Sentences with phrase «are doing to people»

I would urge anyone reading this to take WHATEVER ACTIONS POSSIBLE to harm Chick - Fil - A personnel or property, Dan Cathy, other members of the Cathy family, Mike Huckabee, Rick Santorum, Michelle Bachmann, Antonin Scalia, Billy Graham, or their loved ones, to make them pay for the harm they are doing to the people they discriminate against.
and this is a mirror of what they are doing to people of other cultures, nations and a sign of their motives..
Articles 3 through 20 refer chiefly to what must not be done to people; Articles 22 through 27 refer chiefly to what should be done for people.
Soldiers are in a situation where it is very hard to tell who the «enemy» is, and so things were done to people who did not deserve it.
He is such a caring person and against the wrongs being done to all people and the US that I am so happy in knowing that he is right on the money with his beliefs Thank God for him

Not exact matches

«The more we can get people doing resistance training like weight lifting, the more likely we are to have a healthier aging population,» Big Think quotes him as saying.
Sure, if you run a retail or service business, there's no way to chuck employee schedules, but if your team is doing office - based work, you might consider tossing your set hours and letting your people come and go as they please.
Instead say: «I don't have a strong opinion either way, but a couple things to consider are...» When you offer an opinion (even without choosing a side), it shows that you care about the person asking.
When I am done speaking, there is often a group of people that will want to come up to me to chat, or I seek out the most engaged person to talk to.
«One never holds people necessarily responsible for their government, but one does have the ability to be very careful in what one does with the government itself,» said Smith, who became Microsoft's president in 2015, taking on a title that had not existed at the company since 2002, when Richard Belluzzo left.
Like many other profitable new businesses in the Silicon Valley era, these sites are platforms that allow other people to do business.
It's not easy to tell these people to cool their jets and that your pace doesn't reflect the depth of your passion or your commitment.
Systems are very important, however, the first thing we would do when taking over a business would be to understand its Human Capital - we need to know what type of people we have in the organization.
In my professional life, the people I work with typically know better than I do how I can be of the most value to them, so I just ask.
If you're uncomfortable tooting your own horn, Mueller also suggests doing pro bono work or working with non-profits, to let other people spread your corporate values by word of mouth.
If someone sees a fellow employee doing solitary work in a designated do - not - disturb area, it's an unwritten rule that they're not to engage with that person.
«When it comes to soda, people want either the taste of a full - sugar product and are willing to accept 140 calories per can, or they want a zero - calorie solution and are open to a product that doesn't taste exactly like a full - sugar soda.
When you're up against a deadline or facing a tough challenge, do the people you work with know instinctively that they'll find you in the thick of the fight — pitching in, working long hours, and doing whatever is necessary to succeed?
And, that could be anything from, are there other people from the university that I attend who work here, could I talk to them, to what does it look like to change jobs in a couple years after I've been successful on my first project, to how long do people stay in this office?
A universal basic income system would be unconditional, which he says would encourage innovation and entrepreneurship, since people who otherwise wouldn't be able to take financial risks would have the freedom to do so.
But investing time in getting good at this and getting people around you who respond to it is the only way to get time freed up to do more valuable things yourself.
We need to both say what we like and don't like, and hear the same from the people we are making our way through life with.
Because some of these people may come to me a year later and send me a tweet and say «Hey, I think your advice helped, and here's how the company's doing,» and I may actually subsequently invest in that company.
So it helps when it is the decision makers that we are talking to, and we don't have to go through three or four layers of people to get a decision made.
Its staff amenities — which include organic beverages, biking contests and standing desks — reinforce that the firm's mission is not just «fluff,» says Willness; that its efforts to make people healthier don't just apply to paying clients but to its workforce, too.
«People don't walk around with anti-résumés telling you what they have not studied or experienced (it's the job of their competitors to do that), but it would be nice if they did,» Taleb claims.
We do expect to generate pretty decent net cash flow from launching lots of satellites and servicing the space station for NASA, transferring cargo to and from the space station, and then I know that there's a lot of people in the private sector who are interested in helping fund a base on Mars.
Many, many things can be delegated to people who will not do them the way you would, won't do them as perfectly as you would, but will wind up with the same result.
Most people who don't vaccinate their children are not, Palmer says, «loud - mouthed ignoramuses who try to spread their pernicious, conspiratorial nonsense.»
«People in the industry told us we were crazy to do non-randomized routing,» says Callie Field, T - Mobile's executive vice president in charge of customer care.
Don't be YAIA («yet another iPhone app»), Prince said, and like CloudFlare you'll have people literally «camping in the hallway» to come work for you.
People do better work when they're reminded of times they excelled previously, so it pays to dish out plenty of praise
(After all, his line that «people sometimes don't know what they want until you show it to them» can also mean that sometimes we don't know what we want to be until we see it.)
It is no secret that people with a criminal history or a history or lackluster work will be more likely to do the same things in the future.
«We do have a provisional patent on the actual heat dissipation methods involved in the device, because we're pumping heat away from the body with this technology and we've actually found a way to very consistently dissipate that underneath clothing to allow people to wear it throughout their days,» said Paulin.
«I don't want people to think this is only a land of big business,» says Scott Carlberg, manager of the Carolinas» Nuclear Cluster.
(See How to Deal with Time Wasters) Such sessions rarely accomplish anything except maybe some pseudo-bonding; they don't have a logical and clearly - understood endpoint so they seem both pointless and interminable; and, most often, they sorta drool to a conclusion without agreed - upon action items and / or documented next steps for at least half the people in the room.
It's not that these men aren't guilty -; they are -; but that the system is biased towards over-incarceration and sentencing to people of color and has a byzantine set of rules that often elongate the sentencing of those who don't have resources to fight them.
Rather than dwell on the problems, however, the magazine launched a special «Economy of the Future» series that aims to spotlight case studies of people and companies who were doing things right, and how they could act as examples to others.
To do this, we enabled people to log into apps and share who their friends were and some information about theTo do this, we enabled people to log into apps and share who their friends were and some information about theto log into apps and share who their friends were and some information about them.
Fifteen years ago, we didn't know what «Cyber Monday» was, but now it's an important piece of holiday shopping (maybe as important as Black Friday to some people).
And with good reason; millions of entrepreneurs and businesspeople have embraced the idea that carving out a slice of an existing market can certainly be effective, but finding new opportunities — finding blue oceans — is even better, since those gains don't have to come at the expense of other businesses or other people.
However, it is hard to do a cost - benefit analysis to get people to think about safety as an investment,» she said.
The entire book is about her transformation from doing what people expect her to do to someone who thinks for herself.
The best IT staffers, she found, were the ones who were able to field the calls that start with «I don't know anything about technology,» offer reassurance and empathy, and then walk people through the learning process — the ones, in other words, who offer the users some empowerment.
Now I do count myself fortunate to be called a thought leader, because it means that person thinks I'm a go - to expert in our industry.
It's certainly a lot closer to driving the change Victoria's Secret claims it wants to see, instead of what it's doing now which is maintaining the structure that actually keeps people poor — and kids slaving away in cotton fields.
«It was designed to make people feel comfortable doing it,» Shafii says.
«The American people, including many of my members, don't trust the reform we are talking about will be implemented as we intended it to be,» Boehner said.
So in a world where some people are still expecting you to do it all, how do you handle single - tasking?
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