Sentences with phrase «are colored by»

Her works are vibrant, as they are colored by the divergent experiences of man individuals that touch Bonin's life.
Weapon and ammo pickups are colored by their rarity, and there is a spectator mode after you are killed that follows your killer then their killer, and so forth.
We drive to Coloured Sands, a beach with rocks that are colored by minerals.
Many pit bull and bully breed haters are colored by this media reporting bias.
The views of many concerning Slocum and the TPLO are colored by the controversy to this day.
Unfortunately, people's debt attitudes are colored by a lot of experience, emotion and learning that they've done on their own and one's good debt can very well be someone else's bad debt.
Screens are colored by Raymund Lee, famous for his work on Marvel's Wolverine series.
It's been a salutary experience to realize how much my responses to people that I meet are colored by such irrelevances as I listed earlier, even if it is in the effort to «not» allow myself to react in a certain way.
Points are colored by differential expression class, with different shapes for novel and homology - annotated genes.
Samples are colored by the Hardy scale of the cause of death.
From that moment forward, the way in which you recalled the candidate's words and actions are colored by that overall impression,» said Dr. Qian.
The information that seems to indicate sex differences, Spelke says, comes from problematic studies whose results are colored by cultural influences — everything from parents responding differently to girls and boys to university faculties viewing identical job applications more skeptically when the applicant's name is female.
An adult's foundational attitudes about himself, others, and the world in general are colored by these powerful feelings from his earliest experiences.
Furthermore, the greatest agreement among scholars is found at the point of their unanimity that the Gospels are colored by the kerygma — the preaching and witnessing message of the early church.
Marital intimacy is much broader than sex, though all facets are colored by the sexuality of the partners.
Some gardens are colored by destructive factors — family violence, racism, heterosexism or classism — which women struggle to acknowledge and understand.
We see the world through our own lenses, which are colored by our own experiences.
The transactions are colored by the amount of fee they pay per byte.
The Powerbeats 2 received mixed reviews when it first launched, but we think a few of those were colored by its original $ 200 price point.
Chris Tolles, CEO of forum website Topix, says making changes could «dent things in a way that you did not intend,» and in a way that was colored by whatever political administration was in place.
Perceptions of worker value can also be colored by how easy an office worker is to get along with as opposed to how well he or she actually performs.
Finally, their childhoods were colored by watching friends, and likely family as well, suffer the effects of the Great Recession.
Further, Geck's suggestion that stylistic differences in Bach's Leipzig cantatas were colored by the larger sociological desires of a bourgeoisie wishing to enjoy the full range of musical entertainments available to the aristocracy is intriguing and may prove to be persuasive.
All knowledge starts from experience, but all experience is colored by knowledge and assumptions.
His early religious outlook was colored by the evangelical Baptist faith of his parents and a Calvinist theology of predestination - the belief that the fate of all men and women had been predetermined by God, said of Lincoln in its «God in America» series.
His self - image will be colored by his unresolved conflicts and fantasies about his body, as well as his perception of how you really feel about him.
To grant that Paul's use of «flesh» as the seat of sin was colored by contemporary Hellenism, however, is one thing, and to see Paul as in any important sense a Hellenist is quite another.
His more general understanding of Christian ~ experience has been colored by this personal frustration, with the result that he has reduced the Christian life to the mere memory of a past event (he labels this «Israel») which seeks to make its believers hard, tight, and controlled.
It has to be admitted that the doctrinal controversies were colored by political concerns, especially after the emperor had become a Christian and wanted to use the religion to unify his subjects.
In «The Genesis Flood,» the 1961 book that in many ways help launch the Young Earth creationism movement in the United States, the authors write: «Our conclusions must unavoidably be colored by our Biblical presuppositions, and this we plainly acknowledge.»
All thoughts are found in their relations, intimately tied to a psychic context, and the nature of the thought is colored by the relations it holds.
Because I have myself been met by the love of God in Jesus and seek to follow him, the book will be colored by my own experience of and reflections upon the Christian faith, but I hope I shall be fair to those whose way of being Christian is very different to my own.
The strictures are severe enough; it is possible, as we have seen, that our reports of them have been colored by subsequent controversy.
«Everything we do can be colored by this unconscious belief that we can make ourselves feel better with external stuff, be it behavior or chemicals,» he says.
In order to explain away any records of what we have called monergistic warfare, von Rad develops his theory that such records have been colored by «the post-Solomonic Enlightenment.»
But Islam has always been more than religion, it has also been government, indeed almost every aspect of life, both individual and social, has been colored by it.
The immediate public reaction in the USA was colored by «Islamophobia» and «Arabophobia», somewhat similar to Christianophobia and Judeophobia among a number of Muslim communities around the globe.
Unfortunately, our views on adoption can be colored by our consumerist culture.
I think a lot of it is colored by his experience in Argentina in which the church and the government did not have the best of relations, and in which the economic order was largely a corporatist one.
The French Revolution was colored by Jean - Jacques Rousseau's vision of perfect democracy, the fusion of the free individual with the....
The French Revolution was colored by Jean - Jacques Rousseau's vision of perfect democracy, the fusion of the free individual with the general will.
For example, my own writing of this present paragraph is colored by my anticipation of your reading it eventually.
My writing is colored by my contextuality.
The present account, however, is colored by later development of the institution in Israel and testifies to its fundamental importance (as does the Creation account of Genesis 1 - 2).
In her book The Bonds of Love, Jessica Benjamin talks about the struggle the mother has while dealing with the constant willfulness, the clinging, or the tyrannical demands typical of the rapprochement: «What the mother feels during rapprochement and how she works this out will be colored by her ability to deal straightforwardly with aggression and dependence, her sense of herself as entitled to a separate existence, and her confidence in her child's ability to survive conflict, loss, and imperfection.»
Your entire worldview is colored by your need to keep safe.
Two of these Religious Easter Coloring pages are color by sight word / letter.
But we can show up for ourselves and our experience on a moment - by - moment basis — whether that moment is colored by self - doubt, curiosity, boredom, exhaustion, worry, or awe.
Jones» brother Howard collected the nests and wrote the text, and she learned to draw on lithographic stones to create the printed images (which would later be colored by hand).
Probably, neither would Saudi Arabia, although this is colored by the fact that Saudi Arabia and Iran are leaders of opposed geopolitical factions in the Middle East.
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