Sentences with phrase «archaeological layers»

So those segments are the oldest archaeological layers of the book.
The Châtelperronian industry follows the Mousterian in archaeological layers at all sites where both occur.
The beads were found at Blombos Cave in South Africa in archaeological layers dated between 75,000 and 72,000 years ago, during a time period marked by four distinct layers of artifacts called the Still Bay tradition.
If you can pick a moment when you're not having to reconstruct your child's homework from archaeological layers of papers in their room, it might help, by the way!
This is a great example of how archaeological layering helps us understand the layering of the Gospels.
The cave, which has many archaeological layers spanning 100,000 years, has yielded both Neandertal and modern human stone tools and a small collection of hominin bones too fragmentary to be identified.
There, the bone fragments of large salmon, migrating from marine water to their freshwater spawning places, were found in the Middle Palaeolithic archaeological layers, dated to around 42 to 48,000 years ago, and probably deposited by Neandertals.
«Driving through Newark was like touring archaeological layers of despair and hope,» she writes.
One of the more impressing works is Pierre Huyghe's transformation of a closed down ice rink into an eco-system complete with archaeological layers, peacocks, and beehives.
Most of these samples originated from archaeological layers or sites where no Neandertal bones or teeth were previously found.
Around 30,000 years ago, the roof of the cave collapsed and sealed the archaeological layers until the 21st century.
Years of further excavation has led to a much clearer understanding of the order of archaeological layers.
The study concludes that the archaeological layers at the site are so mixed up that ornaments and tools once attributed to Neandertals could actually be the work of modern humans, who lived in the same cave at a later date.
Pinhasi adds that «many of the very young dates, for example, from Gibraltar, are probably just wrong» due to contamination, mixing of archaeological layers, and other factors.
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