Sentences with phrase «archaic language»

For example, writing of Rosmini's book The Five Wounds of the Church, in which Rosmini describes the obstacles an exclusively Latin liturgy can pose for effective evangelisation, Fr Hill not only proposes his hero as an early proponent of the vernacular Mass, but goes on to add (in a rather sly footnote) that Rosmini would also have been opposed to «the deliberate use of archaic language» of which «the new vernacular translations of the Mass are an example».
National Gallery of Denmark removes colonial terminology from works of art Copenhagen's National Gallery of Denmark has followed in the footsteps of Amsterdam's Rijksmuseum in removing archaic language associated with racism and colonialism from several works of art in its collection.
It is more organized, easier to read and omits archaic language so that it is quickly understood.
word and sacrament, and the perennial problem of archaic language.
To be sure, given its archaic language, the KJV was not always easy to understand.
Moreover, he goes on to praise the ancient Latin orations for giving «an other - worldly, superhuman atmosphere through their sense of age and mystery», which rather suggests that he was neither as favourable towards a vernacular Mass, nor as opposed to the use of «archaic language», as Fr Hill so confidently declares.
This is understandable, as the Bible is hard to read due to its archaic language and obscure references.
Sometimes it is suggested that these older translations, hallowed by usage, are the most satisfactory because their archaic language conveys overtones of the antiquity which is actually a feature of the Bible.
It wants to shake up parliament's archaic language and make it more relevant to ordinary people.
Trident involves a nuclear priesthood with an archaic language and doctrine stuck in a past conflict that matters little to most of the electorate, protected from the ravages of austerity by a political class out of touch.
Far too much of the modern justice system in Britain is still wrapped up in the archaic language of the 19th century.
Is it comparing the states and the people, with the «respectively» put in an odd place due to archaic language, where we might say in modern language «to the States or the people respectively», akin to «George Washington and John Adams were the first and second Presidents respectively.»?
Rejecting the arcane and archaic language of the alchemists for something far more systematic, he was necessarily a reductionist.
Dialect is not the same as the archaic language typically found in historical documents, which have been heavily signaled as important under Common Core.
Instead, teachers may take an opportunity to help students understand and analyze primary source documents, which may contain unfamiliar or archaic language.
The traditions of litigation which might seem odd in some settings — the robes, the overcoats, and the archaic language — make sense in its ornate courtrooms.
A second is that the archaic language and medieval constructs in the 14th Century statute (which addresses harm to the king, his wife and eldest son and daughter, but not other members of the royal household) make it impossible to interpret in the 21 st Century.
From everything from when somebody hands you a template and says, «Here's our form for articles of organization for an LLC,» my tendency is to look at that and go, «Well, why are you using all this archaic language
You refer to «the archaic language and medieval constructs in the 14th Century statute» as making interpretation in the 21st century impossible.
The child must be two years behind in learning and be vetted by various tests and experts, but Lindsay says the archaic language in the act has led to a continued misunderstanding of the definition of «impairment.»
The government therefore considered its archaic language to have contributed to uncertainty in compensation entitlement.
I think that model release is a terrible example of legalese, full of needless repetition and archaic language.
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