Sentences with phrase «are toxic to dogs when»

Many cleaning chemicals are toxic to dogs when they are ingested or inhaled.
Question: what essential oils are toxic to dogs when used in a household diffuser?
Toxic foods such as chocolates or grapes are known to be toxic to dogs when ingested, but larger dogs tend to get away from being sick compared to puppies or smaller dogs.
Garlic and onions can be toxic to your dog when consumed in excessive amounts.

Not exact matches

Too much salt can be toxic to many kinds of animals, like cats and dogs, so it would be wise to keep Himalayan salt lamps out of the reach of any household pets who may want to sneak behind your back and have a taste when you aren't looking.
While cheese isn't toxic to your dog, it can cause some yucky digestive upset, including diarrhea and unpleasant gas when given in large portions.
Broccoli contains a substance called isothiocyanate, and when it's ingested in large amounts, it can be toxic to dogs.
So why are you giving your dog these toxic meds every month when all you have to do is just run a test at the right time?
It can be toxic to dogs except when given in very small doses.
Additionally, when the source of peaches is unknown, there is a risk that the fruit has been sprayed with pesticides, which can be toxic to dogs.
We as pet owners have to be careful when feeding people food to dogs — even some of the healthiest human foods can be highly toxic to our canine companions — but, fortunately, we can feed Fido a couple blueberries without fear.
When children and dogs are exposed to toxic salt pellets it can cause eye irritation and severe stomach problems.
In addition to hurting their paw pads, these toxic products can be inadvertently ingested when dogs groom themselves.
When you are aware of some of the common household products that are toxic to pets, you'll be better able to protect dogs and cats against poisoning.
There isn't anything particularly toxic about it, but when processed like with deli meats and turkey hot dogs, the chemicals used to keep them «edible» is often not digested well by dogs...
The Daily Puppy warns an unrelated plant called the horse chestnut is considered toxic to dogs and other animals when consumed in large quantities.
They are also known to eat toxic foods when rummaging through garbage, exposing dogs to poisonous foods as well as bacteria, mold and endotoxins (contained in bacterial cells that enter the dog).
While most things aren't harmful, what happens when your dog chooses to eat something that could be toxic?
It is important to note that seemingly harmless ingredients can be toxic when consumed by dogs.
Humans don't tend to lick themselves when grooming, while dogs do, so we must be aware that some things can be toxic when ingested.
I once had a dog pass away when I was growing up due to being fed grapes (which is toxic to dogs!)»
When a flea collar becomes wet, it's twice as toxic to the dog wearing it or to those mouthing or breathing the vapors from it!
If you are unable to remove them from your property, be sure to always monitor your dog when he is outdoors and keep him in an area where he is away from the toxic plants.
This can be toxic to dogs that eat it, but the risk depends on the breed of dog, when the animals were treated and the amount consumed.
We must be cautious when giving human foods to our dogs because they can cause gastrointestinal irritation or even be toxic.
For example garlic is toxic to dogs, as is tea tree oil when ingested as your pet grooms.
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Pet owners who are also avid gardeners should be extra cautious when they are planning for their spring garden, as there are a lot of seemingly innocent plants that are toxic to dogs and cats.
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