Sentences with phrase «are an unlimited supply»

Do you sense there's an unlimited supply of people who «get it?»
That's a good thing, as there seems to be an unlimited supply of books telling people how to do it.
There's no unlimited supply of cars that match your needs / preference / price range / etc.
There doesn't need to be an unlimited supply of cars, there only need to be one or two.
There's an unlimited supply of both apps and books.
But in today's reality, (virtual) book shelf space is unlimited, anyone can publish, and we are operating in an abundance model where there is an unlimited supply of books.
The hay should be an unlimited supply.
There will be an unlimited supply of sunlight over centuries, and no climate consequences when thermochemistry is driven by solar energy.
There is an unlimited supply of molecules in the oceans.
I doubt my brokerage gave my leaving a second thought because in today's world paying for retention is bad business when there is an unlimited supply of low / (no?)

Not exact matches

Or it's incomplete — or created with incompatible «standards» (of which we seem to have an unlimited, irreconcilable supply).
Because the tumor chips can be printed, essentially, in unlimited supply, the possibility for fine - tuning a drug therapy is endless.
It eliminates expensive fax servers and departmental machines — replacing ongoing equipment, software, supplies, licenses, and utilities costs — with a predictable pay - as - you - go model that includes nearly unlimited scalability which is ideal for both large enterprises and small businesses.
We believe that the flaws of other paper currencies stem directly from the flaws inherent in the dollar, which is to say, unlimited supply.
In contexts where there is an almost unlimited supply of workers, employers can wear them out and discard them.
Severely addicted humans may in some ways resemble those experimental monkeys who will starve themselves to death if supplied with, unlimited cocaine, but the vast majority of users are not in such danger (and alcoholic humans also will drink themselves to death)
Hypocrisy is just so funny, and I thank each and every Democrat for the unlimited amout of it they supply us with each and every day.
My answer to the childhood question, «If you were stranded on an island, name three things...» had always been: Unlimited supply of chocolate ice cream, a giant freezer and a spoon.
I've done a few trials with different hardwoods, but have an unlimited supply of quila if it's suitable.
Chipotle technology is much more sophisticated now than the old tunnels in the ground, and with companies like Chipotle Texas ensuring unlimited and clean supplies of smoked chiles, I have no doubt that the demand will increase greatly as America's love affair with the chipotle continues.
So they latch on to that and do it, and we see lots of them because idiots is something the world has an unlimited supply of.
These are not only unlimited in supply but has only beneficial effects.
When your baby has been used to having all night access to an unlimited milk supply, night weaning can be difficult, and seem darn - near impossible.
It's a good thing the administration is so closely attached to the petroleum industry, provides them with an unlimited supply of vaseline to hand out to people like Perkins along with their White House trinkets.
Thanks to growing population and dwindling supplies, fossil fuel production per capita may peak by mid-century — ending the two centuries of unlimited growth in energy production that is at the root of modern civilization, consultant Richard Nehring writes in the journal.
Their method now allows researchers to create unlimited PGCs, which were previously difficult to obtain, and this regular supply of treasured cells has helped to drive the study of mammalian reproduction.
«The fact that it's [the weapons down - blending] winding down and it's not an unlimited supply is part of the market boom in uranium,» NRC's McIntyre speculates.
In contrast to lithium, sodium supplies are essentially unlimited and the batteries are expected to be a lot cheaper.
Creating pigs that are essentially normal except for one human organ sounds disturbing — but it could one day give us an unlimited supply of organs for transplant
«I'm like an alcoholic with an unlimited supply of booze everywhere I go,» she says.
The supply of «cheap coal» is not unlimited.
Being pluripotent and seemingly unlimited in supply separates hESCs from adult stem cells, which are multipotent or unipotent, able to become a more select group of cell types, and more limited in their cellular lifespan.
Eliminating these constraints, hepatocytes differentiated from human induced pluripotent stem (hiPS) cells provide an unlimited supply of functional hepatocytes from each parental cell line, which can be derived noninvasively from a diseased or healthy person.
To deliver a functional cure for all patients with type 1 diabetes and an important new therapy for patients with type 2 disease that require insulin to maintain control, ViaCyte is developing products with numerous advantages including a virtually unlimited supply of cells manufactured under quality - controlled conditions, and a potentially safer and more optimal route of administration.
Once commercial fusion reactors come online, they'll be able to supply humanity with unlimited energy for potentially millions of years.
«Using stem cells, we can generate a virtually unlimited supply of healthy (retinal) cells, which are the first cells to die off in (Stargardt's Macular Dystrophy) and other forms of macular degeneration.»
Fat is harder to access but in unlimited supply.
So I learned how to rely on fat instead and my brain can rely on ketones (that are produced from fat by the liver) for a nearly unlimited supply of fuel.
As such it is an ideal treatment for stress reduction and relaxation and allows participants to tap into an unlimited supply of «life force energy» to improve health and enhance the quality of life.
Wouldn't it be nice to have a unlimited supply of beautifully curated stock photos for your blog and social media channels?
I don't wish to be in twenties, for I LOVEEE my thirties but I could use a little bit of that unlimited supply of wishful dreaming!
When I think about what heaven might be like I imagine an unlimited supply of french fries and a lot of live music.
The seemingly unlimited supply of would be suitors.
They are pompous, self - righteous d - bags with a seemingly unlimited supply of money (good for New Orleans though).
The latest «The Three Musketeers» (Oct. 21) movie looks to be one of the lighter updates of Alexandre Dumas» work, with an unlimited supply of good - looking stars.
The main locus is Wakanda, a fictional African nation that conceals its status as the most technologically advanced country in the world, thanks to its virtually unlimited supply of a versatile metal known vibranium.
He knows that there is one weapon with unlimited supply: Daenerys's dragons.
In all this, you can't help but wonder: Where would Tony Stark be if he had a seemingly unlimited supply of vibranium at his disposal?
Given an unlimited supply of rods of each of the two colours, how can we work out what fraction the shorter rod is of the longer one?
Woods continues her dream: «Unlimited supplies are delivered immediately when requested, immediate construction to solve poorly planned areas.
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