Sentences with phrase «areas of constitutional reform»

Interestingly, only four are in the area of constitutional reform.

Not exact matches

This includes taking the credit for significant areas of policy covering welfare, energy, housing, and constitutional reform.
This is based on the controversial policy of «constructive opposition» - cooperating with the Government on areas of agreement, like constitutional reform and, as announced last week, a common European foreign and security policy, and opposing it on others.
Under the Ashdown formula, the Liberal Democrats have worked with Labour on areas of mutual interest, such as constitutional reform, but have opposed the Government in other areas such as spending on health and education and preparation for the euro.
The constitutional reform pledges within in the Programme for Government map onto six key areas: parliamentary reform; electoral reform; Europe; decentralisation; transparency and freedom of information; and, a written constitution.
Other cabinet ministers, including James Purnell - who is pushing for a swift review of party funding to clean up another area of concern to voters - Harriet Harman and Hilary Benn are also backing a debate on constitutional and electoral reforms.
By contrast Labour have continued trying to point up areas of agreement: this morning Gordon Brown said he was «surprised» that the Lib Dem leader had not backed him over constitutional reform of the Commons and the House of Lords.
There won't be a single bullet that cures all areas of disadvantage faced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, but real constitutional reform would have important symbolic significance to ensure that our foundational document removes the racist elements that still pervade our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and their communities.
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