Sentences with phrase «are satisfied simply»

Also, many truck enthusiasts will be satisfied simply in receiving the large fuel - economy benefits by replacing their older, less fuel - efficient vehicles
It was evident that a new page had been turned in American history, and Negroes would no longer be satisfied simply to wait another hundred years, to say nothing of fifty years or even of ten years.
In a speech at Toynbee Hall two years later Mr Blair complained that «previous governments were satisfied simply to dole out money.»

Not exact matches

But once you get a routine down, running to work is simply a beautifully cheap, efficient and satisfying form of multitasking.
Simply slide the micro-USB port from the headset into your phone as if you were charging it and snap your phone into place with a satisfying click.
And then tell me you don't think that any company could be this authentic and satisfying to do business with, if were simply willing to double down on its founding ideals.
Simply put, these are people who aren't going to be satisfied with an office that relies on a faulty fax machine.
Leaving aside the fact that a relatively anemic 15 % of Canadians are physically active enough to satisfy even modest government recommendations — Health Canada suggests 150 minutes per week of moderate - to - vigorous physical activity — the evidence is mounting that you can not offset the deleterious effects of sitting simply by exercising more.
Not satisfied with simply working at the local grocery store, they're volunteering, starting online shops and partnering with companies as ambassadors.
Dig Deeper: Secrets for Satisfying Tough Customers Improving Your Customer Service: Make It Easy to Leave Sometimes, your company simply isn't a good fit for the customer.
The Quebec demonstrations can't be dismissed as simply an example of the province's strong tradition of social activism, and neither are they the actions of selfish youths who aren't satisfied with the lowest post-secondary tuitions in North America.
Being content isn't simply about being satisfied where youBeing content isn't simply about being satisfied where youbeing satisfied where you are.
We don't have any policy against holding techs and financials - we're simply avoiding them here because they fail to satisfy the requirements of our stock selection criteria.
If at any time you are not completely satisfied, simply let us know and we will cancel your subscription for any reason.
What is extremely telling from the video above, which is a whopping 19 minutes long and can be found here, is that there are absolutely NO details given as to how the method actually works and that the amounts «earned» by all the satisfied customers (paid actors) in the video are simply astronomical sums; hundreds of thousands of dollars each!
Secondly, there simply isn't enough of it to satisfy the world's requirements.
The critique of public education as simply satisfying the position where students already find themselves is exemplified in this series.
However, Derek Webb — singer / songwriter and former member of Caedmon's Call — is simply not satisfied restricting his...
As has been pointed out to you countless times, science has shown that the biblical myths of creation and life are not true — they are simply stories invented to satisfy an ignorant populace.
The act of love is not simply a personal project undertaken to satisfy one's own needs, and procreation, as the fruit of coitus, reminds us of that.
Some people simply choose not to believe, others are only satisfied by infringing on the rights of others in order to stop their beliefs... You do understand of course that this is a fulfillment of bible prophesy, regardless of whether or not one believes.
One understanding of human nature common to the modern era sees man as standing both above and outside nature (after Descartes, as a sort disembodied rational being), and nature itself as raw material — sometimes more pliable, sometimes less — for furthering human ambition (an instrumentalist post — Francis Bacon view of nature as a reality not simply to be understood but to be «conquered» and used to satisfy human desires).
The trouble, quite simply, is that the narrative is wrong on two accounts: first, there has never been and never will be a political community that satisfies MacIntyre's test of shared moral vision.
This is not the result of clumsiness or oversight; there is a reason for it, namely the truth - functional stance of modern logic: 1 (a) simply means that the individual named «A» does not satisfy the propositional function in question, i.e., 1 (x), or a true proposition does not emerge when that name is substituted in the argument position.
They will also continue to recognise love that is according to God's plan and purpose, and love which has, as St Augustine says, become «perverse», that is to say, distorted from its original purpose of respecting people for themselves and not simply as a means of satisfying our desires.
First, nothing that follows will have any impact on those for whom marriage is simply a self - satisfying venture and who are incapable of seeing it as a calling, a mission, and a commitment of service and love.
To the person concerned with the ethical dimension of living it is not satisfying simply to say that alcoholism is a sickness, implying that the ethical issue has thereby been eliminated.
The concept does not imply that all the needs of each partner must be met, but simply that the core needs specific to a given marital relationship must be satisfied.
It may seem somewhat trite to invoke the freedom of creation as part of the works and ends of divine love, or to argue that the highest good of the creature — divinizing union with God in love — requires a realm of «secondary causality» in which the rational wills of God's creatures are at liberty; nonetheless, whether the traditional explanations of how sin and death have been set loose in the world satisfy one or not, they certainly render the claim that an omnipotent and good God would never allow unjust suffering simply vacuous.
If you are pro-life, can you put yourself in the shoes of this girl or in the shoes of her parents and be satisfied with simply getting the law on your side and for the sake of the child in utero?
(11) Deep soul - and body - satisfying sex is never simply physical.
Coons» concept of a parentocracy is simply unworkable and does not satisfy the definitional requirements of a legal system or of a sovereign power.
When we do not see desire simply as something to be satisfied or satiated, it draws us on into philosophical wonder.
While most atheists simply satisfy their desires instead of contributing to the community, this man is actually serving.
I ¡ ¦ m satisfied that you simply shared this useful info with us.
Who are the blessed ones — not simply the happy ones who have satisfied their desires, but those who have found their supreme happiness in God?
The argument that if man desires God, his desire can not be unselfish since it is really his own desire that he wants satisfied, is simply the old sophisticated argument against altruism.
Instead, the rationale appears to be that an extended life span would simply satisfy many private desires: first, hardly anyone wants to die; second, as a basic human good, life is worth extending indefinitely; and, third, it would be remiss of science not to respond to that ancient expression of human hope and desire.
The task for Connie and Steve is to sort out whether they simply do not have enough in common anymore to make possible a mutually satisfying marriage, or whether it is simply that her rebelliousness toward the old ways and his resistance to the new ones are still getting in the way.
Often it's not simply to satisfy my hunger but because I'm bored or feel I'm owed some pleasure.
If you simply can't communicate on any but a superficial level («Pass the butter,» «Looks like rain») in spite of determined efforts on your own, or if your are unable to achieve the kind of communication which satisfies your needs as a couple, it is essential to seek professional help with your communication blocks.
Duly reverential, the panel satisfied itself with simply listing all the research possibilities, including the improvement and increased safety of IVF, the creation of cell lines that might someday be useful for bone marrow transplantation, repair of spinal cord injuries, skin replacement and, naturally, the hint of a greater understanding of cancer.»
What we are discussing here is quite different from simply rationally satisfying answers concerning basic philosophical problems.
Dude, atheists simply aren't satisfied with «I don't know, so I believe god did it.»
To their everlasting shame, the mainline churches have simply failed to understand and meet the needs of many people in their communities, people who are searching for a satisfying religious experience, but who have not found it in the mainline churches.
Wright is not satisfied simply to discuss this or that aspect of the search for the historical Jesus.
For our purposes here, this means, not that I shall argue for my claims by showing why they satisfy these two criteria — there simply is not enough time to show this — but that I am bound to allow that they are the criteria by which you may judge the validity of whatever I shall say.
If the Christian message had been a series of intellectual claims or affirmations, supported by the miracles of Jesus, let us say, as the complete evidence of the truth of these affirmations, then assent to the truth of Christianity would have been simply an act of the rational intellect, satisfied with the evidence thus adduced and subscribing without reserve to the various formulae of affirmation.
Both the objectives of science and the spirit of investigation are very different when this divorce is not made and science is not simply investigation for the sake of investigation or for satisfying one's curiosity.
Far too many people look on it as simply a way that should be satisfying to me and, on balance, should make me happy, because it will bring me more satisfactions than burdens.
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