of trust or due diligence on their part to ensure they have the proper controls in place.
All of these threats are then given a legal stamp of approval as the letter concludes by saying, «the claiming of civil damages was affirmed by the Divisional Court in Hudson's Bay v.White.»
The team has played a key role in resolving a number of regulatory issues and in securing exchange control approval as a precondition of the merger.
Draft the agreement, review it with the client in all respects before it is sent to the other lawyer (making sure to get the client's approval by e-mail on it before it is sent out) and forward it to the other side for approval as to form and content.
We are here for you until you receive visa approval as a U.S. Business Immigration Consulting Firm.
And why are we approaching legal fees approval as a building blocks exercise to begin with, working from the bottom up rather than from the top down?
Lastly, the recommendation was to «submit the guidelines to ISO, for approval as an ISO standards, in conjunction with SC5».
It was developed following a rigorous procedure that included drafting and review by experts in the field, comments by the membership, and careful review by the AMS Council prior to approval as a statement of the Society.
Arizona has 271.9 MW of RES (Renewable Energy Standard) Approved Contracts in Development and about 100 MW of Contracts Pending Approval as shown in the Arizona Utility Scale PV Projects slide.
Arizona Arizona has 271.9 MW of RES (Renewable Energy Standard) Approved Contracts in Development and about 100 MW of Contracts Pending Approval as shown in the Arizona Utility Scale PV Projects slide.
The odd thing is, if Professor Ove Hoegh - Guldberg had simply asked at the start to make a statement (like a professional scientist normally would) Professor Carter (who chaired the meeting) would have gladly done so and I would have given my approval as well, even though he has called both myself and Dr. Carter «liars» in advance.
We will submit all future Supervisor Skills Webinars, including a soon - to - be-released Supervisor Skills 101 course module, for RACE - approval as well.
Please note: submission of a transport application and signed waiver does not guarantee approval as an NJSRN transport volunteer.
To meet AAFCO (Association of American Feed Control Officials) approval as a full meal, the food must contain caloric density or energy required by your dog based on his body weight and the recommended daily serving amount.
The requirements for approval as an additional preceptor are the same as those for primary preceptors.
As we begin to approach the amount of the initial payment made upon arrival, we will discuss what additional diagnostic and treatment is being proposed and if you agree to pursue that plan we will request providing verbal / written approval as well as additional payment, which, when added to the amount of your initial payment, will equal one - half of the high - end of the new estimated costs.
This step in our adoption process is also essential to the foster home approval as well.
Several types of dewormers can be prescribed by your veterinarian for eliminating gastrointestinal worms, while only two specific drugs have approval as treatments for heartworms.
But some of the so - called tax reforms that seemed on the cusp of approval as we went to press may have unexpected consequences.
As to the requirements for approval, provided that you are up to date with the payments there will not be a problem with approval as you are already showing that you can repay debt with higher monthly payments.
You won't have trouble finding a lender or getting approval as long as you have a regular paycheck, but as with any financial decision, do your homework.
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