Sentences with phrase «area of common ground»

Grow - your - own can be a delightful area of common ground between unions and districts; everyone benefits from getting skilled, durable teachers into all classrooms.
A good lawyer will therefore quickly identify areas of common ground and issues that might be ripe for settlement, and will determine the best approach for getting optimum results for you.
By the close of this Summit, the stakeholders and leaders present arrived at nine Common Ground Vision Statements which represent areas of common ground and shared priorities for further discussion and action.
Watts described a friendly two - hour trading of very different views on many points of climate change science but also on at least a few areas of common ground on pollution problems and energy choices, including on the value of household photovoltaic systems, which both men have on their homes.
And, this mutual understanding can not come by way of authoritative statements, but through declarations that point toward areas of common ground.
It's fine for Christians to have strong political opinions and for them to advocate for them, but slandering the other side only drives a deeper wedge between people who disagree, instead of building bridges to find areas of common ground.
Rather, the goal was to discover areas of common ground among these diverse stakeholders, when considering the future of home birth in the United States.
The Tories and Lib Dem may have been locked in fierce battle during the election campaign, but as the parties talk, David Cameron has noted «there are many areas of common ground».
Shelter admission policies have gone from being the signature difference between No Kill and traditionalists 20 years ago to being one of the most notable areas of common ground today.
GU provides a forum for those working with children, youth, and the elderly to explore areas of common ground.
Conflict avoiders emphasize areas of common ground, keeping their ratio of positive to negative interactions 5:1.
By the close of the Summit, the stakeholders and leaders present arrived at nine vision statements which represent areas of common ground and shared priorities for further discussion and action.
Aresimowicz cited a front - page article from Saturday's Hartford Courant that outlined five areas of common ground on the budget, and he posted it on his Facebook page.
During discussions Tuesday, Way and Means committee members said while there are areas of common ground between the two plans, a key difference is the amount allocated to the city.
Another area of common ground is their position on a third runway at Heathrow Airport.
Depending on the answer, it is either an area of common ground, or it sharpens the differences in the debate in a very helpful way.
An honest assessment of issues in the relationship can help to establish an area of common ground from which to have open communication.
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