Sentences with phrase «arbitrary because»

(2) that the motion judge's equalization award was arbitrary because he did not follow a mathematical formula used in other s. 5 (6)(e) cases.
But those principles are confused and arbitrary because at its heart, there exists a void.
That and the term «isothermal» are arbitrary because, while necessary to get the result you want, they are not consisstent with the initial conditions you've already given, or the final state that will evolve from those initial conditions after the addition of the shell.
Modelers may claim that these feedbacks are not arbitrary because they must exist, otherwise real climate would fuctuate madly.
But even then the «fraction of the anomaly due to global warming» is somewhat arbitrary because it depends on the chosen baseline for defining the anomaly — is it the average July temperature, or typical previous summer heat waves (however defined), or the average summer temperature, or the average annual temperature?
These travel blogs all have amazing stories of adventure to destinations all over the world We feel that ranking the blogs would be arbitrary because both the tastes of readers and the contents of blogs vary greatly.
The M235i gets the nod because it is the most entertaining to drive quickly, but choosing a winner almost feels arbitrary because when you dig beyond the surface, they actually have little in common.
Voting intention polls often fool us into seeing variations between men and women as being arbitrary because they appear unpredictable, but there are some important and meaningful underlying trends that are worth investigating.
IF you are coming from a naturalistic worldview, then, of course choosing one religion over another is arbitrary because everything in a naturalistic world is born of an arbitrary reality.
* Arbitrary because if you lived in ancient greece, you would be praying to Apollo.
It is arbitrary because you could just as easily use the summer solstice or an equinox, whatever your arbitrary choice.
«Yes, it's arbitrary because it's a big round number,» says Butterfield, 41.

Not exact matches

Musk, who several months ago demoted Eberhard to president of technology and installed an interim CEO, argues that Tesla is a hit precisely because he hasn't sacrificed the car's performance to meet any arbitrary near - term goal.
More than 75 % of company retreats are absolute failures dominated by «circular conversations and way too much partying» because they «are arbitrary decisions based on a task and not a result,» says Alan Weiss, an organizational development consultant with a client list that ranges from JPMorgan Chase and the U.S. Federal Reserve to Hewlett - Packard and Mercedes - Benz.
That's because most «limits» are self - imposed and arbitrary.
Well, it's because where a city draws its lines is somewhat arbitrary.
Americans for Annuity Protection has engaged in active outreach to leaders of influence to establish the argument that the DOL's fiduciary rule should be returned because of the analysis performed by the department is flawed, inconclusive and arbitrary; it is not compatible with the Uniform Security Law or established insurance law, and the law has potential conflict with the Dodd - Frank requirements to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on reviewing a uniform fiduciary standard.
Get ready for more years of gridlock and uncertainty in the world's most important economy, all because Republicans wanted to secure a big corporate tax cut before an arbitrary deadline of Christmas 2017.
You do not arbitrary have customer loyalty because a customer bought from you once.
Unfortunately, no — because the entire concept of race is arbitrary to begin with.»
My selections get even more arbitrary here, because I'm both including songs deliberately seeking to revisit or rework the original sound, and ones that, perhaps unintentionally, to my mind evoke it.
Maybe not quite similar, because the religion you accept does depend on some arbitrary factors out of our control, such as the country of our birth.
But you see the injustice in that — how arbitrary it is to deny women certain rights or positions or opportunities (with men being denied nothing) and figure there must be a good reason (because you're a good guy).
Because the relation between symbols and the things they stand for is arbitrary, symbolic etiquette is a powerful means of communication.
These people can't accept that reality because it would mean that they have no reason to oppose homosexuality other than a completely arbitrary rule that divides humanity into two different classes without any real reason to do so.
People are tortured because of the arbitrary and obviously unclear rules that your god puts forth.
In fact it is quite arbitrary to choose the gene as the only meaningful unit of organization in matter, because that is already a relatively high level of synthesis built upon preceding patterns of physical and chemical order.
My knowledge of humanity's evil is therefore not arbitrary or groundless, but you're assuming that it is because you KNOW that your model of knowledge is better than mine.
Nevertheless it must also be emphasized that such law is not left to the arbitrary will of the authorities only because it exists by custom or by a legal act and is therefore of human, not divine right.
Hare argues that such a morality is not arbitrary, because it fits the nature God gave us in creation; still, it is contingent, and the «second table» of the Ten Commandments might have been rather different, had God decided to make it so.
If you are saying that God should be obeyed simply because He is God, then that is arbitrary morality / justice, which is not moral or just.
because of arbitrary rules they made up.
His point is not that we should, or even do, live in everyday reality all the time; rather, it is that everyday reality is a familiar world and yet an arbitrary world, because it is a world constructed of symbols, social experiences, and casual presuppositions.
Like the concept of the Chosen People, election has often been regarded as an objectionable idea because it makes the deity seem arbitrary and unjust to many.
Euthanasia is morally wrong because it involves the arbitrary killing of innocent life.
On the other hand, war is defended by Bonhoeffer because it is not arbitrary killing.
Niebuhr said that moral pride «is revealed in all «self - righteous» judgments in which the other is condemned because he fails to conform to the highly arbitrary standards of the self.
Thus freedom is always called to decisions which can not be derived from general norms and eternal laws alone (even though they must not contradict them) and which nevertheless are not left to an arbitrary choice but claim the whole man because of his special call.
So, either they mean sin is arbitrary, and God is arbitrarily against gay people only, or they doubt the sincerity of our love or the health of our relationships... no, no judgement there...) Love should always come before or instead of judgement, but not because sexual sins aren't significant.
I mean, killing someone because you don't think they measure up to some arbitrary celestial standard is rather extreme, I would think.
God is bad because he kills people by the millions, not for logical or natural reasons, but for capricious, arbitrary, and sometimes, frankly, silly or repugnant reasons.
It is a progression which we can analyse, which is traceable backwards also, and we can trace it backwards as a «history» because neither the «environment» nor the natures under our consideration are found to be arbitrary and chaotic, even though they are part of a transformist order of being.
For physics the laws declaring how its entities mutually react are arbitrary, «because that science has abstracted from what the entities are in themselves» (SMW 155f.).
Because there's nothing arrogant about believing that a being powerful enough to create the universe is watching you and reading your mind 24/7 to make sure that you obey a set of arbitrary laws set down by a specific group of middle - eastern men thousands of years ago, and listening to your prayers so that he can fulfill your requests if he feels like it.
I think the biological family is especially compelling to us because it is, in fact, very arbitrary in its composition.
The book's description of GIFT is accurate, but to say that the Church's prohibition of artificial insemination doesn't apply in this case because what is inserted into the recipient woman is no longer only sperm but a catheter containing both a retrieved egg and sperm retrieved after intercourse only lays Catholic bioethics open to the charge that it is based on an arbitrary set of boundaries discernible only to the well initiated.
Because of all these opportunities for arbitrary decision, only a small number of those convicted of capital crimes are actually executed.
Furthermore, this polarity is methodologically well founded because it realizes the historical premises of phenomenology (in this case the history of preliterate peoples) according to the principle that without history phenomenology tends to vanish in a more or less arbitrary subjectivism.
Faith is not based in reality... it's arbitrary arrived at by whomever is believing what they want to believe so if you feel that someone is out to destroy your FAITH... maybe you better REEVALUATE YOUR FAITH if its that weak... take 2 plus 2 which is 4 and can't be destroyed because it's based on facts through experiments...
Because there are a zillion different religions, many claiming to be the one «true» religion, and many of those religions have belief systems based on intolerance, small - mindedness, and fear, and we don't want to be subjected to those arbitrary capricious fairy tales.
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