Sentences with phrase «area than in other parts of the country»

Summerville may not seem like a dangerous community, but it's more likely that your vehicle will be stolen or vandalized in this area than in other parts of the country.

Not exact matches

A decade ago, residents of northern European countries such as the Netherlands and Sweden were going online at a faster rate than in just about any other area in the world, thanks in part to substantial investments in broadband infrastructure.
But it is less a physical territory than a proving ground for an idea — that easing of controls over the renminbi and liberalization of interest rates can be introduced in a discrete area, evaluated and then rolled out to other parts of the country.
Their law permits them, as a temporary expedient, not to impose it in full in countries where they are in a minority: but in areas within that country which they consider to be Muslim territory and therefore part of the Umma, like large parts of Bradford, say, or certain parts of London, more of Sharia law will be imposed (unknown to the rest of us) than in others.
While property is relatively more affordable in other parts of the country (six times the average salary in the North - east rather than 14 times in London) it's impossible to ignore that even in the most affordable areas house prices are geared towards two - earner families with two or fewer children.
- A fair cap on household benefits - not one that costs more than it saves, and which takes account of housing costs in different parts of the country — with an independent body, like the Low Pay Commission, advising on whether the cap should be higher in high - cost housing areas like London, but potentially lower in other parts of the country;
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