Sentences with phrase «area of their habitat»

This has become a widespread weed present in 88 per cent of 24,824 of quadrats — small areas of habitat selected at random as samples for assessing the local distribution of plants and animals — monitored by researchers.
«Lesser prairie - chicken survival relies on the combination of habitat and climate, and larger areas of habitat provide more opportunities for them to survive a difficult climate,» said USGS scientist and study co-author Clint Boal.
According to Prof. Offen, untreated Alzheimer's mice would run heedlessly into an unfamiliar and dangerous area of their habitats instead of assessing potential threats, as healthy mice do.
Keep in mind that, for example, mites that threaten the health and live of your pet may vary depending on the area of their habitat.
The fact that he got good agreement is a specific instance (in which the number of predicted species lost is in agreement with the SAR), but this will only happen if the area of habitat destroyed happens to contain the entire ranges of the species that went extinct.
The forests span the protected parks and the community concessions, allowing there to be a larger and unsegmented area of habitat.

Not exact matches

According to her, there are almost 56 connected miles of pollinator habitats in the Raleigh - Durham area, thanks in part to these corporations doing their small part.
Based on the available information, the EPA in 2014 determined the mine would result in a complete and irreversible loss of fish habitats in some areas of the bay.
Under the agreement a perpetual restrictive covenant has been placed on the 121.7 ha which will require the area to be maintained and managed for its value as native vegetation with improvement of its assessed habitat score from 7/10 to 8/10 over a 20 - year period.
This plan must have the effect of restoring 2.0 times the area of new cut habitat affected in the West Side Athabasca Range by the project.
A handful of citizen volunteers digging up the correct information and piping it through blogs, social media, letters to the editor and conversations at coffee shops and on door steps to protect what we value — drinking water, schools, parks, key natural habitat and recreational areas.
May 1, 2018: Yesterday, the Minister of Environment and Climate Change Canada released the first ever section 63 report under the Species at Risk Act, (SARA), where the Minister found that outside of protected areas, provinces and territories have failed to protect almost all of boreal caribou critical habitat.
We can not be sure that The Flood had no relationship to all flesh around that area having «corrupted its way»... The very protection of mankind from natural disasters that were inevitable from the contingent, limited perfection of the planet Earth as a habitat, might well have been mediated to human communities by great prophetic souls, even as Christ prophesied the destruction of Jerusalem as a consequence of his rejection, and because «in the day of your visitation, you did not know the things that were to your peace».
The ONLY REAL SOLUTION to the overcrowding of areas like Gaza that does not result in war or death occuring is the colonization of planetary bodies like the Moon and Mercury both of which have more than ample supplies of water to create habitats for humans.
There is a direct relation between the area of a natural habitat and the number of species it can sustain.
The stubborn resistance of the poor tribal women in the now famous Chipko movement against the Government's decision to turn their habitat into a mining area, has brought to our consciousness the inseparable link between the struggle of the poor and ecological issues.
Forested areas located adjacent to the coffee producing sections of the farm are conserved, providing habitat for a variety of wildlife.
Increase forest cover with native species in degraded areas, improve the climate resiliency of coffee plants as a result of restoring tree cover, and enhance habitat value in the coffee - growing landscape.
Located in Bolivia's eastern lowlands, the concession covers an area the size of Rhode Island and its forests provide habitat to tapirs, giant otters, and pumas.
It is cheap coffee grown with lots of chemicals in huge areas of natural habitat that have been destroyed.
The amount, composition, and structure of shade cover is the main proxy for habitat preservation and the conservation of biodiversity, especially birds, in coffee production areas.
There was increased hydraulic diversity in zones 3 and 4 but reduced hydraulic diversity in zone 1 due to a reduction in the area of slackwater, which is likely to have an adverse impact on taxa that require slackwater habitat for recruitment and survival while benefiting taxa that require faster flowing water
Standards for preservation of native habitat in these areas would be more appropriate.
At the ecosystem level, the maintenance of natural areas within and around organic fields and absence of chemical inputs create suitable habitats for wildlife.
The work of rangers in Belize is to protect the land, habitat, and wildlife in conservation areas.
The priority habitat designation program allows the Massachusetts Department of Fish and Game's Fisheries and Wildlife Division to review projects in environmentally sensitive areas and make recommendations for landowners to avoid impacts to these vulnerable species.
Representatives of communities in the Buffalo Creek area were told of water quality tests that showed contamination and urged to take steps to protect the water and fish and wildlife habitat as plans move forward to expand the storage capacity of Buffalo Creek Reservoir.
The Park District also proposes a restoration of the costal habitat at Rosewood that would expand the beach, prevent erosion and protect other aspects of the area.
Smooth Greensnakes occupy a wide range of habitats, though they depend on moist, grassy areas in prairies, marshes or near lakes.
For the acreage under our care and control, this policy reflects the choice of Mass Audubon's Board of Directors and the majority of our members that these areas remain available first and foremost as wildlife habitat and areas for passive recreation.
This year's to - do lists include (depending on the sanctuary) removing invasive species; preparing garden beds to attract a variety of visitors, from birds and butterflies to people; cleaning nature play areas; restoring habitats; maintaining trails; and improving entrance areas.
Adjacent to the Highland Park Country Club, the Skokie River Woods property is owned by the City of Highland Park and managed by the Park District of Highland Park as open space with wetlands and wooded areas providing open space, habitat, natural rainwater storage and infiltration in the North Branch Chicago River watershed.
Natural Areas — More than 250 areas of prairie, woodlands, ravines and wetlands within 10 distinct natural habitats, ranging from the cool - water ravines of the Lake Michigan shore to rare Northern Flatwood communities to the Sedge Meadows of Skokie Valley, each with its distinct community of wildflowers, wildlife, trees and shAreas — More than 250 areas of prairie, woodlands, ravines and wetlands within 10 distinct natural habitats, ranging from the cool - water ravines of the Lake Michigan shore to rare Northern Flatwood communities to the Sedge Meadows of Skokie Valley, each with its distinct community of wildflowers, wildlife, trees and shareas of prairie, woodlands, ravines and wetlands within 10 distinct natural habitats, ranging from the cool - water ravines of the Lake Michigan shore to rare Northern Flatwood communities to the Sedge Meadows of Skokie Valley, each with its distinct community of wildflowers, wildlife, trees and shrubs.
«Protecting and restoring this critical waterway, which has suffered from pollution and overdevelopment over so many years, is so important to improving our area's water quality, restoring our area's natural habitats, and improving Long Islanders» quality of life.»
Westchester County Geographic Information Systems Mapper Westchester County's mapper lets users search by location within a specific theme (such as sewer district), or zoom in on an area of interest and display map layers such as watershed boundaries, locations of septic tanks and wastewater treatment plants, citizen science sampling locations, and fish and wildlife habitats.
Naming Long Island Sound and the Peconic Estuary as one of eight national critical designation areas would help fund agricultural conservation efforts, habitat restoration efforts and the sustainable use of soil, water and other natural resources, according to Mr. Bellone's office.
Erie County's natural habitat «pocket parks» are situated along the Buffalo River, which is designated as a toxic water body, or «Area of Concern» (AOC).
WHEREAS, Farms also provide jobs, use less in services than they pay in property taxes, maintain wildlife habitat and water quality when well - managed, create beautiful scenic vistas, highlight the cultural heritage of many rural areas in the County, and offer fresh, local food to County residents;
«NYSTA's knowledge of highway use and regulation and traffic impacts, while important, is highly limited within the context of a complex environmental review covering surface and groundwater, soils, bedrock and geology, storm water, air quality, habitat, and climate, among other areas of specialized knowledge and expertise,» they wrote.
According to the study, the ecological context of the birds» habitat in Barcelona — a highly urbanised and industrialised area — can increase exposure to lead.
As the creation of giant reserves gains momentum, some fear such areas don't always conserve the habitats most in need.
The search for ways to eliminate engineered genes from a variety of species and habitats is only one of three focus areas for DARPA's new program.
Savannahs form one of the largest habitats in the world, covering around one - fifth of the Earth's land area.
In one area of Ethiopia, wolf habitat shrunk by 34 percent from 1985 to 2003.
Because a habitat may contain related moth species that use the same flowers as nectar sources but different host plants to lay their eggs, the researchers would like to investigate whether odors that provide olfactory cues to identify the best oviposition sites activate similar areas in the antennal lobe of these moths, or whether the functional atlas of the brain is different in each species.
It is estimated that nearly 68 percent of the areas where current and future habitat will overlap is already safeguarded by parks and reserves.
She assessed the environmental effects of these dams in 14 categories, including the area and quality of habitat lost, the length of river channel affected, the amount of conservation land impacted, and the landslide risk.
But Hugh Possingham of the University of Queensland in Brisbane, who invented the software used to define such sites, says planners need to be sure to conserve 20 percent or more of every type of habitat within a protected area, and Australia hasn't done that.
One positive finding of the ecological niche modelling study is that while the ranges of many species are expected to contract, much of the remaining suitable habitat for many species will be located within existing protected areas, and that the recent creation of new reserves such as Itombwe and Kabobo in the Democratic Republic of Congo, have greatly increased the protection of some species under threat by future climate change.
The scientists, part of a team headed by researchers at Laval University in Quebec, used climate reconstructions from 21,000 years ago to the present to predict where caribou habitat would likely exist and they matched reservoirs of high genetic diversity to areas with the most stable habitat over time.
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