Sentences with phrase «area of climate science»

It's difficult to know; this is one of the most uncertain areas of climate science.
I thought he engaged well and operates in an interesting area of climate science.
Temperature data should only hold possibly 2 % of the overall area of climate science.
Only one of the papers is outside the subject area of climate science.
The so - called «hockey stick» curve — a graph my co-authors and I published a decade - and - a-half ago showing modern warming in the Northern Hemisphere to be unprecedented for at least the past 1,000 years — is one among other areas of climate science where the evidence has become ever more compelling.
Several weeks ago I suggested six critical areas of climate science where the alarmists appear to be wrong.
Certainly there have been differences between the various inquiries carried out so far - notably (as Fred Singer correctly reminded me during the week) that they've examined different areas of climate science.
In collaboration with Ralph, our team at the Met Office Hadley Centre combined techniques from two normally separate areas of climate science — seasonal forecasting and carbon cycle research — to forecast CO2 concentrations for 2016.
Evaluation within the science of rational ethics has the potential to be independent of the problem area of climate science expertise; so we should get a much more independent evaluation of the untrustworthy issue instead of a biased evaluation that could reasonably be expected from within the climate science expert community itself.
This is one of the annotated reading lists prepared in 2011 - 13 by researchers in the field to provide an introductory guide to one area of climate science through its literature.
Research challenges are broad areas of climate science that are societally important, reflect the interests of the scientific community and funding agencies, and typically extend US CLIVAR beyond its traditional research agenda.
Okay, maybe two: «Such decadal forecasts, while still subject to large uncertainties, have emerged as a new area of climate science
Presumably the intention is to exclude opinions by non-physical scientists who are not only not necessarilly expert in a particular area of climate science, but do not necessarilly have the scientific background to assess the evidence adduced by the IPCC in support of the concensus position.
RE # 16 (SS): The comments on this site are a poor place to expect answers that recapitulate extensive areas of climate science as with the heat flow issues you raise.
One of the most uncertain areas of climate science today has to do with feedbacks — processes caused by climate change that in turn accelerate (or decelerate) climate change.
By now I would have thought Chris could at least be responding to the grayer areas of climate science rather than denying reality?
SEPP concentrated on the more limited, but less understood area of climate science.
In addition to areas of climate science needing more research, the UN body may face a change in mission
are both highly specific and highly focused, identifying a specific barrier preventing progress in a critical area of climate science;
Some 3 - 4 years ago I started looking at the CET in more detail, ever since Tony and I have exchanged privately views and opinions, not to mention occasional Tony's kind and helpful advise, despite researching in the two totally different areas of the climate science.
This just goes to show the complex nature of this area of climate science.
«If the global numbers come out as CRU has presented over the years, then it will strike a blow to skepticism about global temperature trend records produced by CRU and restore a good deal of credibility to this area of climate science
Just as missing data in some areas of climate science does nt prevent us from making rational statements about global warming, so to the fact of missing mails does not prevent us from describing clearly what we do know about the mails.
It is possible that some areas of climate science have become sclerotic, that its scientific practices have become too partisan, that its funding - whether from private or public sectors - has compromised scientists.
Why on earth Mr Lacis raves on about the ins and outs of the technical issues under discussion in the area of climate science / global warming when it is the issue of the ethical and legal aspects of Gleick's actions that are the immediate issue.
Media Matters reported on the 16 scientists who signed the Op - Ed, and found that most of them have not published any research in the area of climate science.
Based on a review of his publications at Rensselaer Polytechnical Institute and at Google Scholar, Dr. Giaever has not published any work in the area of climate science.
According to Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, the University of Oslo, and Google Scholar, Ivar Giaever has not published any work in the area of climate science.
How could you possibly see an electrical engineer [semiconductors & electronics] publishing a weighty paper in the area of Climate Science?
How could you possibly see an electrical engineer [semiconductors & electronics] publishing a weighty and meaningful paper in the area of Climate Science?
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