Sentences with phrase «apt one»

Now Matthew and Luke continue with Jesus» apt comparison of the men of that generation with children in the marketplace, peevishly complaining that their companions will not play either a happy or a mournful game with them (Mt 11:16 - 19; Lk 7:31 - 35).
Of course, any, five - word formula is apt to have its shortcomings as a description of a complex constitutional construct, but it is curious that so much negative emotional baggage seems to have become attached to this one.
@Chuckles: The analogy of father / son is not apt at all because the lessons god tries to teach us get lost when people enter heaven.
«Until we know the power of divine grace, we read in the Bible concerning eternal punishment, and we think it is too heavy and too hard, and we are apt to kick against it, and find out some heretic or other who teaches us another doctrine; but when the soul is really quickened by divine grace, and made to feel the weight of sin, it thinks the bottomless pit none too deep, and the punishment of hell none too severe for sin such as it has committed.
What an apt discription of wyat our world is like — and too many believers and churchhes are no better.
But you have to remember the troubles were a long struggle and they were not so apt to abandon what they had fought so hard for.
But they are far more apt to be interjected into the more adult sitcoms and late - night comedy, and to be reflected in films, editorials, art, fiction, and memoirs considered enlightened and liberating.»
Perhaps because the Klan is universally familiar, Americans are apt to ignore or even to laugh at it, yet to underestimate the hatred inherent in the Klan's ideology and the violent and criminal acts that this ideology so often motivates its adherents to commit, is to make a serious error.
There is no external evidence that is apt to confirm the adequacy of the reconstruction.
1 Timothy 3:2 A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach; 1 Timothy 3:5 (For if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God?)
One can certainly detect, for instance, a growing skepticism toward «modernity» in the form of master narratives and instrumental reason, possibly because Latin America has so often had a painful experience of these narratives and the exercise of such reason — experiencing them from the «reverse side of history,» to use Gutiérrez's apt phrase.
As it happens, the word «tragic» is especially apt here.
Yet the decisiveness of the act is partially a function of God's activity, which is in one sense different here than in other places, for the particular ideal aim given here is such as to give particularly apt expression to his being.
While many have dubbed such affiliations as cultural Judaism, the more apt term would be social Judaism.
What Whitman wrote in Democratic Vistas a century ago is even more apt today:
Descriptively, what construal seems the most apt one, and why?
Lincoln was willing to say that it was possible that he did not fully know God's will, that he always had to weigh carefully each situation to discern God's hand in history; thus, he was more apt to find it than the clergyman who bluntly stated that he was positive at all times what the will of God really was.
When we do not want anything told, we are apt to quote from David's lament over Saul and Jonathan,
Granted that punishment has these four aims, we may now inquire whether the death penalty is the apt or necessary means to attain them.
I'd also mention the Crusades, but those knights were just as apt to kill fellow Christians as Muslims.
Yet the hindrances that have been discussed thus far are more apt to daunt a novice in the art of prayer than one who through long experience has gained assurance and a sense of divine companionship.
It is more apt to result in effective therapy since it recognizes that in its advanced stages alcoholism is a sickness.
Today's fundamentalists who proclaim that the end is nigh are apt to anticipate the destruction of the world with enthusiasm.
Troubled people are more apt to seek help from a clergyman than from a member of any other professional group.
Lacking this sensitivity, a counselor's advice, like that of Job's «comforters,» is apt to be a burden rather than a blessing.
With new awareness of their theological and pastoral value, preachers in these churches might practice the discipline of preparing an apt collect to follow each sermon, and youth leaders and church educators might generate innovative ways to teach this form to children and youth.
Once again, we should be on our guard lest language, which may now and again be liturgically apt and poetically appropriate, be taken in our preaching as if it were literal and precise.
Is the God of love we are told is portrayed in the New Testament an apt description of God?
When you find a church that is focused on what Christ has done for sinners, and not on what «WE DO», you are much more apt to find a healthy church with people who love each other, even with all the difficulties that sinners hanging out with one another bring.
Though one might compare God with a frog, that does not make their comparison an apt description of God.
The analogy is apt — Aquinas believed in such a thing as an intellectual appetite — but a limited one.
During these years couples need a supportive network of relationships most, and yet are least apt to have one.
Liturgy commissions used to produce guides (perhaps they still do) with a selection of hymns that had some tangential relevance to the readings, but never to the texts of the introit, gradual, offertory or communion, for which they were meant to be apt replacements.
(Women, by contrast, being more relational and better able to deal with ambiguity, are thus more apt to deal with evil in themselves and work out the evil in their relations with others.)
Then, as persons accustomed to depend on alcohol for sleep, when deprived of it, are apt to suffer from insomnia, I should add suggestions as to sleep and rest.
For other scientists, doctors or whatever the specialists may be, are apt to jump to the conclusion that «religion» is simply an emotional escape.
And even though one understands something about prayer and is himself nourished by it, one is apt to feel that it is presumptuous to talk much about it.
And so began the veritable cavalcade of fruits, berries, and legumes the pregnancy industry has selected as apt representations of the little life growing inside of me.
It is indeed apt.
Modern Christianity is apt to look back upon the religion of Puritan days as joyless; yet as we have earlier suggested it may be questioned whether there is not a greater lack of joy in modern religion, with so many of its exponents tied up in nervous knots.
Biblical norms and historical models must be related to contemporary possibilities with an imaginative grasp of what this history is apt to imply for those who see it against the background of their own fears and choices.
In general suicide attempts are more apt to be successful among older persons.
Experienced speakers know that there is no better way to make a point than to use an apt illustration, and a good story that fits the point is the most effective kind of illustration.
Perhaps it might be an apt description of something they or someone else has imagined, but nothing about that means it is in any way accurate.
On the campaign trail, Cain is more apt to talk about his business acumen and leadership skills than his faith.
Holloway «sargumentation, however, is more technical: He argues that love is spiritual and is «made» «through the spiritual soul» «not through the body as [the] principle of eliciting», [3] and the body is not apt to be the cause of spiritual union per se.
One should not fight God and insist that he give us his Word in another way, or, as we are more apt to do, rework his Word along theological or cultural prejudices that turn into a minefield of principles, propositions, or imperatives but denude it of its ad hoc character as truly human.
And let me assure you, this hair is an apt metaphor for her little personality — she's a riot, absolutely stuffed full of mischief and trouble - making but pure sunshine.
An apt and cheerful conversation about marriage must be part of our dialogue today.
We preachers of the gospel must first see for ourselves, and then we must help our people to see, that it is wrong to take language that is symbolically apt and use it as if it were language that is philosophically and scientifically precise.
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