Sentences with phrase «arc of history»

From New York Times» columnist David Brooks and Jason DePerle, to paleo - eugenicist Charles Murray, to Robert Putnam, and even otherwise thoughtful school reformers such as Thomas B. Fordham Institute's Michael Petrilli, there has been plenty of questioning about whether the economic mobility that has allowed America to bend the economic and social arc of history toward progress can continue.
Teachers emphasize the long arc of history and the importance of the values espoused in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights through activities and lessons highlighting its various components.
So begins a sweeping saga of an exceptional family in exile from its homeland and caught in the indifferent arc of history.
The result is a compelling — though somewhat surface and limited — musing on the grand arcs of history and the role of art in the development of civilization in western history.
There's a wide - eyed exuberance to his work, a sense of wonder at the vast arc of the history we all share, and the glory of women, that bespeak youth and the excitement of a life just beginning.
What's more exciting is that the arc of history bends toward spiritual renewal.
Larry Harvey, the founder of Burning Man in the mid 1980s, has a vision that Burning Man and its spinoff communities and festivals will change the arc of the history of the 21st century.
Good to be patient...» the arc of history bends slowly towards justice.»
He has posed this question to the bank's experts: «What can we do to fundamentally change the arc of history to end absolute poverty more quickly than is currently predicted.»
Like many movies that turn the past into entertainment, «The Post» gently traces the arc of history, while also bending it for dramatic punch and narrative expediency.
That discouraging example notwithstanding, however, the arc of history suggests that the most important question facing supporters of school choice going forward is not how victory can be achieved, but what it should look like.
Charlottesville is another wake - up call to reformers to bend the arc of history away from bigotry and towards progress for all of our youth.
They must be participants in the political processes that can be used to either bend the arc of history towards progress or suppress the liberties of Black, Latino, and immigrant communities.
We request from You, Father, the wisdom and energy to continue bending the arc of history toward progress, to help America live up to its place as the City Upon a Hill, to honestly address the ills of the past so everyone can move forward.
Yet without those indomitable women, the arc of history would have bent far more slowly toward justice.
The arc of history was liberal.
Marie Watt draws from history, biography, Iroquois proto - feminism and Indigenous principles to address the interaction of the arc of history with the intimacy of memory.
This is a poetic, if not literary title that speaks to the arc of history, and the cyclic and repetitive nature of civilizations to emerge and die.
Her work draws from history, biography, Iroquois protofeminism, and Indigenous principles, and addresses the interaction of the arc of history with the intimacy of memory.
As the arc of history has shown, it never has been viable.
When it comes to injustice, the arc of history is so long that it's hard to sense the movement.
It should be hard to miss the arc of history from the Powell memo to the present seamless garment of the Republican party (re-aligned to a southern base via Nixon's «southern strategy»), the dedicated wingnut media, the wingnut «think» tank network and related fake grassroots operations like the tea party, all funded by and aligned to the interests of the wingnut billionaire network (notice that these people even have an annual meeting?)
While many mission - driven investors believe that the arc of history bends towards justice — that companies which create positive rather than negative externalities will prevail — in the case of climate friendly investing, it may actually be true.
I believe the arc of history bends the legal services market towards better service and more access — but that arc isn't going to bend itself.
The arc of history is in the process of bending, and it's not bending towards a lawyer - only legal market.
«Disappointed that this is one more anti-consumer notch on this FCC's belt, but hopeful that the arc of history is bent in favor of net neutrality protections.
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