Sentences with phrase «area of debate over»

One of the most contentious areas of debate over the expansion of hydraulic fracturing for natural gas concerns a spike in seismic activity in unlikely areas that have begun fracking nearby.

Not exact matches

But the incident renewed debate over the idea of child - free seating areas that can be found on some international airlines, but have yet to be introduced by any US airlines.
That group and other students from across the Denver area also held a «lie - in» at the state Capitol around noon Wednesday ahead of debate in a House committee over a handful of pro-gun bills introduced by Republicans expected to happen Wednesday afternoon.
A culture of bullying has taken over in this area, and the idea of academic freedom, wide enquiry, and genuine debate and analysis is no longer seen as essential in university life.
Here's an observation, too: if these people are debating over what the best objects are to strike children with, they've gone beyond violent discipline into an area of seriously evil pathology.
In a Guardian article on November 3rd the prominent Islamic scholar Tariq Ramadan wrote concerning the «debate between faith and reason, and over the virtues of rationalism»: «The Pope's remarks at Regensburg have opened up new areas of inquiry that must be explored and exploited in a positive way, with a view to building bridges and, working hand in hand, to seeking a common response to the social, cultural and economic challenges of our day.»
There is a minor debate over the arrival of the imported Capsicums from the Western Hemisphere into Hungary and surrounding areas.
But for the larger group of casual fans with an outside curiosity about the national championship or the sport in general, the constant hammering over the head with terms like «native sandy areas» (and attendant rules parsing, delay, and debate) will sound like the stuff of a niche sport, and is a turnoff.
The post-Cold War «out of area» debate is entirely anachronistic given the range of military operations in which NATO forces are engaged outside the territories of its members over the past twenty years.
A debate over Larry Silverstein's quest for the funding has split between those who view 3 World Trade Center as the final piece of the area's post-Sept.
Gradually, the University of Tokyo particle physicist found himself drawn deeper into a debate over the exposure of area residents.
The study, which is being conducted under the Environmental Protection Agency's Superfund program, is the first time the EPA has undertaken its own water analysis in response to complaints of contamination in drilling areas, and it could be pivotal in the national debate over the role of natural gas in America's energy policy.
Scientists know that our memories are stored in specific areas of the brain, but there has been some debate over whether a single brain region can store different memories that control opposing behavior.
Recently, the government, headed by Prime Minister Tony Abbott, triggered a public debate over plans to construct potentially the world's largest coal port adjacent to the Great Barrier Reef, a UNESCO World Heritage Area, and to excise 74,000 hectares of forest from Tasmania's World Heritage — listed site.
The NRC asked the committee to summarize current scientific information on the temperature record for the past two millennia, describe the main areas of uncertainty and how significant they are, describe the principal methodologies used and any problems with these approaches, and explain how central is the debate over the paleoclimate temperature record to the state of scientific knowledge on global climate change.
Mike Wallace's talk was about the «National Research Council Report on the «Hockey Stick Controversy»... The charge to the committee, was «to summarize current information on the temperature records for the past millennium, describe the main areas of uncertainty and how significant they are, describe the principal methodologies used and any problems with these approaches, and explain how central is the debate over the paleoclimate record within the overall state of knowledge on global climate change.»
Kindergarten is now water under the bridge (though some states are still arguing over whether it should be half - day or full - day) but much the same lesson applies to one of today's liveliest areas of education - policy debate, namely the «universal preschool» movement.
The CALS construct is defined as a constellation of the high - utility language skills that correspond to linguistic features prevalent in oral and written academic discourse across school content areas and that are infrequent in colloquial conversations (e.g., knowledge of logical connectives, such as nevertheless, consequently; knowledge of structures that pack dense information, such as nominalizations or embedded clauses; knowledge of structures for organizing argumentative texts) Over the last years, as part of the Catalyzing Comprehension Through Discussion Debate project funded by IES to the Strategic Educational Research Partnership, Dr. Paola Uccelli and her research team have produced a research - based, theoretically - grounded, and psychometrically robust instrument to measure core academic language skills (CALS - I) for students in grades 4 - 8.
In the first phase, I use observations of public meetings, interviews with community stakeholders, and analysis of local media coverage to examine the shifting understandings, assumptions, and norms underlying debates over school desegregation in rapidly gentrifying areas of New York City.
The latest revision of the federal dog management plan for GGNRA adds some new areas that dogs on leashes can roam, subtracts a few areas where dogs could previously run free, and once again stirs the decades - long debate over where dogs fit in at the scenic, 80,00 - plus - acre federal playground.
Thanks to their persistent grassroots efforts — abetted by a confluence of factors, including changing priorities in the National Park Service, the decommissioning of military sites across the U.S., and a continuing debate over the future of Alcatraz Island — the Golden Gate National Recreation Area was established on October 27, 1972.
His view accords with that of a growing number of scientists concerned about the pursuit of «intensely political» areas of science, such as the debate over climate change, amid fears that views contrary to government policy were unwelcome.
Supply, cost, environmental consequences - these are among the central features of debate over energy policy in the U.S. Those who want to open up more areas to drilling - on land and offshore - and expand the use of fracking to extract natural gas from deep underground argue that we must reduce our dependence on foreign oil.
Both Hughes and Hall think the new data should be factored into the debate over Canada's tar sands reserves, which cover an area about the size of Florida.
Based on the complexity of activities and spending that I carefully detail and discuss throughout the chapter, Joe Romm in several blog posts has taken this complexity and created a misleading, horse - race style debate over spending in specific areas like lobbying or advertising.
The last few years have seen a big debate among leading conservationists over the future of parks and protected areas.
the committee will summarize current scientific information on the temperature record for the past 1,000 - 2,000 years, describe the main areas of uncertainty and how significant they are, describe the principal methodologies used and any problems with these approaches, and explain how central the debate over the paleoclimate temperature record is to the state of scientific knowledge on global climate change.
Debate over the «compensation culture» should eschew the insults and focus on common areas of agreement, says Gary Beazleigh
The creation and evolution of social media and social networking sites have created a new debate within various areas of law, including medical malpractice, over what should and should not be considered «private.»
Following the release of the Segregated Witness white paper, proposed solutions to the scalability problem were effectively flattened into two groups: those who wanted an increase in block size (with a further debate over what the ideal size was), and those who wanted to maintain block size while improving efficiency in other areas.
Under the compromise reached in the Senate disallowance debate, the reduced right to negotiate introduced in relation to the creation or variation of high impact exploration permits, high impact mineral development licences, mining claims and mining leases over unallocated state land (under s 43 NTA), was also introduced in relation to the alternative provision areas.
Given the current climate of uncertainty and with so many areas of health care in a state of flux, there can be no better time to bring together people from all over the country to discuss, debate, workshop, network and collectively agree on the priorities to take our health system forward.
A microcosm of the national debate over smart growth or sprawl is underway in Michigan, where both a group of Republican legislators and a «blue ribbon» commission are considering a half - dozen land - use issues affecting future development.One piece of legislation would allow local governments to designate zones where less dense development is desired, then give landowners in these areas the option of selling their development rights to property owners in districts where more density is desired.
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