Sentences with phrase «archetypal story»

An "archetypal story" refers to a tale that embodies universal themes and characters that are familiar across different cultures and time periods. It serves as a foundation or model for other stories, often involving heroes, villains, quests, and moral lessons. Full definition
His artistic vision for Prince of Persia, which has helped it to move into a Zelda - like archetypal story of good versus evil (with just the details changed each time) has been a good one.
Parillo's narrative paintings cluster symbolic imagery that reference archetypal stories of success and pitfalls.
Four well known tales, chosen to illustrate archetypal story genres from the tradition of oral storytelling and early collections of written fairy tales.
But Matt Bondurant's suspenseful third novel is more Hitchcock than A Year in Provence... it tells a familiar, almost archetypal story of an outsider trying to adapt to an impenetrable and violent rural community.»
These visual chronicles record archetypal stories that transcend time and space.
The artists narrative paintings cluster symbolic imagery that reference archetypal stories of success and pitfalls.
Virgil's Aeneid even fitfully rivaled the Exodus of the Children of Israel as an archetypal story of flight into the wilderness in order to found a new city.
There is the archetypal story in Genesis 32 of Jacob wrestling with an angel at Jabbok's ford.
The theory of archetypal story is brought in to explain the appearance of the flood story in many ancient literatures, water being an archetypal metaphor for the chaos of life.
By preferring to speak of archetypal stories and to point out what the text does not say or teach, I find his approach to be sometimes negative, especially when he chides readers for asking questions the text does not mean to answer.
He prefers the term «archetypal stories» over the traditional «saga,» explaining that the stories explain what is typical about human nature, not what is unique to one time and place.
If your research doesn't fit into one of these archetypal stories, most science reporters won't have the foggiest notion what to do with it.
And like all variations on that archetypal story, Black Panther is a fantasy about black power.
Dreamgirls aims to tell an archetypal story of triumph and tragedy, success and failure.
An archetypal story that sees the protagonist pursued and tormented until a final and violent confrontation is reached, Strangers on a Train is a perfect example of the three act structure of setup, conflict and resolution.
The Last Stand is a mesmerizing account of the archetypal story of the American West.
Turning back to the largely personality free cast of the original Final Fantasy after the story centric Final Fantasy 2, 3 is an archetypal story about good versus evil with pretty art and even prettier music.
His use of titles like The Hanging Garden, The Invention of Drawing not only refers to the original tales, but also acts as a reference for how these archetypal stories have already been played out in art history.
If your research doesn't fit into one of these archetypal stories, most science reporters won't have the foggiest notion what to do with it.
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