Sentences with phrase «are the faint traces»

The only smiles to be seen are the faint traces of a smirk on Ms. Farrow's lips as her character carries out the Devil's work.
The spiciest calibration works best on sealed surfaces where there is a faint trace of power oversteer even through third - gear esses, despite total surveillance by various watchdogs.
Although there is a faint trace of body roll that warns you're reaching the limit of adhesion, the transition past that threshold is prompt rather than progressive.

Not exact matches

The characteristic features of the present age could of course be detected in former times as faint traces, so to speak, because man was always to some degree the inventor and active manipulator of his own situation and the creator of himself.
Like William James, who was uncharmed by the virtues of the «block - universe,» I have difficulty grasping why the slightest trace of contingency, the faintest tremor of ambiguity about the future, would upset science and ruin everything.
HERA's level of sensitivity — which is one of the things that allows the instrument to collect the faint traces of light from such distant sources — will get even higher with the new grant.
A faint trace was also detected by American instruments in Alaska.
In this discovery, reported by Caltech researchers in June, radio telescopes picked up faint traces of the organic compound propylene oxide in a vast cloud of gas and dust called Sagittarius B2, which is near the center of our galaxy.
It is possible, of course, that evolution's early traces have become too faint to decipher.
So are our fittingly escapist quality and timely dislike of any clothing that attracts the faintest trace of sweat.
Though The Disaster Artist is nominally an adaption of the same - titled book by Wiseau's former roommate and co-star Greg Sestero and the critic and journalist Tom Bissell, the movie bears only faint traces of its characterization of the secretive, self - made filmmaker; the exclusion of any biographical details (many of which are now public knowledge) leaves yawning gaps in the script, which was written by the duo of Scott Neustadter and Michael H. Weber (500 Days Of Summer, The Spectacular Now, The Fault In Ours Stars, etc.).
Show the faintest trace of interest in his car, and he'll whip out pictures and tell you a story about how much fun it is to drive.
When you grow up as a girl, it is like there are faint chalk lines traced approximately three inches around your entire body at all times, drawn by society and often religion and family and particularly other women, who somehow feel invested in how you behave, as if your actions reflect directly on all womanhood.
«I'll tell you,» she says with only the faintest trace of a Texas drawl, «this is the first book I've been excited to promote.
Let's just hope it doesn't come at the expense of ghosting (faint traces of the previous page), which the flash was designed to eliminate.
What happens is the traces of brindle are so small and faint and hard to see in photos, but those with a trained eye know what to look for, the rest of the world sees a solid black dog: — RRB -
Turpentine is then repeatedly applied by brush to remove the paint before it dries, washing away or, as Innes has described it, «unpainting» the surface, leaving all but the faintest vestigial traces of color.
Beneath them remain the faint traces of older marks that have since been worked over.
The pictographic man is outlined in muted reds and blues, and a fainter doppelganger lurks beneath him like a retinal after - trace.
His paintings are created through a process of addition and subtraction, sometimes removing sections of paint from the canvases surface with turpentine to leave only the faintest traces of what was there before.
The real difference between the «Elegies» and the «Opens» is that the earlier series retains a faint trace of symbolism that can include a Freudian reading of their phallic and testicular shapes, while the latter paintings are more purely visual in their content.
Some paintings are entirely abstract, while others show the faint trace of arial views with shifting gradients in shades of pink, blue, orange, and green.
Echavarría documented abandoned schools fallen to ruin and traces left by forced displacements — classrooms without children, desks or teachers, and roofless spaces invaded by tropical humidity where familiar mathematical signs, grammatical symbols, and faint alphabets, can still be seen.
The act of erasure wasn't a facile one of wiping it out: the drawing clung to the paper and it took days of intense labour to get rid of its last faint traces, so that in the process Rauschenberg must have stared at that drawing with longer, and more fixated attention than anyone had ever brought to the scrutiny of a De Kooning, not excluding the Dutchman himself.
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