Sentences with phrase «approval of academic institution»

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Until academic institutions confer their seal of approval on this particular function, companies of all sizes will have to get millennials into sales by actively recruiting and training them.
They also have to show that their business somehow meshes with the academic mission of the host institution and win approval from the SUNY Board of Trustees and state economic development officials.
NIH examines indicators such as the track record of graduates in academic medicine positions, time to graduation, overall student happiness, how well the program integrates the medical and scientific training, and most importantly, the quality of the scientists and science available to the MD / PhD students; NIH manifests disapproval or approval of a program by decreasing, increasing, or maintaining the number of funded trainee positions at that institution.
This study is a beautiful example of multidisciplinary team science at partnering academic institutions advancing a life - saving therapeutic from the laboratory, to preclinical studies, deftly though complex regulatory pathway, to the clinic and — with final FDA approval — hopefully into the marketplace.
As reported by ESR News in May 2010, the former student was indicted last year on 20 counts of larceny, identity fraud, falsifying an endorsement or approval, and pretending to hold a degree, and was «untruthful» in his applications for scholarships and in falsifying transcripts that detailed an impressive academic career at top educational institutions.
As well as seeking approval from the ethics committee of the academic institution or hospital where the research will take place, the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) stipulates that for Aboriginal health research, the ethics approval process must include an assessment by, or advice from, people who have connections with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples or knowledge of research in the area, and who are familiar with the culture and practices of Indigenous participants in the study.9 Most states and territories have their own dedicated ethics committee for Aboriginal health research proposals (Box 2).
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