Sentences with phrase «are important to emphasize»

It is important to emphasize the safety aspect of using a personal trainer.
That means that while they've uncovered a useful framework for men who are trying to figure out exactly how loud to sing their own praises, it's important to emphasize that the calculus may be significantly different for women.
It is important to emphasize that these interest rate projections are not commitments.
«It is important to emphasize that there are no fundamental issues with the Model 3 production or supply chain.
It's important to emphasize that I don't view any of these groups as «undervalued» - even the largest stocks are above historical norms of valuation (with various individual exceptions), and even apparently «low» P / E multiples should be evaluated critically since they're on record earnings.
It's important to emphasize that I am only providing you with information to help your decision and not financial advice.
It's important to emphasize how dangerous it is to attempt «playing» these rallies.
«It is important to emphasize that there are no fundamental issues with the Model 3 production or supply chain,» Tesla explained.
It is important to emphasize that content marketing does not consist solely of mere content production.
It's important to emphasize the word «consistent» here, as returns have a random component.
It's important to emphasize this uniqueness.
It is important to emphasize that this self - determination is quite limited.
It is important to emphasize that the text's power to assert is by no means curtailed by such a reading.
It is important to emphasize what the ethic is not.
lvarez thinks that to better understand the history and development of the different kinds of Pentecostalism, it is important to emphasize three central aspects common to all Pentecostal churches, given the notion that spirituality should incorporate all aspects of a believer's life: liturgy, testimony, and evangelization.
If «nature» means only that part of God's creation that is not human, then it is important to emphasize the continuity between the natural and the human.
It is important to emphasize that the creative love which Peirce identifies is different from eros.
But it is important to emphasize that the possibility that the church may help God to save the world in no way implies that God does not need, and may not receive, the support of other communities, traditions, institutions, and, of course, individuals.
In conclusion, it is important to emphasize explicitly what I have, and have not, argued.
However, since the purpose of this essay is not simply to counter Griffin's challenge but also to clarify where FWTs stand on significant epistemological issues, it is important to emphasize that most FWTs do not view «illuminating power» as a criterion that can be used in an objective, neutral fashion in any context.
Nevertheless, it is important to emphasize that the genetic theory of cognition — in the form proposed by Piaget (IEG)-- was not applied, at least not primarily, to ontological issues.
In discussing this American ideology it is important to emphasize how little the assumptions that govern our policies are publicly debated.
But whatever terminology you use, it is important to emphasize the promise Jesus makes to those who believe in Him.
(It is important to emphasize once again that history is a movement of the cosmos, and not a movement away from it.
It's important to emphasize that freezing (vitrification) technology improves the pregnancy rate with these D7 embryos, said Dr. Chenette.
North Collins Board Member Shannon Locking says while she appreciates the proposal, she says it's important to emphasize that many districts are already engaging in cost saving measures.
He said: «It is important to emphasize that this government is committed to an anti corruption programme.
«It's important to emphasize that the changes in scores do not mean that schools have taught less or that students have learned less, but rather reflect this new standard, the Common Core adopted by 46 states because these standards represent the trajectory to college and career success,» King said, on a conference call.
I think it's important to emphasize the benefit to the public, the value of the work to the nation.»
It's important to emphasize we have no Planet B available.
«Lilly has hired from its postdoc ranks in the past, but it's important to emphasize that whenever Lilly does a hire, it's a competitive hire,» Edgar says.
But it is important to emphasize that this is just one piece of the puzzle.»
However it is important to emphasize that this is not an invitation to pregnant women to drink alcohol,» she says.
For Adele Mennerat it is important to emphasize that being an evolutionary biologist does not mean that she thinks in normative terms.
«It is important to emphasize that, for the majority, the strong message will be the potential gains from an early and sustained change to a healthier lifestyle rather than prescription of drugs,» they emphasize.
However, it is important to emphasize that our Abpromise guarantees that the pr...
A plant - based diet can be great for your health, but it's important to emphasize including sources of protein and probiotics in your diet, and limiting refined carbs.
«It's important to emphasize that surgical options should be absolutely a last resort,» says Dr. Bakhtiari.
Women who consume fish should find the results encouraging, but it's important to emphasize that to get the greatest benefit from fish and fish oils, women should follow the dietary recommendations to consume fish as a main meal a minimum of twice weekly.
It's important to emphasize to steroid users that there is truly a potential of long term harm.
With the new interest in whole grains from the nutrition and medical communities it is important to emphasize that the grains must be properly prepared.
It is important to emphasize that while they are often referred to as «VLDL cholesterol», «LDL cholesterol», and «HDL cholesterol», these molecules themselves are not cholesterol; they are cholesterol transporters.
Good article overall but I think it's important to emphasize that not everyone in the «hormonal» camp is necessarily stating that CICO is sufficient to explain obesity.
It is important to emphasize the explosive drive under the bar in the catch.
On this special day, it is important to emphasize the eyes and add a lot of shine.
«It's important to emphasize the fact that one of the main reasons for creating our site was the owners» own experience,» Alex said.
It's important to emphasize that because the film wants it to signify much more.
It is important to emphasize in this Bad Lieutenant: Movie Review that those who deal with drugs to the extent of exploiting themselves are really made to suffer its consequences in the end.
When creating micro-writing assignments, such as an argumentative or descriptive paragraph, it's important to emphasize that the skills that need to be applied in long - form writing, such as a research paper or essay, also need to be applied in micro-writing.
It is important to emphasize that none of these reasons suggest that minority students are any less able to learn than white students.
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