Sentences with phrase «area of inquiry»

Some general attention will be given to these various areas of inquiry in order to identify some important themes.
Meetings are unique opportunities for plant biologists to network and exchange information on the current state of the science, significant breakthroughs and new areas of inquiry.
Some relevant areas of inquiry include the organization's mission, vision, values, strengths, weaknesses and priorities.
This is an important area of inquiry and the reasons are likely complex.
The last area of inquiry could prove to be controversial, since the predictions help set contribution rates for local governments that in turn affect school and property taxes.
Eventually, he says, the motor - versus - planning areas of inquiry will result in a range of complementary treatments.
It also might allow journals to publish articles that indicate that a certain area of inquiry is a dead end, which does not get done as often as it should.
Recently these two areas of inquiry began to merge, and the integration has thus far proved fruitful.
I will add a few more details and areas of inquiry in this post.
Through its interdisciplinary programme — which includes collaborative group exhibitions and experimental writing initiatives, as well as film and talks programmes — DAS concentrates its endeavours towards unlocking new areas of inquiry for art and architecture related to South Asia.
Here are a few of the labs and research centers that include schizophrenia as one of their primary areas of inquiry: Duke Schizophrenia Research Group The Schizophrenia Research Group at Duke University in Durham, NC, focuses on the mechanisms of cognitive deficits in patients with schizophrenia.
On September 28 and 29, 2015 the Walker Art Center hosted an invitational curatorial research convening focused on pressing areas of inquiry facing the field of curating contemporary performance.
This fall, the Walker Art Center held New Circuits: Curating Contemporary Performance, in their own words a «curatorial research convening that will focus on pressing areas of inquiry facing the field of curating contemporary performance.»
Every science endeavors to discover the laws which pertain to its particular area of inquiry.
Given the invisible prevalence of citizen science in advancing this one area of global change research, we suspect it also common in many other areas of inquiry such as studies of land - use change, invasive species, and environmental pollutants, to name a few.
As Brenda and John pointed out, we are deeply, at least in my work, dependent on areas of inquiry such as neurophysiology, developmental neurobiology, basic cell biology, and genetics to help us understand the interesting patterns that we are uniquely in a position to observe.
«I came [to HGSE] to expand my understanding of issues related to adult post-secondary education so that I could apply technology in ways that make more of an impact on my students, and identify areas of inquiry that would support asking...
For example, identifying valid sources of information for social studies teachers and determining how technology can be used so that it does not limit but, instead, supplements the learning process, was a key area of inquiry.
«Although this session will not necessarily be restricted to football it will be the principle area of inquiry following the Suarez case and the concerns that have arisen from that,» Mr Collins said.
The thematic areas of inquiry / complaint are the following:
Green says these themes were identified as fundamental areas of inquiry in the National Academies» 2010 decadal review of planetary sciences.
One especially interesting area of inquiry, according to Greenberg, includes the regulatory elements that control the expression of genes in response to sensory experience.
These centers focus the efforts of collaborative groups of researchers on defined areas of inquiry, to accelerate progress toward the development of new treatments and vaccines to prevent and cure type 1 diabetes, cancer and infectious disease.
There are many exciting areas of inquiry suggesting that new pharmacotherapeutic and psychotherapeutic approaches can be initiated that may inhibit the emotional component of fear memory consolidation, without affecting the explicit memory formation.
Its disparate areas of inquiry aren't at all mutually exclusive, but it's clear that Goodall submitted to a film like this in large part to push the educational agenda of her institute.
They expand the lab's expertise into more geographic regions of the country and methodological areas of inquiry.
A look at the SEC document request suggests there are two major areas of inquiry.
By narrowing this vast area of inquiry to projects on the water, Radical Seafaring provides focus and clarity to widespread creative strategies that embrace the world outside.
As she toys with gender and sexuality in her luscious pieces, the artist probes additional areas of inquiry, asking about the artificial distinction between public and private spheres and whether, contrary to Duchampian belief, art can be lushly, uncompromisingly, visually beautiful.
the «temperature» data which is the central proposition of this entire area of inquiry is not even raw data, its adjusted data and its adjustment is a matter of grave concern and is a difficult proposition.
Relevant areas of inquiry include the current political, economic, social, technological, legal and environmental factors.
Applies field knowledge about legal information trends that will inform related areas of inquiry
Wills and Estates issues continue to be a popular area of inquiry to PLIAN by many Newfoundlanders and Labradorians.
This Formal Advisory Opinion is intended to provide judges with broad guidance regarding one of the Ethics Committee's most frequent areas of inquiry.
This discovery is the first time that learning and memory deficiencies have been identified in any hybrid of any species, opening up a new area of inquiry for understanding hybrids» selective disadvantage.
The news that an Uber self - driving car had killed an Arizona pedestrian raises a few important areas of inquiry for purposes of personal injury matters.
Religion and humankind's spiritual need have always been my primary area of inquiry.
Constraining the uncertainty of the future remains an important task for many important areas of inquiry, but scientists should be meticulous and open - minded when making such arguments.
Since its establishment, NAEd has undertaken research studies that address pressing issues in education and that typically include both NAEd members and other scholars with an expertise in a particular area of inquiry.
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