Sentences with phrase «aquarium setups»

Selling aquarium setups is as easy as one, two, three: (1) put together packages that will appeal to a wide variety of customers; (2) merchandise these items attractively and at suitable price points; and (3) once a sale is made, follow through with expert advice that will help customers position and assemble their new purchases.
Just as it's helpful for shoppers to see aquarium setups at retail, the same can be said of industry buyers at Global Pet Expo.
Typical aquarium setups use a plastic frame to support and keep the glass from bending under pressure.
Without a doubt, the best way to sell aquarium setups, as well as fish and aquarium products, in any pet store is to have displays that show off great fish and fabulous décor.
King suggests that any pet retailer that sells aquarium setups should have either maintenance available through the store or a trusted third - party affiliate.
When selling aquarium setups, give customers a valuable gift along with the hardware they are buying — give them inspiration to create their own personal themed tanks.
Smaller aquarium setups can be furnished with smaller, dimmer lights while more intense lighting is recommended for deeper tanks as it may be difficult for the rays to move through deeper water.
I can't imagine a more important customer service for a pet shop to provide than aquarium setup installations for novice fishkeepers who want a fishtank, but don't have a clue how to set it up.
Lighting is one of the most important aspects of any aquarium setup, ranked well above the tank, stand and décor items as far as retail sales are concerned.
API Perfect Start consists of three envelopes to use on Day 1 when setting up the aquarium, as well as Day 14 and Day 28 after the aquarium setup.
The etched glass Fluval Spec V aquarium setup also comes with Nutrafin Aqua Plus Water Conditioner and Biological Aquarium Supplement, as well as a low - voltage power supply for increased safety.

Not exact matches

The scientists came up with a very clever test setup: The elephantnose fish was in an aquarium.
«The idea behind our product is to get beginners started in marine aquariums with a complete setup,» said Kevin Gaines, owner of Biota Aaquariums with a complete setup,» said Kevin Gaines, owner of Biota AquariumsAquariums.
A truly dynamic exhibit consists of a reef tank next to an aquatic garden setup; both will take some time to mature, both will need high - tech lighting and both do best when there is no cover on the aquarium.
Still, the rock décor segment offers many natural varieties that are perfectly suited for aquariums, and can add beauty and authenticity to a tank setup.
These are usually reserved for marine reef aquariums, but they work really well for any setup.
Likewise, only fish listed for small community setups should go in small tanks; these fish can, however, be placed equally successfully in medium or large aquariums.
The single most important element in any aquarium — water quality — is usually given less consideration than any other aspect of the entire setup.
With all of the equipment included, and instructions that make it simple to set up, a nano - tank makes a great aquarium for anyone who is contemplating their very first setup.
Pets Pets Pets also has some larger aquariums set up with fish for sale that again look more like display tanks, such as the mainly fantail goldfish setup [photo # 3].
API desktop aquariums are designed for easy setup, while providing the necessary components for successful fish keeping.
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