Sentences with phrase «are a lot of people writing»

ROTHMANWell, of course, I can't really tell you what happened because I wasn't there, and that's been one of the big problems with the news coverage is that it's a lot of people writing about something when they weren't there.
So there are a lot of people writing falls reviews for the companies.

Not exact matches

«My mom said chances are you will be to [sic] busy with more important things but there is a lot of people coming on these buses and even just a meeting from you or your wife would really lift peoples spirits,» The Washington Post reports her writing in her letter.
There were a lot of people who thought the person who wrote the love song «Until It's Time For You To Go» should know better than to follow it up with «Universal Soldier» on stage.
A lot has been written about HSAs from a consumer perspective, but one of their least - understood benefits is that they provide a little security to the person who wants to take the entrepreneurial leap.
If you go to an Ivy League school, «there are prestigious companies that will take a chance on you even if you majored in classics or medieval history,» he writes, but «the problem is that while we need lots and lots of people with humanities and social science backgrounds, in today's increasingly anti-intellectual climate, majoring in philosophy is becoming a risk that fewer and fewer people can afford to take.»
One of the pluses of being knee deep in writing my next book is that I'm getting to talk to a lot of fascinating people.
There's a study that shows that after people become superstar CEOs — they get a lot of press attention, they write a book — their pay goes up, but the performance of their companies goes down.
«What a lot of people fail to realize is that our industry is heavily regulated» in Canada, he wrote.
Obviously while being a «name» helps, lots of people only became names, at least in part, after they gained exposure by writing for influential, high - profile sites in their industries.
A lot of times, stuff we write is stuff that's actually happened, or stuff that people say around the office,» he told, but its powerful attention - grabbing properties could tempt other entrepreneurs to stir a little more laughter into their brands.
Later, Graham responded to the backlash on his blog, writing, «A lot of the people you encounter as a founder will initially be indifferent, if not skeptical.
How she's sticking to this goal: «A lot of people write down their goals, but then they file them away and rarely look at them.
News that Dos Equis was wrapping up its advertising campaign revolving around «The Most Interesting Man in the World» caught a lot of people off guard, but Jonathan Goldsmith, who has portrayed the iconic character for the past nine years, says the writing was on the wall.
If I tell something to the papers and they don't write it accurately, it's really bad — they can't do much when you tweet it and I'm careful about, it's very precise, actually it's very, very precise — and it comes out breaking news, we have breaking news — ya know, it's funny, if I did a press release and if I put it out, it wouldn't get nearly — people would see it the following day — if I do a news conference, that's a lot of work.
I had been using sites like Elance to find work when I started to notice a lot of people who were looking for bloggers wanted SEO writing experience.
The cool thing about being in the position I am as a blogger who writes about link building is that I get to hear from a lot of people and hear what they're currently doing to build links.
Yes, a TON of sites still produce terrible, low - quality content, and a lot of people will still write for them because they (unfortunately) believe a low - quality link is better than no link at all.
I think people have the perspective, especially... I'll opine on Washington for a second because I think a lot of people that write healthcare policy, they think it's an open market, but you really don't have... The consumer doesn't know price when it makes a decision.
A lot of people like to sprout THEORIES and write about them like they are FACT.
For example there were a lot of people that mentioned websites or links that didn't have anything to do with the article that my co-founder or I wrote.
Russ Christian thinking at its best, 5 billion people totally ignore or think the bible is just another poorly written of fiction, sure to your lot it may be the most influential book in history, not so much to everyone else and is getting less and less influential as time goes by.
A lot of people are almost shocked that someone who's part of a church that really does love and leverage technology would write this book.
A lot of people think «selling out» is writing a record that is trying to get pop success.
I just noticed a lot of people don't see it tthat way, and two of the most important rules of writing are: never be boring, and write for your audience.
I do pray that I will honor God with the opportunity, that my books will be truthful and that they will mean something to people... but to imply that I write out of selfless concern for humanity makes the whole process sound a lot nobler than it is.
Lots of people will be benefited from your writing.
You may not know this, but lots of god believers actually point to an old book, which was obviously written by people promoting a religious idea, as proof of what their god said.
It wasn't just about the subject matter — although it's tricky to write about such a tender and intimate time in a person's life, to tell your own story while still holding space for stories that are so different than your own, to attempt to shepherd people well in the liminal spaces of their faith journeys — but it was also just the season of life with being pregnant with our fourth and then giving birth and suddenly having four tinies between the ages of 9 and newborn meant I had a lot less time with a lot less energy (and even less sleep!)
Feeling toward the value of their work ranged from that of one minister who reported: «I have never found a drunk who wasn't worth my time and attention and it meant a lot to them,» to the man who wrote, «As far as my experience goes, it is a discouraging piece of work trying to help people who do not want it.»
It has a lot of problems, and reflects the biases of the people who wrote it and the time (s) in which it was written.
Lots of people might be benefited out of your writing.
People make a lot of assumptions about women pastors — that they have to be aggressively ambitious, that they can only survive in a liberal and urban environment, that they can't serve in Reformed churches, that they must devote all their work and writing to defending their call.
When I wrote recently that there was no such thing as the gift of evangelism, lots of people pointed to Ephesians 4:11.
I think a lot of people assume here that her writing this was to foster «atheism» when in reality it was about her surviving and thriving... finding her «own» path within the the highly dogmatic and structured religious organization known as AA.
Yeah, I have lots of questions too, and know that while my attempts at answers will not be satisfactory to all (they don't fully satisfy me either), I hope that what I write can help move people toward a deeper conversation about these things and a way of viewing God that looks like Jesus on the cross.
During this break, not only did I read a lot of books, but I thought a lot about the proposal, I talked with some people about it, and I wrote and wrote and wrote (Writing is how I learn and how I think).
Please don't listen to these people on here they have so many different views and ideas of their own but don't listen to them they have closed their heart to God and are doing Satans work of misleading people away from the Almighty they look for men who like to have their ears tickled so don't take mine our anyone else's word for it look it up for your self history attests to the bible as true and The writings of Moses is far older than anything they have ever found thats right Moses wrote the first parts in the bible 3,500 years ago The scriptures weren't inspired by Pagan stories Pagan stories was inspired by actual events just like those in the bible because if you notice that a lot of the stories found in the bible have a lot to do about people worshipping false Gods.
Lots of people can be benefited from your writing.
As an editor, I spend a lot of time asking people what they meant when they wrote «may» or «can» because the two are used interchangeably in modern English.
Based on his many years of friendship with lots of homeless people in San Diego, Sam Riviera has learned the stories of several of them, and, with their permission, is writing their stories in the form of letters to their dads.
It must be severely offputting to quite a lot of Christians when they finally realize that there are thousands of years of study commentary and writings on what they consider the «Old Testament» — written by the people for whom it was their religious writings, first.
Admittedly, David, it took me a while to get past the idea of the scriptures being free of error or myth, but perhaps what I find true about the lot of it was that it was important to some people to pass it down through an oral tradition and then through written tradition (alongside the oral).
So the sermon, even if a person has never encountered it — though a lot of people have through school, where it's given as a stock example of creative writing often times — they've been influenced by it.
I was speaking with a friend who has spent some time in the Contemporary Christian Music industry (they wouldn't want me to use their name here, but if you've spent any time listening to CCM, you'd be familiar with it) who let me in on a little secret: A lot of Christian songs aren't written by people who would claim to be Christian.
Regardless, lots of people seem to love this book, and if you are looking for a way to get inspired about writing, apparently, this is a good book to read.
Moses was represented as identifying himself sacrificially with his people's lot until he desired no good fortune of his own apart from theirs — «Yet now, if thou wilt forgive their sin — ; and if not, blot me, I pray thee, out of thy book which thou hast written» (Exodus 32:32)-- and from such beginnings an illustrious record of vicarious suffering had brought the national history to Jeremiah, who, only a few years before Isaiah of Babylon wrote, had lived and died in voluntary self - giving for the salvation of his people.
I think that a bible with only stories of what Jesus actually said and did, with a big foreword saying «here is the stuff that people wrote down, years after he died, about what Jesus said and did... would be a lot more meaningful and accurate than what we have now.
... wow, lot's of mis - statements here by people speculating about the Bible and Jesus, including those of you who think the books of the Bible were written a few hundred years ago (Moses penned it around 1400BC)... the Bible is a collection of the most investigated writings of all time, so there is a tremendous amount of credible archeological and scientific material in this world available for review rooted in verifiable investigations... my response, read the Bible, do your own investigation, determine the Truth for yourself... hopefully, anne rice's denouncement of faith in the God of the Bible (it's difficult for me to believe she ever had Saving Faith in the first place) will bring some readers to investigate and find the Truth... God will call the Elect, not one more, not one less...
We all know that lots of the people writing blogs are being about as real as many of the people we have seen in churches.
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