Sentences with phrase «arbitrary distinction»

Your language is quite confusing, drawing arbitrary distinctions that do not actually exist.
To anticipate compliance, the program screens people using criteria that are job related and a business necessity, and avoids arbitrary distinctions.
Of course, it's a rather arbitrary distinction and buyers can choose to suit their tastes or the size of their wrists.
The response also did not elaborate on why the Xoom is being shipped with the 1x voice calling channel activated since tablets are usually shipped with data only hardware. This is not unprecedented for Verizon, as it has previously made arbitrary distinctions between hardware and software in order to exercise control over device sales and pricing, such as the Bluetooth profile incident with the Motorola V710.
The principle of equality simply demands that the rule of law «apply to everyone without making arbitrary distinctions among people.»
What incidents have taken place, we wonder, that would call for this seemingly arbitrary distinction between «evangelizing» and «proselytizing»?
The scope of Rules 2.04 and 5.03 sufficiently address the dangers raised by intimate relationships between lawyers and clients without arbitrary distinctions and unnecessarily punishing lawyers.
If there are arbitrary distinctions about ceramic art as less than serious, these theoretical snares do not extend into this gallery space.
Not only does this interpretation run into arbitrary distinctions — what to do with halal and kosher meat, green electricity, or products with high animal welfare standards — it also seems counterintuitive.
• avoid arbitrary distinctions based on age, religious belief, or other personal characteristics;
«The new system draws arbitrary distinctions between refugee claimants.
Thank God as that was a confusing and seemingly arbitrary distinction to make clear to end users of Google Assistant that had multiple devices with it present.
Then there's the absurd and arbitrary distinction we draw between bad drugs (illegal, immoral) and good drugs.
The defense also asserts that Lemon is making an arbitrary distinction between Xapo «employees» and «advisors,» writing:
(This is an arbitrary distinction.
This appears to be an arbitrary distinction.
Unlike the existing ZEC program, which drew an arbitrary distinction among the state's nuclear plants, Flanagan's proposed «Zero Carbon Emission Investment Program» would make Westchester County's Indian Point nuclear plant eligible for subsidies.
The patriotism which comes from minority groups is often based on a clear - headed recognition of the benefits of life here, rather than the arbitrary distinction of simply being born here.
(For my own sake, I make an arbitrary distinction between algorithms [artificial intelligence] and devices that simulate neural plasticity [artificial brains].)
Therefore, there is no arbitrary distinction from an energetic standpoint between you and me.
The revised date still places the HD Collection's date within March, allowing March of 2012 to retain its arbitrary distinction as the most Silent Hill - intensive month in living memory.
Jones, in just two films, has revealed the possibility for a real artistic identity: someone interested in proximate realities and the maybe - arbitrary distinctions we draw between what is «real» and what's a perceptual reproduction of reality.
«As a result of these arbitrary distinctions» in hiring and firing, the complaint reads, «children of substantially equal age, aptitude, motivation, and ability do not have substantially equal access to education.
«Innocent» people are getting harmed and «guilty» people are going unpunished, because of an arbitrary distinction that's been drawn, and it's over something that no - one's ever shown any harm from in the first place.
While it may seem like an arbitrary distinction — image vs. place — the two could not be further apart.
Centering on the problems as well as the possibilities of memory and forgetting, the piece addresses the arbitrary distinctions that can be ascribed to power and possession.
Meanwhile, your ardent free - marketer relatives may be giddy about Secretary Perry's proposal to upend competitive wholesale markets by paying coal plants for the arbitrary distinction of holding 90 days of fuel.
JS: I have never subscribed to the arbitrary distinction between tiny houses and apartments.
To include the salacious details of these relationships within the Rules of Professional Conduct would only create an arbitrary distinction.
Arbitrary distinctions between refugee claimants based on their country of origin and mode of arrival into Canada, creating a two - tiered system that deprives certain claimants of essential legal and procedural protections for no principled reason.
That's a little disappointing, but at least Apple has eliminated the arbitrary distinction between the iPhone and iPad when it comes to Siri support.
The consequence is that NTRBs are forced to make an arbitrary distinction between these processes and choose which one they are going to fund.
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