Sentences with phrase «are specific challenges»

Considering the boom in LegalTech research and startups, I was wondering whether there are specific challenges facing German LegalTech,
There are specific challenges that we find in tiny houses that someone who has not built one themselves would not know exist.
A few of them are standard races, but most are specific challenges on non-circular race tracks.
Coogler said, «It's a specific challenge.
What was the specific CHALLENGE (or Situation) facing the company and / or your team?
What was a specific CHALLENGE (or Situation) facing the company and / or your team?
If there was a specific challenge or problem the employer brought up during the interview.
If there were specific challenges that include operations in need of a turnaround, or executive teams that required significant political maneuvering, these situations can make for a great leadership resume story.
The protection of Indigenous knowledge's will be a specific challenge for Indigenous peoples and governments around the world in their attempts to respond to the impacts of climate change.
The protection of Indigenous peoples intellectual property will be a specific challenge for government and Indigenous groups, particularly where the protection of intellectual property in Australia is afforded as an individual protection and does not provide for communal or group protection.

Not exact matches

While different currencies require different types of calculations that favor one kind of computing set up or another (ethereum runs great on graphics cards while bitcoin mining uses specially made chips called application - specific integrated circuits), Monero's underlying mining challenge was made to run best on ordinary PC CPUs.
This year, however, Lapointe had a very specific challenge in mind, because Bombardier was in an unusual position as a powersports manufacturer.
With that in mind, although a young startup has dozens of challenges they're trying to address (and $ 50,000 of free money can pretty much solve anything), we adapted our application to narrowly focus on using the grant funds to solve a very specific issue.
Even so, many entrepreneurs find that coming up with specific goals, not to mention methods to attain them, can be rather challenging.
«They are designed with a primary goal of engendering high levels of immersion, engagement, and enjoyment for the players, -LSB-...] They do not tend to focus on one specific cognitive skill, as exercises usually do, but rather expose players to multiple demands that challenge a broad range of abilities.»
When I was faced with a new challenge, I would reach out to contacts, ask advice, find the right person to manage the specific challenge, and work with that person to develop and execute a plan of action.
Another challenge we encountered was taking the iSOLD It business model and adapting it for our specific business and market needs.
Encouragement requires that we tell people they aren't realizing their potential and then challenge them to achieve their goals with a specific plan.
Miriam Hernandez - Kakol is the U.S. Service Line Leader for KPMG's Customer & Operations business, which is focused on delivering industry - specific solutions to address the front - and middle - office challenges of Fortune 500 clients.
Here are some specific ways to cultivate emotional composure when you find yourself in challenging situations:
There are, however, a unique set of SMB - specific challenges, such as limited budgets, a fragmented market, a wide range of service preferences, and decision - making processes that vary from one company to the other.
There's no time for deep analysis about whether a customer should be offered a discount at a certain time; the challenge is to employ new predictive technologies to push Reliance's systems beyond the point where they're «still relying on rules that had to be written by programmers,» to address specific situations.
I mean, our teams like spending time together, but there are specific goals and specific challenges for them to solve, so in that sense it's structured.
A Barclays spokeswoman, while declining to discuss the specific incident, said: «We are constantly evaluating our analyst program to ensure that it is a challenging and rewarding yet balanced experience.»
That's where her tribe helped by creating a peer - coaching model where specific business challenges are discussed and a plan of action laid out.
If you're looking for specific ways to challenge mansplaining, steal the strategy adopted by female staffers in the Obama White House.
Brainstorming is a creative effort to find the right conclusion to a specific problem or challenge.
Your goal in creating buyer personas is to identify like motivations and challenges so you can create marketing offers and messages that will appeal to specific groups of people.
For budget speechwriters, a common ploy is to begin and end the finance minister's address with a specific character — a compelling individual with a captivating personal story, whose needs and challenges perfectly encapsulate what the budget is trying to achieve.
What are some of the specific challenges you've faced as the company has grown and how have you addressed them?
What are some of the specific challenges you've faced as the company has grown and how have you successfully addressed them?
Over the last 6 + months, I've been working on something specific to those who are building links for eCommerce websites, as I know the unique challenge these companies produce on the link building side of things.
The specific legal grounds for the Texas coalition's challenge to the remaining DACA program are that it violates the Constitution's direction for the president to execute the nation's laws, that it was adopted without allowing the public an advance chance to comment on it, and that it exceeds presidential power under federal immigration laws and is thus illegal.
Culmination of the program is a competition to create a digitally - oriented solution to a company - specific business challenge with the winner receiving a grant and additional advanced education and consultation.
Our Office Hours are a great way to get very specific advice on business challenges you face on a daily basis.
Various studies have suggested that improving gender parity may result in significant economic dividends, which vary depending on the situation of different economies and the specific challenges they are facing.
This guide is designed to walk you through the fundamentals of offsite SEO, in total, with specific respect to the unique challenges SaaS companies face.
Specific content should then be created to answer the questions prospects ask at every stage of the buying cycle, as well as to speak to various customer personas and the challenges faced by different industries.
These meetings allow startup founders to discuss specific issues and challenges they're facing with seasoned investors and advisors who are familiar with their industry.
While political, economic and geopolitical conditions make it challenging to predict near - term moves or to time specific portfolio actions, we are focused on searching for potential opportunities in companies with attractive risk / reward profiles.
The group's presence on this week's worst - performing list is seemingly attributable to industry - specific challenges that don't lend themselves to quick resolutions.
In fact, given some of the challenges surrounding slack demand and excess supply, an optimal decision would likely be to view each metal as a specific case study.
You'll need to determine what your company's competition will be in those markets, what specific challenges each market might provide, and how you might need to alter your products or business model to be successful in each potential market.
We focus on «complex» B2B products and services, where a «solution sell process» is used to provide sales leads that have a specific challenge that needs to be resolved.
Attendees will have the opportunity to gain insight into specific challenges they are having within their business and receive valuable targeted advice for those issues.
Some non-mechanical causative principle of order is required to explain, for example, why the molecules of living beings come together into specific shapes, why organisms develop specific characteristics or have the capacity to regulate their metabolism or readjust and reintegrate themselves holistically when injured or when challenged by their environment.
That God appeared there, in Palestine, two thousand years ago and was born to these specific parents, Mary and Joseph, and was placed in that trough and no other, and was crucified under Pontius Pilate and left one grave exquisitely empty — this is the «scandal of particularity» so often named as Christianity's most challenging feature and its most world - affirming.
Unless you establish that you know something specific in the Quran that contradicts your LOGIC and way of thinking (challenges established truths and scientific evidences), I am puzzled why you are not Muslims yet?
Plus there is also new evidence that pops up from time to time that may challenge what ever school of thought you are tyring to convey, so you do need to provide the specific proof because just saying go read some history doesn't actually cut it.
The answer is that theology is a very human, and very important, enterprise; that grasping and assimilating what God has done and continues to do is not something that can be engaged in passively but is a challenge to everything any of us possesses; that the separation of theologizing from what the minister and the church try, fallibly but authentically, to hear of the Word of God in specific situations from some alleged and remote theology is bound to be blasphemous as well as mistaken; and that the one way to hear the Word of God, if it contains the Protestant principle, is to submit our functions to concrete self - criticism.
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