Sentences with phrase «are way too»

I find that a lot of ice creams are way too sweet.
I've not been a fan because they are way too sweet.
I have a problem with a lot of raw food recipes in general because they either don't taste good (maybe I'm too fickle) or they are way too complicated and expensive and time consuming.
Hot - button issues like this are way too useful to the GOP candidates for them ever to actually «solve» them the way they keep promising to.
People are way too judgmental about TV shows.
Ive had bible thumpers say its perverted what we do in our own home with the one I love we here in the US are way too puritan in our beleifs Oh BTW how this got out was a local preacher saw us at a S&M play party He never has been able to explain why HE was there!!!!
My immediate thought after reading your problem was that I see a brother in need who is keeping a much needed ministry going and there are way too many people being blessed by it to allow it to die.
That's what this season of Advent is for — to heighten our awareness of God's surprises, whether they include the surprise of Elizabeth and Zechariah, who are way too old to be having a baby yet bring forth John, or the surprise years when that same John appears in the wilderness.
(There are way too many links on my blog if you are so inclined) He preaches pure grace like I've never heard in my life and many times I'm overcome with waves of God's presence and love just listening.
Your comments are way too general; they paint a swath that is far too wide.
Green - fingered presenter Alan Titchmarsh said children are way too clean these days and he blamed parents... More
Their stories are way too contradictory.
-------- Faithless, there are way too many critics of the Bible and biblical truths to jump into every car they drive to go for a never ending ride like Charlie on the MTA.
But they are way too smart to be identified, even as they live right next to some of us.
And of course there are way too many examples of faith healer charlatans.
There are way too many people on this planet.
Yes we are way too institutional, but we can't get away from it completely, we need to turn it wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy down.
There are way too many people of faith just sitting around waiting for god's intervention rather that taking necessary action on their own.
You are way too reasonable and level headed... thank you for a welcome perspective on the bigger picture.
The new libertarians are way too self - obsessed to commit that error.
There are WAY too many contradictions in the Bible for me to take it completely literally and at face value.
Family court judges are WAY too busy to get involved in this kind of stuff.
People — please don; t read this guys posts (which I doubt most do because they are way too long).
lb, I think even neurons are way too big to be influenced by qtm interference, (their electrons etc, on the other hand...).
Do your conservitive freinds think you might be teetering on the edge of liberalism, while your liberal friends think you are way too sympathetic to the concerns of conservatives?
There are way too many well respected scientists who believe and trust in God for this to be seriously considered.
There are way too many great scientific minds that happen to believe in God for you to take sides on this issue.
Second, the categories are way too broad and ambiguous.
Yet there are way too many Christians («the other side») that have actually contributed more than you.
There are way too many people out there that have their own beliefs, but consider all other belief systems as false.
There are way too many people in the world to care about what each one is doing.
There are way too many assumptions and supporting theories with assumptions for me to take the atheistic evolutionary theory seriously.
If I did understand correctly, I can only say that you and your beliefs are way too twisted to carry on a meaningful conversation.
There are way too many assumptions and conclusions drawn by interpreting data.
I'm still negative the entire bond sector as I think the yields are way too low as the United States experienced a 2.9 % GDP number last quarter which is very solid.
There are way too many moving parts to the modern global economy to even begin to figure out how this legislation will impact growth or inflation.
Too many people are way too afraid of the market and miss out on so much opportunity!
«The aerodynamic forces are way too strong for the nitrogen thrusters.
, money's most important role is that it gives options and solves problems, and there are way too many stories of successful individuals doing great things with their wealth to make this world a better place that go unreported.
The coastal cities are way too expensive with cap rates below 4 %.
CD rates are way too low to have any type of significant impact right now.
The spread and fees on Coinbase are way too high.
There are way too many people out there that want to take your money and give crypto's a bad name!
The tenants are way too much hassle and the high turnover is a pain.
But there are way too many people in the Silicon Valley echo chamber who have never touched hands on a patient and don't understand how hard digital health is.»
Medics are way too busy saving lives.
«Taxes are way too complicated, and people spend way too much time worrying about ways to get them lower,» he said.
That is getting closer to the near 4 % growth the planet experienced during the mid-2000s, but David Madani, a Toronto - based economist with Capital Economics, thinks those projections are way too bullish.
If you're not sure where you'd like to be in five years or are way too swamped to take on another responsibility, be prepared for a mentor to call you out on this, or just sit out the relationship entirely.
If your meetings run so long your team requires sustenance to keep going, your meetings are way too long.
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