Sentences with phrase «area of high need»

Again, these programs often encourage employment in specific areas of high need in exchange for assistance with loan repayment.
There is depth at the other areas of high need (IOL, LB, and RB).
Connected Beginnings aims to help Aboriginal and / or Torres Strait Islander children in areas of high need be well prepared for school by supporting pregnant indigenous women, and indigenous children from birth to school age.
Considering that RWT sites crop up in areas of high need, participants typically have relevant firsthand experience to share.
We believe addressing the areas of highest need best will solve the immediate problems, and the immediate problems are always what get the most attention.
It follows similar warnings over the state of teacher recruitment and retention from the National Audit Office and the Public Accounts Committee, as well as the closure of the National Teaching Service in December 2016 — designed to place middle and senior leaders in areas of high need — after too few teachers signed up to a pilot.
Three, TFA has been publicly criticized by teachers» unions, teacher education programs, parents, and policy makers for placing inexperienced and less qualified teachers in the areas of the highest need.
In May, a few weeks before GPSN came out with its new plan, the school board unanimously directed the superintendent to come up with strategies to replicate high - performing schools in areas of high need and to «seek outside support for the funding of such replication,» seemingly aligning directly with GPSN's mission.
A recent survey of 1,150 Los Angeles residents, showed deep, across - the - board support for the expansion of charter schools, particularly in areas of high need.
The traditional system, whereby teachers are paid based solely on their years of experience and level of education, has caused many critics to claim that it does not promote good teaching, or is not as fair as other systems that pay based on performance, ability in certain skills, or willingness to teach in areas of high need.
To qualify you generally need to take a government job in an area of high need.
In order to take advantage of this offer, you would need to work for a nonprofit hospital or in an area of high need.
«Through this grant program, we aim to energize investigation into anti-parasitic therapeutics research and advance science in this area of high need in animal health.»
If these stakeholders can work together to align these efforts with the areas of highest need, we could see a medium - term reduction in that mismatch.
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