Sentences with phrase «arbitrary laws»

And to the original article, any marriage will fail horribly if it's based entirely on following silly arbitrary laws that deny human nature.
«Thus insofar as the relationships of these feelings require an appeal to subjective forms for their explanation, the gap must be supplied by the introduction of arbitrary laws of nature regulating the relations of intensities» (PR 447).
Heather: This is the most painful process Iâ $ ™ ve even participated in â $ «politics taking precedence over childrenâ $ ™ s lives, the different value placed on children in a country where it is common for children to die, the lack of urgency, difficult communications, arbitrary laws enforced (or not) at someoneâ $ ™ s whim.
Because there's nothing arrogant about believing that a being powerful enough to create the universe is watching you and reading your mind 24/7 to make sure that you obey a set of arbitrary laws set down by a specific group of middle - eastern men thousands of years ago, and listening to your prayers so that he can fulfill your requests if he feels like it.
Is it realy religious freedom if it is based on arbitrary laws that the pope can overrule at anytime?
Worst of all, perhaps, there is the narrowly moralistic idea, where God is conceived to be the governor of the world who imposes arbitrary laws that must be obeyed or those upon whom they are imposed will suffer ghastly punishment — a picture of God that some sadistic pervert might have thought up, modeling deity after his own character.
The whole idea of trying to police a set of sometimes logical and sometimes arbitrary laws through a combination of rule setting, surveillance, «keeping the peace», and punishment gives me the hives.
If all people are created equal by virtue of inalienable rights (those rights which don't come from government - see 9th Amendment and «inalienable rights»), then any laws must acknowledge the self - ownership of all individuals otherwise they are illegitimate (we know that governments are bad about this since they make arbitrary laws which harm people which violated no one else's rights but merely violated a law - like seat belt laws).
Physicists tend to recoil from Kauffman's notion of a universe that emerges from countless arbitrary laws because the universe we see seems to be remarkably regular in structure and behavior.
It clearly displays many evils of slavery and arbitrary law enforcement as well.
Such constant propaganda can form the impression, however unconscious at times, that the Church is some sort of arbitrary law - imposer that delights in removing the fun and freedom from people's lives.
This will include a strong sense of personal sin, not as the mere breaking of some arbitrary laws but as as a sort of self - mutilation in the disfigurement of our true, originally sinless humanity.
Allah is an absolute and arbitrary law - giver, «merciful» only in the sense that he has reiterated his commandments through one last prophet.
Then when we hear God saying «Sin no more,» we hear a vengeful, wrathful God punishing us for breaking His arbitrary laws, for having the gall to disobey His will.
They [humans] would be able to enforce arbitrary laws
He added «These arbitrary laws are hurting kids every day.
They don't need hard and arbitrary laws to enforce.
The right way to protect the welfare of animals and public health is to address specific problematic behaviors — not to pass punitive and arbitrary laws.
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