Sentences with phrase «arbitrary punishments»

This could result in a form of arbitrary punishment by the state, not only before sentencing, but before there was ever even a trial.
If the issue is not about witch - hunting or just arbitrary punishment, once you charge him repeatedly over and over, people will see through that and concluded that you are just doing what you're doing to just punish the individual.
A toddler can unmeaningly heap arbitrary punishment upon a young and impressionable puppy.
«All of these life domains are increasingly controlled by secret models wielding arbitrary punishments
Discipline is preferred over arbitrary punishments in authoritative parenting, and independence and maturity in children are both encouraged and fostered by parents.
And yet it is these very spaces of exchange and experience that are most akin to the conferences among parents, teachers and students that my school insists upon, in lieu of arbitrary punishments.
Brutal or arbitrary punishment will not do; loving and just punishment is a necessity for the fullest achievement of character.
Authoritative parents are also less likely to control their children through harsh or arbitrary punishments, shaming, or the withdrawal of love.
The answer has never been an arbitrary punishment.
You will be isolated, humiliated and subject to arbitrary punishments, sometimes including starvation, by guards.
However, in 2003, the Supreme Court of the United States explained in State Farm v. Campbell that the Fourteenth Amendment prohibits «grossly excessive or arbitrary punishments
Both make more sense than arbitrary punishments.
Parents who use an authoritarian parenting style send the message that children must cooperate with their parents «because I said so» by implementing techniques such as shaming, withdrawal of love, or arbitrary punishments.
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