Sentences with phrase «areal extent of»

Since about 1976 the areal extent of sea - ice in the Northern Hemisphere has varied about a constant climatological level but in 1972 - 1975 sea - ice extent was significantly less.
Climate envelope modelling suggests that climate change impacts will diminish the areal extent of some ecosystems (e.g., reduction by 2 - 47 % alone due to 1.6 °C warming above pre-industrial, Table 4.1, No. 6) and impact many ecosystem properties and services globally.
Unless you have good information on the location and areal extent of water deficits — the 2m surface temp means very little.
b) volumetric effects — change in the volume of water contained in the oceans and the geometry and areal extent of the ocean basins c) gravitational effects — change in the gravitational attraction of the earth (induced by deformation), by the change in distribution of ice and by the change in self - attraction of the water d) rotational effects — change in the moment of inertia caused by a change in the distribution of mass within the earth and on its surface.
The areal extent of methane - rich sediments is fairly well known from seismic observations of this feature, but uncertainty in the concentration of methane in those sediments is very large, thus resulting in the large uncertainty in the global inventory of ocean - floor methane.
Consequently, assuming mild greenhouse gas emission scenario (RCP2.6), areal extent of the conditions suitable for the processes in the study areas can contract 70 % by 2050 owing to changes in average air temperature and precipitation.
Furthermore, there is agreement on a general increase in the areal extent of regions with negative impacts above +3 °C of warming.
There is some question as to how the global trend of «windy - calm» averages to zero, given the large magnitude and areal extent of the reported positive trends vs that of the reported negative trends.
Working Group I said nothing about Himalayan glaciers disappearing; nor did it provide any estimate of the areal extent of Himalayan glaciers in 2035.
Assuming that the Day of Year axis represents a normal western calender, the areal extent of sea ice seems to fall to a minimum during the Antarctic summer, with a much smaller dip during the Arctic summer.
To estimate the potential areal extent of thinning, we subtracted from the total forested areas those land uses that are typically considered unsuitable for mechanical thinning.
The areal extent of the storm causes broadscale flooding that give it the nature of a megastorm.
Because walrus avoid ice - covered waters where sea ice concentration is 80 % or greater, any heavy ice concentrations reduce the areal extent of walrus foraging habitat.
As a glacial geologist, George was responsible for the areal extent of these ice sheets and, as a glaciologist, I was responsible for their vertical extent.
It is closely connected to metrics related to return times (i.e. if areal extent of extremely hot anomalies in any one summer increases by a factor of 10, then the return time at an average location goes from 1 in 330 years to 1 in 33 years).
We know the the areal extent of sea ice is an important measure of the degree of cold in the Arctic Ocean / sea ice subsystem of Earth's climate but is it not true that even if areal extent was to increase the amount of ice could still be much decreased?
This figure, combined with the change in areal extent of warm temperature extremes:

Not exact matches

Infrared satellite images on Friday afternoon and evening showed that the areal extent and intensity of Irma's core area of heavy thunderstorms were staying relatively constant, and Irma remained a high - end Category 4 hurricane.
In case this isn't already clear, there is simply no measure — neither thickness nor areal extent — by which Greenland can be said to have lost 15 % of its ice.
... the confusion came most likely from a confusion in definitions of what is the permanent ice sheet, and what are glaciers, with the «glaciers» being either dropped from the Atlas entirely or colored brown (instead of white)... there is simply no measure — neither thickness nor areal extent — by which Greenland can be said to have lost 15 % of its ice.
In addition, the number of glaciers has increased between 1962 and 2001; however, total areal extent has reduced.
There is a threshold of glacier extent reduction dependent on the magnitude of ablation rate increase, where glacier runoff declines, the few examples suggest this is in the 10 - 20 % areal extent loss.
Coral reefs, which plausibly as a result of climate change could disappear entirely by 2100 and almost certainly will be reduced much in areal extent within the next few decades (Hoegh - Guldberg, 1999; Mumby et al., 2007; Pandolfi et al., 2011; Ricke et al., 2013), are essentially the «rainforests of the sea» (Knowlton and Jackson, 2008) in terms of biodiversity.
Comparisons of a sequence of the fifth - generation Pennsylvania State University — National Center for Atmospheric Research Mesoscale Model (MM5) predictions and GOES level - 2B retrievals of ice cloud tops for the convectively active second mission period showed that the MM5 cirrus areal extent was somewhat greater than the GOES depictions.
In China both an increase in the lower altitudinal limit of mountain permafrost and a decrease in areal extent have been observed (Wang et al., 2000).
The snow cover ECV is also affected because VIIRS data can be used to map areal extent through time but a height / depth - related measure, which is required to make key calculations of mass, is missing.
Last year's minimum areal extent was a bit higher than the record set in 2007, but I have read that this was probably offset to some degree by the thinning of the ice, so that the volume was a minimum, or near minimum, record.
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