Sentences with phrase «are easier for younger»

The same applies to foods like meat, which are easier for younger babies to handle when presented in larger pieces.
Once on the Brook site it is easy for a young person to access all sorts of «reproductive» advice that strikes at the heart of Gospel values and right reason.
It's easy for young goalkeepers to go unnoticed, what with the remarkable emergence of AC Milan's Gianluigi Donnarumma, but the 17 - year - old has cemented his place in Toulouse's goal after impressing last season.
These have a push - button lid that is easy for younger children to work and a pop - up straw.
With just 14 - 15 pieces, these sets are easy for young pre-schoolers to build and a perfect introduction to building blocks.
This toy is easy for young babies to play with and easily chew on as they start to teethe.
BILBAO, SPAIN — In these days of increased competition and uncertain career prospects in academia, it is easy for young scientists to forget why they do science in the first place.
But even when it fails, it is easy for the younger men to get right back into the search for a better cougar affair.
It is easier for young people to be honest if nobody you can see or judge them and that the reason for not more than that often people do not lie, the profile.
This will be easier for younger kids who may find the encryption difficult to solve.
It's easy for young people to get dreams of glory and blow it all on some stock tip they've seen on Twitter.
It will be easier for the young person to replace the $ dollars, so he can assume more risk.
A larger percentage of the young pet's body is water, and it is easier for a young pet to become dehydrated.
Life has not been easy for this young dog.
It is impossible to snorkel and not see them here, it is a virtual turtle highway, and best of all the access into the water couldn't be easier for young or old.
This lesson is easier for younger artists, but may still be challenging.
The site focuses on nonprofit board positions presumably because they're easier for young professionals to join and don't necessarily require a hefty time commitment, though board members are often asked to participate in fundraising.
It's easier for the young and healthy to get a policy this packed with features.
Porting a health plan is easier for young people.

Not exact matches

Platt says that it's easier for WestJet to maintain its culture because it's been part of the relatively young company since it was founded in 1996.
Linguists and psychologists are still arguing about this one, but it's commonly accepted that learning a second language is easier for most people when they're younger, generally before puberty.
One potential target audience for a pre-paid Apple debit card could be teens or college - aged young adults who don't have a bank account or credit card, but want an easy way to use the money their friends or parents send them through the service.
Pariser insists that the series will still highlight Upworthy's founding ethos: To feature news items that may not be «easy to fall in love with,» (such as the September 11th attacks,) but which are still vital for younger readers to consume and understand.
When I was younger, I kept waiting for everything to get easier.
Granted, for most of us, it's easier said than done, but that's why getting into good habits while you're young is so imperative.
But there's one easy, important thing you can do to settle in and become efficient in your new role, writes John D. Spooner, author of «No One Ever Told Us That: Money And Life Lessons For Young Adults»: Take an experienced employee out to eat.
«Greater harmonization of that regime would make it easier for young apprentices to complete their training and give them the mobility to go where the jobs are
But if I'm to believe what I've read from other young tech entrepreneurs in the states, it's a lot easier to get «Super Angels» and Angels for # 100k + figures each
It's far easier to save a steady percentage of your income from a young age to allow compound interest to do the heavy lifting for you but for many this idea is much easier in theory than practice.
What makes Apple a great buy for young investors is that it's a company young people know well, so it's easy to follow, and it has great fundamentals at a good value.
However, it's easier than ever to be approved and the minimum requirements allow even young businesses to be approved, provided you're in good standing (albeit for smaller, shorter - term lines of credit).
Lightning Labs, a young, Bay Area - based startup, is trying to make it easier for users to send bitcoin and litecoin to each other without the costly and time - consuming process of settling their transa
With low mortgage rates and easier qualification for college graduates, 2016 is turning out to be a stellar year for younger home buyers.
Her second point was that teenagers are already talking about this, so it is easy for Christians to engage with when we've got such an appealing alternative: «If the church wants to be connecting with young people, we need to be hearing what their concerns are and this has been subject young people have been really willing to open up about.»
There are those, for example, who are deadly frightened by the awesome growth in drug use among high school and even younger students, and by the easy availability of pornography for young people.
Furthermore, it is easy for teachers to fall into the attitude that their task is to fashion young people after the pattern of some ideal model.
This is fairly easy for the younger son, who is so glad to be back at the table again that he is not about to cause trouble for his older brother or anyone else.
Not much experience is needed to be fully aware of human weakness and to understand that human beings and especially the young, who are so exposed to temptation need incentives to keep the moral law, and it is an evil thing to make it easy for them to break that law.
«It's easy to call out millennials for wanting to speak on stage, but instead of criticizing, we should do the work to prepare young people for leadership roles,» he said.
Abortionists: -[1] Cut off all 4 limbs while the baby is still alive [to make it easier for mother][2] Saturate the babe with saline solution which burns the flesh off the whole body — while still alive [3] Suck the LIVE foetus from the womb with a specially devised vacuum cleaner [4] Look up partial birth abortion right up to 9 months if you've got the guts But they don't tell young moms this.
Turning away from orthodox Christianity because of the emotional excesses of frontier evangelism, he found it easier as a young man to accept what was called the Doctrine of Necessity, which he defined as the belief â $ ˜that the human mind is impelled to action, or held in rest by some power, over which the mind itself has no control.â $ ™ Later, he frequently quoted to his partner, William H. Herndon, the lines for Hamlet: â $ ˜Thereâ $ ™ s a divinity that shapes our ends, rough â $ «hew them how he will.â $ ™ â $ œFrom Lincolnâ $ ™ s fatalism derived some of his most lovable traits: his compassion, his tolerance, his willingness to overlook mistakes.
The language used is easy - going which makes it suitable for use with young children.
«Richards helped turn what might once have been seen as a beleaguered public service agency into an easy target for the anti-institutional idealism of a younger generation of pro-lifers.»
Some other news about young people: 57 percent said that the primary reason they helped others was that it «makes them feel good personally»; 19 percent would not fight for their country under any circumstances, 24 percent were uncertain and 60 percent would not be willing to volunteer one year to serve their country; 17 percent could think of no famous person or celebrity they admired (only 1 percent admired Mother Teresa, and Donald Trump received a similar vote — indicating that religious and business leaders are among the least admired adults); 65 percent would cheat on a major exam in school, while 36 percent would lie to protect a friend who vandalized; 53 percent claimed that growing up for them is harder than it was for their parents (minority young people were more likely to say it was easier).
And the recipe seems like one that would be very easy and yummy to do for my young ones!
To attract young readers and increase the stand - out appeal of the pack, a beautiful white ribbon has been added, which also aids easy opening of the product for children.
The easiest way to describe its prominence in young life is that French toast is for lazy Saturday mornings, while cinnamon - sugar toast is that special treat for running - late - for - school - get - your - a $ $ - on - the - bus - here's - some - breakfast - NOW - GO!
«For a young culinarian, pot de crème is a deceptively easy dish,» says Mangalore, but he cautions that one needs a solid understanding of foundational baking techniques to successfully create the dessert.
They're the perfect party appetizer: easy to make, easy to serve, and always a crowd - pleaser for young and old alike.
This is the ultimate guide to Christmas for a vegetarian and as my younger brother is one this makes the next few years of Christmas a whole lot easier!
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