Sentences with phrase «area someone inhabit»

Rivet recommends that the «availability of human refuse in natural areas inhabited by bears should be eliminated for bear, as well as human, health and safety,» adding that, «diets of captive [bears] should be carefully selected to avoid high saturated [fat] content.»
As directed by Alex Proyas (I Robot, Knowing), who would go on to direct, appropriately, Dark City, the urban area inhabited by Eric Draven (Lee, Legacy of Rage) is one in which there is never any sunlight shown at any time, and even interiors are minimally lit, which is in keeping with the darker subject matter of the main story.
Age 16 weeks or older — recommended ONLY for dogs living in and / or visiting areas inhabited by rattlesnakes.
In an attempt to highlight the everyday banality of the physical areas we inhabit, she questions the afterlife of architecture, and recalls the historical moments the buildings were meant to embody, as well as their idealistic futility.
Turrell distinguishes between his own «architecture of space» — areas inhabited entirely by light — and the architecture of form, the actual walls, floors, and ceilings erected to create buildings.
I am not sure I can express it accurately, but I believe that endangered species are now counted only in the localized area they inhabit, as opposed to previous practice of counting species in a habitat that included the full extent of the areas the species should exist.
Road - paving projects, many underwritten by wealthy countries, were spreading ranching and logging into areas inhabited by rubber tappers and Indians, with environmental destruction and violence the result.
Climate change is also predicted to adversely affect agricultural productivity in many areas inhabited by rapidly growing populations, eg sub-Saharan Africa.
I know nothing of Julia Young's domestic arrangements, but my experience of large U.S. cities is that the educated professional classes tend to live so far from the areas inhabited by recent immigrants that they might as well be in another continent.
Their unique success probably was due to their large population size and the diversity of resources available within the area they inhabited, Borck said.
The interactions probably happened across the area inhabited by Neanderthals.
Importantly, the study shows that a wide variety of cuckoos have adapted different plumage patterns depending on the area they inhabit so that they match a local bird of prey species.
It's a surprise since the side quests tend to be well realised and fitting of the world and area they inhabit.
* Archeologists have discovered runes from the areas inhabited by the Norse (clans originating from present day Denmark, Norway and Sweden) which suggest that viking can be used both as a noun to describe someone who leaves his homeland for adventure and for profit from raiding, and as a verb for the act of raiding itself (e.g. to go viking).
Breeding female rats will move away from an area inhabited by resident cats that would clearly be a danger to their litters.
The Sian Ka'an Biosphere (Origin of the Sky) World Heritage Site is one of the most sensitive and ecologically diverse ecosystems in the hemisphere, complete with duned beaches, tropical mangroves, and lagoons, in an area inhabited by monkeys, jaguars, crocodiles and all manner of terrestrial and marine life.
We carry on to Curio Bay in the Catlins, an unspoiled scenic region of coast, rivers and podocarp forest — once an area inhabited by the giant Moa (largest bird in the world — now extinct).
It is the largest and most colorful handicrafts market in the Americas, and even though it is an area inhabited by the Maya Kiche, here you will see people and products from all over the country.
It's a surprise since the side quests tend to be well realised and fitting of the world and area they inhabit.
In 100 Copper Square, as in all of his sculpture of this period, Andre draws attention to the gallery space by encouraging viewers to traverse the space as well as by situating the works so that they have a dynamic relationship with the area they inhabit.
The pieces found in public spaces like the restaurant as well as in the private setting of the guest rooms are meant to draw attention to the function and design of the areas they inhabit.
Anthony Hernandez captured the essence of many cities... but his hometown, Los Angeles and the areas inhabited by the working class, the homeless, and the poor have been the most captivating subject for his craft.
Informed by Minimalism, performance, and utilitarian construction, these structures will activate the area they inhabit — a site that inherently juxtaposes organic and industrial sensibilities.
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